~--~~-----------------------------.----- ~----------------~- ~ laetleeming tl)e t(me; 8 ~~-_:__----, ftanding may b~open, and his tbop fer wide for fueh and fueua rime- but· zfSouls will not come in, and buy without many and without price, he will at'lalt put up.his wares ( all his jewels ofgrace) and then be gcn.e, • . .,_ 2. Though it be uue t~at there is a day of g~act,and that this day may fet•yet in re. fpcct of us the Minillers ofChr~ll,we cannot determine it; and rhercforcfo l~ng as Yoti live we call flill ,oh repeml' b redeemyour tzme!I may add,in refpect of.your (dvcs,it i<not Ml.r.7; . iHJOUto k.now the times ~ndfeafons which God bathP•t in his own p•wer. And thecom– mandemcnt of Faith llanding in force on you f<l long as you live, and thdcforee you are llill to look to your Duty pfredeemi11g thetime, 3• It may be this day, this ~i~hf,. this Sermon, 1his very hout may be thy day 0 ( grace. Hearken ! IS not <;:hulls Spltzt,ne>w a knqcking? js no1 Chrill himfelf now offering mer~y to.thy Soul ? 0 Y: fons•fmm_that havemif-improved yo«r time, wiU ye now at leaft 111 th11your day he wife_to S_alvatun-? why "£W l call to y •ur hra·ts; 110 ,., 1commandyou to op<n yot~r everlajlmgd•ort, that I, 1he Ki11g ofGlory, miy comeiu, •h /euhis be tbetime of lovet Come, give me your heart(, aud now r(decm lhttime, A~ay, away With all ob)CctJons, fcruples, cavilS that may hinde, this Duty, and now, even now,hearke~ to this voiceef Chrill,or of the Spirit ofCh1ill, that your Souls.rilay live, 3• Mull lime be redetmed?Then!for fomeRules O}DJtections.how we mull redeem it. Rule 1, ,d void we every tbiug that would billdtr us from ~a~ill!{ the opporzuniry•. What thofc things are you have heard before 1 as ignorance, lloth, and lo"t of fletbly liberty. M•ny other particulars might be coumcntcd,. but chiefly and cfpe. c:ially foregoe we thcfe. . Rule. 2.. Repent we ofaUformcr mif-improviugs ofour time. There is no other way of recompenfing former unfruztfulnc_fs but by repenW1ce and after, diligence. This is the fcond table after (hipwrack; in this way 're may ttdee·m, 'Or buy b<ck •gain the time that is p1ll, The very word refipifcmtia lignifics I~ be wife 4gain, after all our for~ mer follies. Oh thatever any tbould be fo unwor1hy as todctrythls godly-Gofptl-gol· den Rule. ~ • · , Rule 3· Live uie every d~y .u if evtry Jay wrre the /aft day we h•d to live. This Rul"' or dire!5tzon is fo comprehcn(i_vc, that I mull needs break it into parucuhrs. Sup– pofe then i were to begin this day,and that I look't on.this <lay as the !all day of my life, how tbould I redeem my time; _or fpend .thisday? I anfwcr.- J , My lirll and morning-thoughts lhould be on God, or on fomething in order to Pfal.l;G.(; his fcrvicc. My S o11l waiterb for the Lord more than they that watch for the Morn– f;;,,'3·. ~~. ing.--0 Lo;~ be gracious ro me, ! ~ave wait'ed for thee, b_e theu m; a~m every Mor– Pfal. ~. 1 , 1 , ning.--1 wtUfing ofthJ por.er,IwzU.fing alou~ ofthy mercy lit thJ Mornzng._--/111 Pf>l. 139, , 7, good togive thallk.J ~J•to the Lord, and to (ing praifes un~o 1by name, 0 mofl hzgh, tojhew • forth thy lovingkindne[t in the Morning.--1Io01 pretzous are thy tboughs uYio me 0 lfa. 2G. G•d; when 1 awa~, I am {filt Jtith thee, Now thefe Morning-thoughts may .be fpenteitbcr in :i w~y ofMeditation, or of Prayer; aod my _J?uties liem borh. i. I tbould mcd1tate. l tball not determme whether Momwg or Evenmg may be more fuitable for fer,de,liberate,and folemn meditation? onely rh is I affirm, rhar ei• ther a folemn, or an occalional meditation is a Morning-duty. In fome fort medi· i>fal. f·'• '·3· ration and prayer !hould ever go together; and Da'llia thus c~uples them, Give ear to my words, 0 Lord, confider my medit•tion, beark._en t~ the vo~ee of my cry. --My voice'j/"lt thou he.r i11 the Morni11g, 0 Lord, ilz the mormug wz/11 dzre&myprayer unt• thee, Now theft Morning-meditations (if occafional or qoeulatory) may be on fuch Objects as thefe. . . . 1 . Upon my fir{l waking I may think o_n rhatMormngofmy ~tfurrectwn, when the Lord will awake me from the dull; it is but a whole till rhc trump th•ll (ound, Jfa. '9· ' 9 • Awul(:, andji 11gy• tbat dwelt in thedu!t, for 1hy dew is as the dew •fberbs; a11d 1hm fh•U the earth cajt out her dead. . 2. Upon fight ofthe M<;miing-fun I may think on rhar Sun ofRighteoufncfs th.c enlight<ns Heaven. The Sun that tbines on me was only creat<d for thiS. nether World and yet how glorious is it? Oh th<n whar hght os tlltle m that Cuy above, il.e. "· 23 • that h;th no need of Sun, or Moozt, or Star, for the glury ofG•tl do1b lighten it, and the t. Lamb it the lightthereof. . 3 . lipon the putting on of my apparel I may thmk on o!Jfncf~ where with my folll either is or!ho~ld be,loathed, thar gument ofRighre• Alas ! what is this out• word