Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

__-------~--~~T~o-t~h-e~R~e-a-d~er-.----------~---and efpecial1y aCl:ing my foul in th~ exerdfe ?f this l~ok.j~g ?' _If there be any duty on earth refemblmg the du_ty of_the Saints }n Heaven,I dare fay ,thisjs it. Mr.R.urherfordin his E pifl:le to <?hrifl: dying,writeth thu_s,~n af1 of li'!"ing in ~hrift ,a~d on Ckrift ?m the af1s of feeing, enjoytng, embracmg, lovmg, reftmg onh~m, n, that noon-day divi11ity,and theology of beatiftcal vifion:theren J general af!embly of immediately iUum~natedJ?iv!n'u roundabout the tb~~~~~, who ftudj,leClure,preach,prarfe Chrift mght andday: Oh what rays, what irudiationsand darting! of inteUef1ual fmition, beholding, enjoying, living in him,andfervour ofloviug, co·me from tbtit face, that God-<Vifage of the LordGod Almighty,and of the Lam/f-that if ~~~the midft of them?. andoh what reflection!; andreachil}gi forth of inteUef1ual vijion, embraci11g., loving, wondering, are returning bacft to hi1H again in a circle of gldry ? Now ifthis be -the Saints duty, who are perfeet in glory; do not we imitate therrt,and feel fomething ofHeaven in our imitadon,in oudoo~n}, alfo unto Jefus? I writewhat in fome meafittre I have felt; . and of \-Vhich I hope tO feel yet more; and therefore whoever thou art that readeft, Ibefeech thee, come,warmthyheartatthisbleffedfire !· 0 wme,and fmell the precious ointt'nents of Jefus Chrifl: ! 0 come, and ftt down under his fhadow with _great delight! Oh that all men ( efpecially intowhofe hands this Bookfhall COI'ne) would preiendy fall upon the praCtice 0f thisGofpel-art of loobJng ~mto J~- f u:r! if herein they find nothing>of Hea:ven,my skill wiU fail me - onl~ let them pray,_ that as they loo~ to hiflr, fo'Vertue.may go ou~ ofhun, and fill their louls. • · " - . Keader,One thing more I ha ye re fay to thee; if thou \vouldfl: know how eo carry <m this duty confl:antly, as thou 'lilofhhy morning, and thy evening prayer; it were n'ofa:&ifs ifevery!day, either morning,or evening, thou wouldit take (ome part of ·it at one time, and fome part of it at another time, at leafl: for fome fpace of time together. I know fcime, that in a confl:ant daily courfe carry on in fecre~ thole two neceffary duties ofmeditation and prayer ; what the fubjeet matter oftheir meditatiori is I am not very c~rrain; only our experience can tell us, that be it hea– ven,or be It hell. be it fin,or be it grace or be it what it will . if b . , ' ' we e Hl exercife of the [elf-fame fubjeet either confl:antly,or frequently, we are apt to grow remifs or cold or formal . and the r . ' ' ' ~earo~ Is, one thing tires quickly,unlefs that one be all ; now that lSChnll/or he isall,C'Ol+I l.iftbenb'utonce a dayThou wouldJl maketh1s Jefm Chrift thy fubje6tto k,.now,·conjider,defire,bope,be- .:~ "\ . .;.~· .... ... ":c. ..;: . - -- ~:t/ r .•