------ .. -~eabcniliiapptnets. ----------- --------- -~-~-,-,e-,-.,-(-fa-i-th_j ___ o_h_n)-n.-,-u-e-:d-of-S-nn-or-Moon · it is vems ~;~;:<&--.-w-h_o_ll_y_l~ig_h_t-it-felf·-,-t-.-.-cl-,,-,-,-~ tt. no; like the lbrry firmament,befpangled hetc and there with glittering fpots; It is all'"· lo bt.rorum. , were one great, Me gioriow Sun, [rom ev~ry point it pours out abundantly whole nvcrs cap. 4• 473 of purelllight, an<! then what a ltght tsthts? . , _ _ . , Nor is tlus all ; for the glory of 6od hghtcns :r, and the Lambu the l.ght there_of_, bt:, fides the native lullre, there is the glory ofGod; the glory of all glones; th1s IS 1t for which hbf'sprayed, 0 Lord, I befcech thee]hew 11ie thy glory: to whom God anlwered, Thote ct~njt nor fee myJar;, and live:.--- b~tt I will put thr:c m a c!tfc of the rock, and Wilt eo~ , ver thee with my htMd while myglory pa.Jfeth by ; then will 1 taks mvay my hand, and thou Exod. !3· , ~. jhalt fenny back·pm·rs: bm my j.1ce jhallnot befeen. And if Mofes face !hone lo bnght •o, 21, ••, •3· with feeing Gods back-parts, that the lfraelttes were afratd to come mgh h11n, and that . he was fain to cover hisJr~t·e with a veil1~hile hefpaks umo them, how bright then is Pa-, Ex, J4.'Jo,3j. radife, not only lightened with the back-parts of God, but with his own divine glory? From theM ajtjtyr.iodo[(falth aModem) there goes OHt" created hght,thatmak.!;s the whole l•nch de c,r, City glitter, n11d tbis bcmg c:otm?Jimicated tu the S~tints, God t herr:by caufech that , they.JCc b 1 . himJu!lyf..zce to face. . r:m, · f• '' f· Again, The glory ofGod, and the Lamb ofGodboth gi_v-e their lights;· that L~mb th"t 1MJ ]lainfrom the begmmng ofthe l>orld, that body ofh1s once cruc11icd, now bnghter !~~~~n? rt~~;:~~t~:,.":;e~ ~~~h~n~~~t~),~,g}~~~~si:~:~),~.;~;~h~~:~:;::::~~v~~is1 ::~ Revel.,. J6. : But what liars are thofe in his hands & his feet? Where the nails picrcad,now it fpark– leth; where the fpear entred, now it glittereth glorioufly: if we lovk all over him, hiJ h~ad a~d his hairs are as white aJJnow, hiseyu are as aflame of pre, his feet izkc unto I bidv. , 4 , 1 I• fine brttJTe,~ts if they burned in afurnt<ce: no wonder th~n iffuch bcames come from this Sun (the Sun ofrighteoufnej[e) that all heaven lhincs with it from the one end to the other And ~et again the Lamb and the S~tints all give their lights1for \Ve know that when he foal/ appear,We jha/1 be liks him,t Joh. 3.2. how like?Why,He Jlutll change our vile bodies 1 joT1o J• 1. that they maybefajhioned /ikf llntohis glorioasbody, Phd.3.21. In what like 1 even in this Phi!. 1 . ui. very quality; for, They that b~ wife lhalllhine, Dan. 1 2. 3. How lhine? '"the brightnef[e ofthe firmament : nay more, as the ftarres,Jaith Daniel: nay more, as the S~tn taith D;a, 1:!, J• our Saviour; nay, yet more, faith Chryfoftome : howfoever the righteous in heaven are compared to the Sunne, Matth. J 3· 43· It is not,becatifethey jhall not JHrpaj[e the bright- Ma1<h. •J·4f· ne(fe of it; bittthe Sunru bting the moftglitlfring thing in this JVorld,he takfs arefembl.,net Cloryfotl, in thence or~ly towards the expref[ing of their glory. Now then what a matfe of light will M•trh.Horif 6, arife in Paradife,where fo many million·s ofSunues appear all at once? If one Sun make the morning sky fo glorious, \~'hat a bright lhining and glvri ous day is there; where's 'not a body but 'tis a Sun? Sure it is, ThereJlut!/ be no night there, no need of t·andle, no RevdS>i. 33~ need ofSM, or M oon, or Star. 0 that this clay of ours lhould be p<utakel's of fuch glory! what am I 0 Lord, that being a worm on earth, thou wilt make me a Saint in heaven? this body.of earth and dulllha:lllhine in heaven like rhofe glorious fpangles in the firmament; this body that !hall rot in dull, and fall more vile than a Carrion, !hall arife in glory, and lhinelike the glorious body of our Saviour in the mount of TaFor. To co~e neer my Text: Sec here a Saint-Thief lhinirrg,glorioully; he that was cruci- ~ed With ollr Saviour, at whore death the Sun hid her face with a veil, now he reigns m glory wuhoHt need of Sun; for he is·a Sun himfelf, lhining more clearly than the Sun at noone : he that one day was faltened to a Crotfe. now walks at liberty through the fireets, of Pttrrulife, and all the joyes, all the rithes, all the glory that can be is poured upon h1m. What clfe? He is in Par<tdife, and what is Paradife but a place of pleafure? where forrow 1s never felt,complaint is never hear.d,matter of fadne!fe is never feert·,evil fuccetfe 1s never feared; but inllead thereofthere is all good without any evil; life that ~er endeth,beauty that never fadeth,love that never cooleth,health that never impaircth;~ )Oy that never ceafeth; what more could this penitent wilh, than to hear him fpeak thac prom1fcd Parlldife, and performed his promife, To dq thou jhalt'be? thou art with me in Plmtdife J An thus in ,a Map have !given y:;u ,Paradife] for eptantitygrtat, f orcptality glorious~ hereafter you may know It better, when you !hall walk through the llreets,obferve the towers, fully contemplate the glory: whicll that you may, 011e word of application be– fore I end.