Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

1aeoeeming t\)e time. --- Chrifi's blood on Jerufal<m, returned victor r.o Rome, t~mcmbnng 0~~~ had done no good that day, he cryed out to h\s fmpds,, H~r< perdi~i die'!') 0 alas, I ha~ loft a day! Ltttlc do we thmk of loGng htne, and IS not this out flume ·?1f {j 1 men without God and Chrifi, without L1w and Gofpel, without all the prom"~ 1 of God and Chrifi in Law or Gofpcl, could fay thus much, how may they rife u~ ~s jud~mcnt ~gainll many of us? But we cite. nt'.' them, as though we flood in need onf. llol. 4 • 5 , th<1r learmng; the ~pofiles thcmfc.lves g1vc It us in charge, walk.. in Wi{edom to– Heb. 3 . 1 i ,IS• w•rds them that are w•tbor<t, redeemmg the tsme, and exhort on• another:R!hile it is cal– ~edto day, left any of Y'". be bardene_d through the deceirfulnefs of ji11. And again, while tPot. l.l7.18. ttll[asdtoday, rfy• wsll bear bu voice, bardennotye><rhearts. Andpafstbe 1 ·m 1 l'•t+ i•. of.your fojot<r?ing here '!'ith fe~r , ferafmucb 01 ye ~norp tqat ye .were not ;edeemed ~it~ &orrupubletbsngs,--. -butwstb thepretiout bt01d ofCb.rift. q: d. Chritl redeemed you, and th~teforc you had need to redeem the time. For the time pafl if our life m•y {uf]ice us lo have wrought the will of the GeHtilet.-{o that htnciforth we fhould not ~~~:::.6. forve fin.--. or no lenger fh•uld "'' li~e tbt re{J of our the f/tjh to the luftt ofmen, bHt ·~·the ws!l of God,--Let ut not be weary tn wtll-d01ng,for in Jue {<a[on >Je fh•ll ~~aprfwefasm not; at wrbave'tbmfore opportunity, let us do good unto all men. lt • IS H•r.otfu.fay1ng upon thcfe words, 0 i?ow fhort is tbit race of m) life ? bow'jhort it ~;;:,~;~:. thit tim~ ~o.. in hand? my ftud.Jing, preatbing, ffriting, cor rtaing, reading, wtat ;, it &c.J«on.ll.huta gannifg.or~ loofing•f"!yttmt? . ,, ,' • comm'"" z. What IS 1t to redeem the t1me? I anfwer, 'tt comprehcn.t~ thcfc par~ Joh• 4• t'icuhrs. . · . - J. An avoiding'any ihing which would hinder us from taking the opportunity, If fOli''ask, what are thcfe hinderances? I anfwcr, t. Ignorance; many· think they arc not in f~ finit a manne.~ to be accountable for time.. l.t is a 11enenl opinion ~f the grofi'tlflgnonht, ~hat af-t hey can but paf• away m time Without domg any 'harm (·a's they·fay ) they are well enough' as if no account of time might begi v·en at all.~ they arc ignorant of ·this principle, that they are to il'lprove,'attd tor. etleem tbi time .~: . Sl9thfulncfs;this makes men hcedlefs, or carelefs of their tfin'e: As\t,iswjtl\.th~ l)uge~r, 6> 1 . 0 • ; gard,' Teta little mort fleep; a little ~ort flumber, a little more folding of the arms to · · ·' .. fletp: So it is with·tl\cidle perfoti; Let!hit honr.andthit day btfpem in doiJg Nothing: • : 1 ' O ·themany golden hours, and days, and years that many thoufmds fpend, and yet 1 cannot give the lcafi accol!nt wherein either they have glorified God, or ferved tlieir generations. 3. Love offldhly liberty: Alas, what care they for reilecming time who arc fet on the'ir lulls and liberties to fin ? All the care they have, it is mecrly to· ear, and drink, and play : fenfual plcafuresare the whole iludy ofthefe men, and if they can but enjoy them, let time flip away as it will, they never reJohn 9· 4• J~hna:. JS• Gal. 6.1o, gard it. ., ·:. . a. A rccompenfing offome former unfruitfulnefs ~ ·~Jp!$1(<> hHn this interpretati- ' on, it is a redeeming (as it were) ofthat jewel of time that hath been formerly loll, As a travailcr that hath long llayed at ·an Inne, when he finds the night comming upon him, he mends his pace, and goes as many miles in an hour or two, as he did before in rnlmy. · This me thinks comes pearefi to the word Redimo, to Ttdtms, or to buy back again. It is taken ( fay fome) from the cullom and practi<c of wife Merchants or Tradcfmen, who uie to buy their commodities while fit time ofbuyingferves, and while the marker holds; and having haply had great lofi'cs, or formerly fp<:nl their time idly or unthriftily, they do by then after d1hgencc f«k to redeem, and (as it were) to buy back again the time pall. . 3· An embracing of all occoGons for acting graces, and domggood; and th1s agrees With the 1 e.fon following,for the dayu are evil. q. d. Look to your fclves, for thele arc hard and difmal times; now is much corruption, . and great perfccution, and the opportunity of good. is exceedingly llrai~ned; and therefore it,is very nted_ful to catch at time, and to lay hold on an opportunity, both to excrc1fe graces, and to be do1~g as much good as you may, while the cimepcrmitteth. I mujt worlo,the "'"'Vofb'"i tb,t femme,. while it it daJ, faith Chrill, the night Citf!lth .when ~· m~n ..n ,..,.~ : And,yet a little while and tbeligbtit withJOlt, walk w!nle ye ha~elhe ltgbt, ltft dar~nrfs come upo11)'0U: A11d Jat we have opportunity, let HI ,d• good,u~tto_all men, efp~<~•ll_y to them n·h• are oft be boufhold of faith. Marlt thefe faytn~s, whtle tt re alled · 10 d•J' .and rrhilllhelight is rrithyou; andwhileJ•tt h.1oe oppmmtrty . Thus you fcc what ll>S, · - 3.!lat