4"'4 -·--let thm c~:C-;;p~n mcJo 1 may enj'J thrs tre~Jure <f Hern;en; and well~he fay-it that knew what a change wou~d be one daY. ; for never was cold lhadow fo pleaE~nt i~ hvt Summer, never was cafie bed. fo dehghtful after labour, as lhall be rhis rcll of heaven to an.afllic~ed foul cor:'mg thtther out of this valley of tears. 0 then what fer· :ice fhould WC do ? what patn fhould f~ffer to attain this reft? Were it to run through fire and water, n·trc tt (as Augujlme fatd) t~fliffo· every day tormmts,yca,the very t()rAog. [<rm ,3 me;lfs </ Ht!l,yet jlwnld n·ebe content to abtde tt; and how much more :vhen \vc may buy d, J•mll, With out money, or money. worth; we need not to part wtth any thmg for it, but fin; ~!(peak of fuiTermg an~ !(pe:ndnt; as means, not u the cilufe. This thicf(now a blclfed Samt m~Io:y) *for a dayes (itjfcrmg, an halfdayes repenting was Thus welcomed to Heaven·; tmttate w~ him in his repentance, not in his delay, h~ mdeed had mercy at the Iaft caft, but thts pnvtlcdgc of one inferres ·not a common law for all ; one findcs mercy at the Iaft, that none lhould dcfpair; and but one, that none lhould prefume. J1e then yourftns as redas fcr<rlet, you need not defpair, if vou Vfiil but repent ; and left your repentlmce be too late, let thi! be the day ofyour converfton: now abhorre fins pair, fue out a pardon, call upon Chrill with this Thief on the Crolfe Lord, Remember me, rcmu:Jber meFioW ~hQuart in thy Kingdome: thus would we do: how bleffedly lhould we dte? our confctences comforting us in deaths pangs,and Chri;f -Jcfus f"ymg to us at our !aft day here, our day of death, our day of diffolution, T, d"Y Jhalt thott be with me in Paradife. Vfe• 2. 2. Let us admire at this free gift of Chrift; it is true, I may prelfe upon you doing,fu[ fering, faith, rcpe'ltrmce, yet underll:and a right, Gofpei.conditions make not the gilt leffe free; iflit~ be offered to a condemned man upon condition rhat he lhould beg, and wait, before he have his pardon~ and take him for his Lord who hath thus redee– med him; all this is no fatisfying of the juftice of thclaw, cfpccially when the 'Conditi– on is alfo given, as it is by Chrift to all his chofen: Chrill:ians! admire at this: furcly we !hall admire at this when we come to enjoyment; mcthinks I hear this blelfcd Thief thus fpeak in Heaven; 0 Jefn, what didft thote fee in me, that !houfhouldft jttdgt "" meet forJitch aJfttte M this? that I who was a robber, a thief, j/10uld be clad in the bnght– mj]e ofthis glo>y? thtlt I who w.u but lately groaning, weeping, dying, jho:t!d now be"' full ofjoy tiS heart can hold? Alar! what w"s my prayer, my tears, my repentance, tojuch a reward M this? 0 when a felf-denying, fclf-accufing, humble foul, who thought him– felf unworthy the ground he trod on, and the air he breathed in, unworthy to eat, drinl>, or live, lhall be taken up into this glory; he who durft fcarce come amongll, or fpeak to the imperfclt Saints on earth, becaufe he was till WOrthy; for his foul to find it felf rapt up into Heave-n, and clofcd in the arms of Chrift, even in a moment; do but think with your felves what the tranfporting, aflonilhing admiration of fuch a foul will be ? now if fuch admirings be in l;Ieaven, admire now, begin we now to ad– mire at this free grace, free gift of Chrift, who will one day freely fay to us, To day jha/1yott be with me m Paradife. We have difpatcht with expedition thisdifpatch, this cxpedlttau, to day] the next day you lhall hear the happineffe of this grant, which ts the fociety of our Savwur tho~e Jl:altbe: withwhom.? withme]inParadife. • Withme] ANd is he of the Society of Je(:s? yes, (though no Jcfuite neither, for they were not then hatcht) but what noble order is this, where the Saim1 fmg,Angels mtm– fler, Archangch rnle, Principalities trinmph, poJVers rejo;.ce, Domi.nattomgovern, Vzr– IJ<es jhine, Thrones glitter, Chewbinu give light, Seraphmu bm'IJ m love, and all tha; heavenly company afcribe and ever give all bud ~nd"yratli s unto God thetr Maker. here is a Society indeed, (I mean not of Baby/a~, but J<mfalcm) whtther ~efus our Sa– viour admits all his fervants, and whereto rhts Thtef on the Crolfe w~ mvtted, and welcomed 7'hoJt jlut!t be with me] in paradife. · for if ~ith me] then with all that is tvith me, and thus comes in that bleffrd company of Heaven; we will oncly take a view of them,and m fomc fcantlmg or other you may gueffe at Hea·ucns happinejs. . (b With me] and therefore with my Saints; bleffed man that from a crew of th1eves Y one hours repentance) became a companion of Saints; and novv he i~ a Saim amon~~ them : vvhat joy is that he enjoyes vvtth them ? 0 my foul, couldefl th ll fo iteal Heaven by remorfc for !in, then mightie_ft thou fee--- vvhat ? a thofe millions of Saints that ever lived on earth, and arc 111 Heaven ; there at c thofe holy Patriarchs Adam Noah Abraham, and the reft; not novv in their pilgn 1 mage ' ' ' c '" s· h c·tv iftlrt wzng fleb, 12, z,, tolfed to and fro OQ earth, but abiding tor ever on mollnt 10"' t ' 1 / God: