Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

474 l~ratent l~apptntf$. --------------------------- * .McdztM< then with what fweet delight nery true fervant of Gbd lllay bathe him-- Vfo. 1,. * /u( m<•drr!Jrt– on hereof. f.:c it f"lly a.1d lArgely in We~ o'i..1; in Medi. t.Jtit~n of bo.. 'lJI'nJ happin:-(r. Clup 8 Sell. 7, 8) 9. &.c. 1 });,d Edirion Vfe 2. felfbcfore-hand, even in this valley of tears! D1d we bt.t thlflk on th1s glorious place, ~vherein are thofe heavenly manfions prepared tor us,did we fpend man) tl:oeghts upcn 1t,aod ever and anon figh and feck after 1t, until! we came to the fingeriog and poffdlion ofit; 0 how would thcfe heayenly meditations rav:!h our fouls, as if Heaven enrred 1n. to us, before we entrecl into heaven! Confider of this in what cafe focvcr \\ e are whether we arc vexed,. or injured, or oppreffed, or perfecurcd f.r the Name ef Chrr/, there 1s nothmg fo unbJttercd,thata thought of hc:,vtn w1ll cot fwectcn: yet 1fay Eot that we arc only to thmk of 1t; With all let us fbi" and llroin to get into this golden C1ty, whercprut~, walls, gam, and all"$"/d a11d /''"''; nny, where pearl is pudd!e, and norhmg worth mcompanfon of thofe thmgs wh1ch (lull be revealed~nto eachfaith– ful foul. On the other fide, Confider with your felves what fcols are they who depri'< themfelves willingly of rhis endlcffe glory; who bereave thcmfelver of a rotm in this C1ty of Pearl, for a few carnal plea{urcs? what Bedlarns and humane beafls arc they, \\to 'fhyt themfelves out of l'~radt{<, for a little tranfitoty pelf? \Vhat fors and fenflcfit wretches are t~ey, who witti'ngly and willfully bar thtmfelves out of this Palace, for the fhort fruition of worldly trafh and trifles? As for you, cfnh,ml h'f< lmur thinrs, let me advife you for the love of God, for the love of Chrill, for the love tlot you r~or to your own fouls, that you willfettle y011r ~JJ<fiions on things abwe, ~r.d net'" things be. neath; and then you fhall find one day the comfort of it, when leaving this world, tre Spirit cfChrift !hall whifper to your fouls this happy tidings, To d")' Jl:~lr th<l:be with me in 1'aradtfe.] Here is an end:Shalll now cafl up the accounts of what I have delivered you.' the to· tal is thia : Every finner that repents and believes, fhall be faved: you need no other inllance thaa this Thief on the Croffe, at one hearty tear, one penitent prayer, Lord, remember mt in. thy Kingdom, ~he Lm;d gives him his dcfire ; fee h~rc the fiar,. tho" Jl,alt ~eJ the <Xpt· clition, r. day] h1s adnnffion, tYtth me] the place whither he 1Smducted, 1t ts mto f•· r"dife :] arid there now he officiates, doing fervice to God without cea!ing, world with– out end.O Lord give me grace fo to repent and believe,that whcnfocver I go hence,tlar . Jay Jmay bcwiththetin Pttrlldife. AME N. FIN! S, Soli Deo Gloria. ·------~---------\