4- laelleetnmg tl)e ttme. ------------------------- --------------------- thee, death cannot clltbrotc thee, thry that go d•wu into the pit '"lllut hope f"r thy 'TI< 1 • t!Jt tivi"g, the living bejh>llpr&i{e th«, a< I do thit day . 1 '· >. O"r doom tor erernH y ofjoyes or woes dnw<s on ap•c:, and is even at the door. Then I am furc, accuunt mut1 be given for time, as well os for all or her rhing c,me, will Chrit1 fay, give an occount •J thyJirwardjhip , of aU tbingr done in rhe ftep; aridof tvery m'oment oftime: how duJjl tbott Jpwd fucb a d..y ,[Hch aSabb>th ? rvu ,.; [uch u day }pent finfully , or vtryunprofitabty, ·and wat it evtr redmned! Hnc's a rea– fan indtcd to futet on us thiS duty. Bur of this and orher rcafons 1thall fp, "k more 10 tht morives, when I exhort you to it. Vfe. 1· Wdl th<n, is ir fo, that time mu(t be redeemed? rhism•y reprove fevenl forts ofper~ fans: as--- , 1. The idle ;rhar are fo far from redwningtime, that rhey are p'erpetually lofi Etck. t 6 , . time: Tnis w~s t hr tin ofSodom,pride, ful1rejl of bread: and abund"tce of id!w:~~ wat zn her,_ utve me l<avea Im le to lay opm thiS lln. Surdy this tin is th< faun– ram of a,ll hns; by domg n?rhmg we lh;ll be ture ro karn how ro doe iil. Iris (.,d of Rome, tnac dunng the time of thttr Waf'S Wtth Cartbage, and orhcr enemies in .-![ric., they Kll<W nor what vice meant; but no fooner had chty got rhe conqudl, than th•ough tdlcnefs they came lo rum. Rufl you know. will fr<t into the hardctt Iron, if it be not ufed; fo vice will inti:ct the b.!I heart, if gtven eo idleuds, Sraod– ing Water is loaner frozen rhan the running tiream; and he that tirteth is more fub– jcd lo ilccp than h~ that walkerh; fo rhc idk mants far. more fubjccr ro temptation than he that ts prohrably exe~c1fed. ldlcnefs ts the Devtls fpeci•l opportunity; and we have an mtlance mDav1d s td lenefs, who ar, rhar umc, was fer on by rhe Devil ro ccmmir orh<r tins of Adultery and Murder. Bur thi; is a tin that very boyes in Schools can d<dame again(!; and if it were not that 1 fee many amongtl us fpend the" time fo very unprotirably, llud nor once mmed it. Oh think pf tt! If a MJ.!Ier (h 0 uid fet a bght upon a Candletltck, and give his fervanr food, a11d time, and all things convenu:nt wherewith to work, yet when he comes to fee tfhis task be tinilhed, he finds that rhe meat is wat1ed, the rime is ended, the Candle to the very foekc·r burned, and Im le or nothing ofrhe work is furthered, how would fuch a fervanr exc: f< him– felf unto his Matler l And is ir not fo with maAy ofyou ? God harh given you meac · drink, and rime ; he hath given you C~ndlc, t'ire. and mamr; but whlf have yo~ done ? I; not the lamp of your life almol\ confumed , and yet you have not Marth. 10. 6,finilhed the work that was given you to doe i Ob why ftaRd ye hm ~u the day idle? 2. The voluptuous : thefc mifpend their rime as ill as the former. They ta/?.! Jobu.12, rJ. the timbr.t and harp and, rejoyc<atthe fon"d ofthe organ,they fpend their dayu in mirtb, They wa£!e rhe fit and marrow (as it were) of p1ecious time, even the flower ot their age,infJoth and folly. Lord, that men iliould live uponeatth,as Liviarhan in the Sea, onely to take their fport and pallime theretO ! w, ha\'1: feen the fad Cara– firophe of fame who have led fuch lives; and I believe llill there is a generatiOn of men , rhat except rhey be continually exereifed, in variety of pleafullS, they are fore troubled with time; what clfe is the meaning of all rhofe paJT•·tinm ( as they call them ) but onely a concatenarion of fuch delights , as pleafe the flclh; that time may not hero tedious wearifome _.unro them? Little doe _rhefc men p,fent rempurcon!id<r th1t faying of Chryfotbm,, Tht f'r<fentJ""e >I _nJI,{ot rmltmg znto mtrtb, non effundendi bttt {dr [ 11 mentation 4JCtl rnJUfiU1JJ,; rh: D!vtl Otnttl n:J tt.mt to hurt )'DU, f ar htk,llowts cmd·~·f•d >ri- hit time li jhert ; (liU ir be laying his {nares IO intrap"'"" fvult; be gvu about '•k..• " ~~~r:~."~:~c: ro~ring Lion to devour _; he roa:s '· and (um_tJ ,snd Jl~Jhu . o~t fire agamjl y~nr S.zLva... 5 .,JEphcf? tion; and-doe)''" fit ~tU,_ and ;ovrally J•ft •t eu• l HarK m your <HS! we prefent Ser. 1 7 . time is 110t for mrzth, fatth Cbrj{o]lome; no, no, the prcfent tlme IS tor vntuous actions, ro do rhe great buflnefs tor which you ~e~e born, to mourn, an1 farrow, and fue our your pudon, and nor to fpcnd ir mJOIIH~, •nd flelhly ddtghrs. If a con– demned man hld rwo pr three dayes gtanred htm tcr luc out h:s pardon, were •hH a Gen. 1 • r 7 • time for pleafere and fpolts ? Surely the fe111ence of death is upon .all fldh; In tbe day that tboze e.•te;1tbereof tho,.Jh•tf jurcly die; onely a little uttcerrain time ts granred ro fuc our ourpudon in the.tume ofC;mU~why then doe you tltp away your time finfully, and will noi redeem tt! • b '. 3· The godly rhemfelves: Alas, the bdlare lh0rt in this duty of redtemlNg t e t1mt