Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

:m.cnecming t\)e tnnc. eaU 1mujr lay down my finJattiJt Cro[I ofChrijl upon l•ii fhoulder 1 • 'I~ gre;t and buld advmture up~" tbtgrace, fauhf~lneji, and ttueb •f Chrijr, to fiand by theCroji, •nd{ay, Ah! h< os bruof<d for my hns, and. wounded for my tunfgrtflior.s, and the chafhfem<nt of my pea<e IS upon ~Im : H. IS thus made lin tor me. here I give up my fins tn him that i• able to bear them; he rtquries at my hands ' 1 hati lhould be_cont.ent ro throw mv fins upon horn, a~d to rhis I confef!t. 3· Havi•g thw byf•ltb gzvm"P myjini to Chrijr,I mufr draw mgb. and takt from him that Ri;,hte. ou[m[1 which he bath wr.ought out for me : 'Io thi1 purpofe he tender1 himfelf and hil Righte_oufnefs to be my R•gbteoufnefs befor~God; and by my a_cctpin~; of it, I compltat thi. barter:ng a~d•xchange of fa tth, a~d comt ~1110 ccmmllntun wztb Jejw Chri{t,a 1 to myac. zCor.s. oo. c.ptatJOil wrth ~odbygr•c•.He was made lm for us ,that 'f'e might become th~ .Right<• oufnefs of God m ham. 3· I would confidrr of my c8mmtmion with the holy Ghoft in comfort. w, re•d u{uaCy i~ tbe Go(pelthat he is the Conoforter. Oh tbt conde[cenfio~ ofthe Holy Ghojl !h"•il– lmgly proceedetb, or comuforth from the Father to be our Comforter; he / what wt w_ere, and wba.' JJIOU!d be our de~ling1 w_ith him; he I,new"" wo:t/dgrievehim, provo~c htm; q><ench bu mottont,d•file hu dwel/u:g•place, and yet ht would to be our Gem. forter. N ow for my communion »>ith the holy GhojrIHrein the dirt<lionJ ~retbefe,._ 1. I mu!r aJ/z. him oftiJe Father in th• name of Jt[uJ Cbrift. 7 his i1 the daily worlvf B•luver1; they lo kupon, and confidtr the boly Gboft aT promifed to be[ent, and in thw promiflthry l,now liu all their grace, puce, mercie, a11d comfort ; for by him fo Luke JJ. I)• promi{edArethefe thingJCommunil:attd. 0 then how {hou/d [ aJ~bimoftbeFather,who is at re.dy to be(rowhim on me, a1 I am to givt my cbildrtnbuad? Hye being evil know ho'l' to gave good gi(s unto your children, how much more fhall your Heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them rhat ask him? · 2< If comfort come, I mu[t le•rn t• a<lfaitb dijrin<lly on the H1iy Gbotf, allh• im:;; mtdiate efficient caufo of all my comfort. It may be the Spirit iT given, and he tenders, pr adminifterscmfolations, but then I do not confider him at the Comforter, furely this grirv1 him : a jively faith wiU tak~notice of hi1 kiHdnefJ; upon ever) ,..,1(. of con] a– lation that I receive, I fh•uld write thi1 Motto, This is from the Holy Ghofi, he is my Comforter, and the God ofall my confolation. · 3· I muft return p•aife and thani(.J, and honour, and glory, andblrffings (o him •n the accou!ltoftbofe comf•rtt I recsivefromhi'm. When I feelmyfelfwarmtd witb)oy, [upported with peace, ore{tablifhedin •brdience, I fbou/d then aj'cribe to him the pr•ifi that iJ bit due. .And tbit praifint ofhim it no [mall part of my communion witp him. Say now, is not here a Privilcdge worthy of my confidcration ? would not a Pfal. 119. S4> thought of this, and my acting in this, leave a fwret favour in my foul when lam 2 5· going to my Bed as to my grave? David could fay, 'Iby ftatultl h•ve been my f ong ~n63·S· 6 • in the houfe of my Pilgrimage; I !.at~e remembredtby name 0 L81d inthenight. And my If:.·,~:~: 5 ' {o11l ]hallbe{atiJjied111 witb marrow andf.tne[s,an,d my m·,.th]hallpraife thee with j•y· Job3S· oo. fullipt. Ay, but when mufi this be? He anfwers, Whm I remember thee .,p;nmy Pfal.42. 8: Bed1 and medit•tton thee in the night. watcheJ. And he fallens it as 3 Duty upon PCJ!: 77: 6 ' all Saints, Ltt the SailltJ be j•Jfu/ inglory, let them fing aloutiupon'thtir bed1. And the Church refolves upon it, With my foul h•ve 1 rlefired thee iu the night, and with my Jpirit within me will I{erk. thee early. Surely it is God ( faith Eli~Z< wbo givetb jo11g1 i11 the night• . And in tb• 11ight (fair hVavid) hu f ong jhJU be w~tb "''· And 'twasa bldfed remedy to his heavy Soul, I <aD t O rcmembr>llce my fimg Ill the mgbt. Oh that with fuch thoughts and confiderations of my communion with God, and Chrill, and the fpirit o! Chnll,(or of fome orh<r Privilcdge, I might every night go to my Bed! for then like the Philom<le fhould I fing in rhe night,yea then ':".ould my S_o,l befatiJfiedaJ withMarm~ a>td{atnefs, a>td my Mo11th wmld prai[e h>m nm/, ;oyful l•fl· I might inflance in many other dutoes whoch would rhen b~ ftafonable, but thefe arethemain·andifthisdaywere my la(\ day, or of thas naght I nou!l ~c.ep my la(! in this worl'd, yer,l fhould comfortably hope that in_the doing of thefe dunes in a fpiritual manner, I had in good meafure r~deemtd my ume; and that t<hen1 4• wake, tl1ough I never awake till the Refur.rec:twn day~ yet then thoulJ I fee God face to face and 1fhouldhe {atisfied with hu I•J,enrfs : Pial. I 7• •5· I have n~w done; only before we part, I wou ld fay fomcrhing of the dcceafrd par· ty a-eo our edification, and fo an end. , · ll You know I have been fparing in this way, becaufcofmany abulcs,.and efpeCJa .Y becaufe all promifcuoufly look for praifes •.t their d<ath, howfoever th<y fpcnd rhctr life. But now God hath removed me from this pa(\oral charge, and I fhdl not here b bl I th ·,. and rhereprr form many of thefe loft offices of lo~e, pro a Y never more nan ,:· > oken fore at thrs time I flu!I crave your patience and attenuo:" to what o ..ay be (p Th withut<nyprrjudice 1 ro tou:h,orharmtoyou. _ e