Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

The EpiO:le Dedicatory. -:--~---'----- apariicular handling of this excellent JubjeEl, I find it in print wijht for by agodly BrOthe-r;where he complains that Chrifi:'slove bacl.~een fo littla:Bu.d.ied. ~enhave. beel(l. very ~wift in fearcbing aft'er:orher truths,~ut flowmfear~hingttfter t~Is, An ample ex– act di(covery of this love ofChnfi:,I fay ofthis lpve(incarrying .on our fouls falvation from firfi: to lafi:) maywd1 be fet dowp a– mongftthedejiderata,the defirables·of piyines,it having been fo httlehandled.(unlefs in fom.e.partso~pieces)by any: Surely it is ve.~; to. thmk,tbat the knowledge of thislove of Chrifi:(in a c·ontin.u.ed feries j being offuc.h necdfary and high concern– ment harh been 10 little enquire,d into. 0 what agallant Gofpel– defign were it for fome one who is acquainted with the Spirit in aiarge meafure, tQgoovt:r.the whole Hifi:ory of theGofpel, (of the evedafting- Gofp.el~fJefur) and to obferve theglorious ilii– ningsofthe love ofChrifi: to Believers in all! it wouldbepreci0115 zffame would ta¥ it in hand,andpe~:fea it to the purpofe, but it is fad to think it bath been negletted fo long. As the Lord hatb enabled, Jhave adventured; andiffor my rajhnefs in not waiting any longer,tofee ifany Starofa gretttermagnitude wouldhave ap– peared,! muft be certfored,lfly to your Honour for Patronage.Nor only for Patronage, but I humb!JbegofTou, andTours, toperufe andpraElife this JlenderWorft; who can tell but fome oftbegolden · oilofGrace may come out of ]ef1U Chri.ft the true Olive-tree, even through theft Pipes?and iffo,your own experiences willbefatisfa– Uory anfwer.r to all other cenfures.Sure I am inthis·exercife(how– ever the directions maybe wea~)you will find the advantageof~ingat the well-head, andfo)'oumay drin~moreJweetly than others that ma~e ufe only oftheftre4ms. That you (my noble Lord) and )'OUr vertuo1U Lady, withyour hopeful IJ!ue ~ay rec~ive Jpi~itu~l goodby thisTreatife, andall other helps whzcb God sgood provz– denre, mayput into your bandJ. lstheheartyprayer, My Lord, Of your Honours thankful, faithful, though very unworthy, fervant, I SAAC A MBRO SE. TO