The CONTENTS of this B 0 0 K. BOOK J. Chap. 1 . T. HE proeme,' divifion, and ~pcning ?f the words. • _ Pa~e i; Chap; 2. SeCt. r. Thedutyof lookmgoff all other thmgs, confirmed and cleared. • 1 • • 2. SeCt. 2 . .An exhorwion to look off all other thmgs. S· ' SeCt. 3. DireUions how to look off all' other things. 7• Cbap. 3· SeCt. I. .An ex,olanation of the aEl, and~jeEl. 8. Sed. 2. The mai11 Doilrine and confirmation of it. xo. Sect. 3. V{e of reproof. .H• Sed:. 4· V{e of exhortation. . . 13• Sec'l:. 5· Motives from our wantJ "' cafe of negleil. . . 14. Sect. 6. Motives from our riches in cafe we are l.vely •lt thu duty. 16. Sect. 7· More motives to encourage tu in this war~. xl$. Sect. 8. Vfe of direefio11. 21. BOOK II. Chap. x. Sett. j. Of the eternal generation of our Jefzu. Page 23; Sed:. 2 . Of our eleilion in Chrift before all worlds. . 26. Sect. 3. Of. that $reat treaty; in etermty, betwtxt God and Ch\ift tofavefoiil!· . 27. Sed:. 4· The projell. · , .2.8. SeCt. 5. The councel. lbrd.• sea. 6 , The forek.nowledge. 31. Sea. 7· The p~<rpofe. , -,, 33· sea. 8. The decree. J4.. Sect. 9. The covenant. ' . ( 3S· Chap. 2. Sed-. 1. Ofk!zowing Jef~«a~cprying onthegre.ct W6rk.of 1ur {alvationin that tternity. · - · 38. Sect. 2. Of conjidcring Jef~« in that re!Jeil. ibid. SeCt. 3. Of defiring after {efzu in that ref}eEf. 4S.' Sect. 4· Of hoping in {eftu in that re!Je&. 47. Sect. 5· Of believing in Je[IU in that respeil. 49· Sect. 6. Of loving fefM in th.r re!Jeil. jr. Sed:. 7· Of joying in Jefus in that re!Jeil. S3.' Sed:. 8. Of calling on jefus in thoft re[peil. .S4· Sect. 9· Of conforming to Jefus ;, that re!JeEf, Ibid. B 0 0 K II I. Chap. t. Sect. I· Of Cbrift promifed bj degreu. Page S7: Sect 2. Of the covenant of promife a< manifefted to Adam. 59· Sect. 3. Of the covmant of pro11life M mrmifefted to Abrah:tm. 64. Sed. 4· Of the covena11t of pr.,.ife M manifefted to Mofes. 69.' Sect. 5· Of the covenant of promife M ""mifejled t1 David. 77· Sed. 6 . . Of the covenant of promife M manifejledto Ifrad abo11t the time of the captJVtty. 8r: Chap. 2. Sect. I. Of k!zowing_ Y•fuJ 111 carrying _on the great work.. of our folv11tipn • from the crcattoJJ unttll hu firH cooning. ' 90. Sed. 2 . Of confiderint Jefiu in that rrJfefl. ibid. Sed. ·3· Of defiring)efus in that re!Jeli. 96. Sed. 4· Of hoptng tn Je(us iJJ that refJeil. l:OO. Sd f. 5· Of beltwmg in .}efns in that •·eJfeil. 102. Sed. 6· Of lov_mg Jefus in that re!Jell. I oj. Sect. 7· Of Joymg w Jefus in that refJeCf. xo8. Sed. 8. Of callmg on Jejits in that refJeEf. liO. Sect.. 9· Of conforming to {efus in that refJe£1:. III. a BOOK