faftin~ and meditating, and the reft? Thirdly, halt thou repaired to Gods -houfe, obfer~~d family-duties, receive.d the Preochers :)f the Gofpel ( . Or f•r the fins here f orbtdden: . . Sa firll:,ha[l: thou not fometimes wal""d after the im.1ginattoltrofrtb)'o!M hearr,fe.rvmg God out of cultom, or (after the manner of thy fore-fathers) \:>y Wlll~worlfuJ? -and ru.- crftitions? Secondly, hafl: thou not c,?mmitted idol-worjhip, conce1V1ng .9f.G_od m fhy minde, or refpdting him in thy fenfe in the likcnelfe of a creature? Tlurd.ly~ h it thou not mwtioned the name< ofothergods, Clther by way of fw.eanqg, oll-apology. F~urthly, hafl: thou not made an imageto lik_;n God to it, or ufed any gcfture·of lov.e and reveren,jt to any fuch images? \1fthly, hall thou not been carelelfeto worjlup God, to call 11 pun the Lord, to recewe Gods Mmifters, or to perform any,otgljr of ·the outward duties of Gods worfhip? If in any of thefc thou ha{[ tranfgrelfcd, . t~en hall: thou broken this Commandment, Thou ]halt not mak_; to thy felfe anygraven •mage. Sect. 4· Sins againft the third Commandment. I T is the third Commandment, Thou jl•alt not tak! the Name of the Lo;·d thy flod i~ vain.] For the dmies here required. .• Say firll, haft thou been ever a confl:ant learner, hearer, and doer '?f Gods \Vord and Will? Secondly, hall: thou prayed with perfeverance, underfl:andmg, and power of the Spirit, without doubting or v/avering? Thirdly, haft thou come preparedly tb the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, arid being come, haft tholl difcerncd the LordJ body? Fourthly, haft thou ufed all the titles, and properties, and works, and ordimnces of the Lord with knowledge, faith, reverence, joy, and fincerity? Or for the fins here forbidden : . Say firll, haft thou not fometimes in thy talke difhonoured tlie titles, attributeS'; Religion, Word, people of God, or any thing that hath in it the print of his holinelfe? Secondly, haft thou not fwon: or forfworn, or lovedfalfe oathes? Thirdly, haft thou not caufed the name of Rehg1on, or people of God to be evil thought of by thy ill courfe of life ,or by committing fome grolfe fin? Fourthly,haft thou not rafhly,or unpre– paredly,or heedleOy read the Word,heard Sermons,received the Sacraments, or perfor-· med any other part of theworfhip of God? Fifthly,haft thou not thought .or fpoken blafphemo.uny, or contemptuouny of God, or of any thing whatfocver pertaining to God ?,If m any of thefc thou haft tranfgrelfed, then haft thou broken thls Command~· ment, Thou Jhalt not tak! the Name of the Lord thy God in vai11: '! , ·~ · Seci:. F \ . .! Sins ag~inft thefourth Commandment. J' (~ l .• ·r1 I }<r 9 '9· E!od 23 '3· Ifai 40. t8 Z•ch. J4. 17 Pfal. 14. 4· Match. lo •4 lach 8. '7 '·"' ... IT is the fourth Commandment, Remem/Jcr tho~t k§ep holy the SP.bbath..J..'ltj. ·\. F(Jr the duties here required. . ! ~-~ _,- ·"·:u ·:' Say firft, hall: thou (according to the equity bf this Com1rtaridrrient) ever obferv~ ., the Lords day, and other dayes an4 tim.cs fet apart for Gods fervice? .Secondly, · h'a~ thou on thofe day~~ refl:ed from the ferv1le works of ftn, and re[l:ed and relied u~on 'Chnft for the remdlion of fins, ~nd led an holy and religious life, that fd tlioli 'mayeft enter mto that.reft of heaven l Thmlly 1 haft thou alwayes jJrcpa~ed thy· hcarr,:Jbefora thou wentell; mto the houfe of the Lord, t;y·meditation of Gods Word an'd \1\bor\{s; by e~ammat1on andreformat1on of thy way~, by prayer, rhahkfgi~ting, ancl holy re· folut10n to carry thy felfe as m Gods prer€nce, 'and w hear and obey wliutfoev·ei uhuu ~ouldft learn.out of the pure Word of Go.d ?•. Fourthly, halb~hou repair~· to, Gods oufe m due. t1me, and frayed the whole tl'!l'e of Pr~yer, readmg preaehin of the ,Word~ fi.ng•~gofPfalms, receiving ofthe $aO.,!utients? Fifthly, h~ft thou pe;f.oci'lled J?fiVate rehgtous offices upon the Lords da'h to wir..; in pr'ivmr: prayer a11d rhnnkJ ivin . •n.hkzlowledgmg thy offences to God; in rec•nc;lfng 0Y fi/f,ro tlioferho!t haft ojfm~rd, ~ Wtt whom thouartatvananre; ;n vijitmgfht.Jid::;.,liomforting-thc afJ!iEfed, ,·ontripurin•r . E 2 . f. !leb. .j. it