Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

pr"t 2"'. 14. }l/QV, 3 32• J Cor- 2. 16. Cant. I. 4· \ 1 Tim. 6. 17· Colfcl. 3· J. Revel. 1. Io, 4· In Communion with God there is a familiar converfe between God and the Saints. And herein arc thctc part1culars: I. God manifdls himfclf. in a fuitable way to the conditions of his people, fo condefccndmg to thm con.dltlon, that.though h1s Majcfl:y be infinite, yet 1t lhall no way be a tcrrour unto them. The Scnpture fpeaks of the familiar convcrfe th t r; d hath with his peoplehere, that they are called friends, .Abrahamwas coiled th~fr:e~d cf God; and the D•fcq,lcs were tolled frzends; but hereafter the fricnd!hip lholl be much more full and fwcet. · t. God opens himfclf to his Saints. Much is faid of Gods opening ofhimfclf t h' people here, Pfal. 25. J4.. Prw. 3· J2. 1 Cor. 2. 16. Cant. 1. 4- Thty m·e broMgh 0 IS his Chamber, that is, he difcovers his fccrets to them. The myfierics of the Kin:dmro are revealed to the Saints here, much more in Heaven: God will there rcve~l all ~m fecrcts; they lhall not only fee his face, but they lhall fee Gods heart. IS Fifthly, To be wuh God, implies the fruition of God. Now this fruition of God confifl:s in thefe things: I. There is in fruition a refleCl: a"! of the foul, whereby it comes to know what it It hath a God, and tt knows 1t by a refleCl: aCl:; and upon this it is, that there is no creature can be fa id to enjoy_ a thing_ properly, but the rational creature. And th1s Will adde much to the happmefs ot Gods people, in that as they lhall be filled wtth happmefs, and glory, filled Wtth God; fo they lhall know all their happi· nefs. 2. There is in fruition the having ufe of all. If a man be never fo rich, and have never fo great poifcflions, if he have not the aCl:ual ufe of what he hath, he cannot be faid ro enjoy them. Aman may have right to a thing, and yet for the prefent not enjoytthe ufe of it : But now the people of God, as they lhall have God to be their portion, fo they fhall enjoy God fully, to have what ufe they w•ll of all the Attributes of God, and all that is in God: and this is an infinite ~ood ancl _happincfs to the peo· ple of God, that they lhall have as much ufe of Gods mfin1tc WJidom, infinite power infinite mercy, as they will; and they cannot will it fo foon, but they lhall have i; nor fo ealily, as they may enjoy it. Then we enjoy the benefit of friendlhip, when on~ friend fayes to another, Maks ufe of all/ have 11s your own, as )'ou •vi//: fo lhall God come to his people and bid them make ufe of all his riches, and glory, and excellency , as they will. 3. There is in fruition the fweet and comfort of all that we do ufc, or clfe we do not enjoy that we have: If a man lhould have the ufe of his cfl:ate:, and meat, and drink, ifhe have not the fweet and comfort of it, he cannot be faid to enjoy it; but when the comfort islet out, that the foul is fenfible of it, then he may be faid to enjoy it; and hence it is that God is faid to give all things to "-' ,-ich!y ,. enjoy1 he gives the thing, and he gives. the comfort with it, and fo a man is faid to enjoy it. Sixthly, To be with God, implies the enjoyment of the Saints in God. ,J\s they ihall enjoy God, and God in thcmlclves; fo they lhafl enjoy themfelvcs in God, living in God continually. Yom life is hid with Chrift in God: the life of Saints here is an hidden life, and it is hidden in God, but then it lhall be a revealed life, and revealed in God, and enjoyed in God. Hence is that phrafe 7 !'-nter imo your Mafters joy; That enters not into you, but you mufl: enter mto 1t: 1t IS )Oitr M afters ;oy? not onely that joy that your Mafier gives,. but the !'ame joy your Mafl:er hath, that JOYyou lhall en· ter into and live in. And 1t was fa1d of John, that he •ra.< on the Lords day m the Spt· rit. it is not faid that thefpirit tvas in him, but it is faid, he U'dS iu thefpirir; that wa; abeginning of the glorious co~dition of the Saints of God, that they lhall be ~n the Spirit of God; not only God m them, but they m God; as a drop of water m the Sea [wallowed up in it. There are :hree degrees of love to God: lovmg of God for our felves, and loving God for hur:felf, and lovmg ~ur felvcs for God ; t~e one is but a natural love, the fccond is a graciOUS love~ the tlurd IS a love o~ th~ glori– fied Saints; and in this kind of love of God, and enJoyment of our fclves mhun, the foullhall be raviihed with God and be in a kmd of extalie eternally. Here you may fee that mo~ people in the world mifl:ake Heaven; they look at Heaven and God in a fenfual manner: where arc they that lo.ok ~~ Heaven in thefi: fpiritual excellencid, about enjoying God, or being tvith God 1~1 thiS manner? As the Jewes looked for a carnal Mcfliah, whofe kingdom lhould be m t:e · car,h,