Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

To the R.ight Honourable WILLIAlVI Earl of BEDFORD, Lord RUSSEL, Baron of T H 0 R NE HA V GH. ' ' / , ' Right Honourable, ' ' . " - Nee I made bold toprefix an Epijile toyour IIonour; before my Book_ entituledUltima, Jince which time, you bave continued with increafe your wonted fo– ~~~-~J vours : As the Snn that rejoyceth to run his race~ mtd is unweariedafterhis many rev-olutions ; fa year aftEr year haveyou indefotigably exprejfedyou:great Bounty, whereby both my felf and family have been txceedingly rejrejhed. As I cannot but in way ofthanlifulnefs acftnowledge thm much; S{)1fball be a jincere KemembMncer both of your Honour, and your nearefl Relatiqns at the ThroneofGr(lce. My Lord, I have now compofed thisJiflorft, containing ane– cejfary praflice and high privi!edge ofevery Chriftian ;, it is by way ofjuppleinent to the other duties Jet down in myBoo~ call'd Media,but becaufe ofmy large handling it ,I refervedit foratraf1 by it[elf Indeedofall otherduties,l preferita.r the chief,and I exceedingly wonder that before this time, it bath not been underta- , ~en byfame abler hand. Chriftians ordinarily gotoPrcryer~ Sacra– merlts,Hearing,Reading,andlVfeditation ofthe Word; andfame- · times(though morefe!dom) theyJet on the exercife ofother dutier, as[eij-trial,felfdenial, the improv in,gofexpericnces 1 the c!ectr,ing '· ofe·vidences,extemporary anddeliberate meditation,&c.but in the mean time how is the main, the prime ·emplo)'ment, even the duty of duties,ofLookingunto Jefus, wholly neglefled? Ifmany, or mo ft ~avebeen ignorant ofit hithertd,lthin~ it is high time,todift~ver tt to the (leepy 'ivorld ; a11d it may be when day is clear, they will wal~ in th_e light ,andble.f God for finding out away,wherein they. , may more zmmediateb' have comml!rce with' Jefm Chrifl. I could have1vijhed that others moreable hadappeared in this Jervice, iri A 2 d