Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~·at.r.2I. Lck. ''·H. l-'hJ~.2. 9,1 ~- 1.D '] ine. Gen. '5' . ;. Book I. 1Looktng unto '}tfu.s. Chap.2.Se&. 1 • fai~er; ifthelight u{the eye rejoyce. the heart, how much more when we have fuch a bklf-;ct obJect to loo"-upon ? As Chnlt IS. more excellent then all the world, fo rhis fight tran. fcends all ?ther fights; 1t IS rhe Eptrome of a Chnlhans hnppmcfs,the quinrelfcnce ofevan. gehcal duties, Looking I<T/t9 re(IIS. • Jn the text we hlve rhe act and ObJeCt ; the aCl: in the Original is very emphatical .:n""" .:, ; the Englilh doth not fully exprefs ir; it tignifies an averting, or drawing otf rhe eye from one obJeCl: to another; rhere are two exprefiions, ~and"'. the one fi _ nifies Hur~ingofrhe eye from all orherobjeCl:s; the other a. fail fixing ot'rhe eye u~n fuch an obJecbnd only upon fuch. So Ht5 both a look;.ng off, and alookp1g on. On what> That is rhe objeCl:, a looking unto }efm; a title that denotes his mercy and bounty, a~ Chrift denotes hiS office and funCl:wn. I n,all nor be fo curiou• as to en<juire why J•f• and nor Chrijfts nommared; I fuppoferhe perfon i• aimed at which implies them both: only rnis may beobferved that Jc(l.- is the purelt Gofpel Name ofall other names. refi' was not the dialeCt of the Old Tethment; the lir!l place thar ever we read of this ~irle ;; giren to Chrifr, it is in Matth. I .2 I . Thou ]hair call his name refw,for hejha/1fave hispeople from thezrfins . ,Some obf<rve that thts 1\iame Jefm was gtven hun ttvtce; once rill death Matth.I.2I. ond afterwards for ever, the firHwas a note of his emring int; Covenant with God to fulfil! the Law for us, and to die for our fins; the fecond was anote of fo meritorious aperfon> who for his llUmilitr was more exalted then any perfonever bath been, or JlJal! be. Firlt: Jefw was the humble name of his deferving grace; now Jefus IS the exalted name of lus tranfcendenr glory: at firlt the Jmes dtd Crucifie refus\ and his name; and the Apo!lle did then dil!rult whether Jefw w.rsrhetrue Jefos; bur no~ God hath raifed him from the dead,and hath highly exaltedhim, andgivenh•maname ablnle every rwne,thar.tttthe Name ofrefm every kz,ecjhould bow, _ofthints in heaven, ."nd things •nMrth, and thmgiimder thee11rth. My meanmg ts not to tnhll on thts Name m conrra– diltinCl:ion to any other names ofCbriH; he is often called Chrift, and Lord, and Media. tour, a(Id Sonnc ofGod, and Emmamtel; Why Jrjiu is all rhefe; Jefuf is Chrijf, as he is the annoinred of God; · and ?efus is Lord, as he bath dominion over all the world. and Jefus is MrdiatoHr, as[·e is the reconciler of God and ~an; and Jefm is the So>sofG;d, 3 , he was eternally begotten before all world•; and Jefui ts Emmanuei, a> he was incarnate and fo God with us. Only bec~ufe [efi.- fignifies SMJioJJr, and this name was give~ him upon that very account , For he Jha!ifave hh people frum theirJlns; I lhall make this my deligne tc1 look at 7efiu more efpecially , as carrying on the great work of our fal– vation from firfl to the !aft. This indeed is the glad tidings, the Gofpel, rl1e Gofpel– pri'liledge, and our Gofpel-dury, lookj_ng unto {efllf. C H A P. IJ. SEC T. I. 'I he Duty of l6oking off all other things, cotifirmed, a11d cleared. BUT firfr we muil: look Off all other things; the note is this: We 11mft t-<k! ojf01sr miNd from. every thing1rhichmight divert. HJ in o~t·,. ChryrJ·an -!tl.ct front Look.J:ng unt6 Jcfu..~. 'p ~'f"''T" rhe firfr word 01' firll: prere ofa word tn my fext fpeaks to us r!ws, lwsds off, or eyes offfrom 11ny thing th•tfl~tnds w_rhe way of tef"s Chrift. I remem– ber 'twas wri[ overP/au/s door f.l»i~ ~ j~.w.7'fffi~7f",rhere sn~m.m!lJC(Jme huhe r that u nor 11 Gcomercr; bur on the door of my text is wrir~endean conrrary, l'» ri<oy>,;f"nf "am~Ao c~rthly minded ma11 muft enter h"e: not an;- rhmg tn the world, be tt never f'? excelkm, ifit nand in rhe way ofJefus Chrilt, is ~med the fam~day; we muft nor. give:~ l"k.. or fquint at any thing that may hmderrhisfm<and lovely ftght ofJe[HI . Thm was tbe Lords d1lrge to Lot, look._not bthind tbee; he.was fo f:trro renounce !nd deteft the lewdnef<ofSodom,asthat he mult not voucbfafe aloo.k rowards tt? At that dayJh~!i a man look.;O'.vards IUs Maksr, and hiJ cyts flsa/1 h•ve refpcEl to theholy 01e of Jfrarl· ·aJ1dhrjhallnot loo/ the A/tan, the ,.,rk._ofhu hands. Tlus was the frmr of Gods cha!iifrment on tl:e EleCt Jfratl,thar he Jl1ould n?r gtvea look to the Alcars,le.atl they divcned, or drew his eyrs from off h1s.Maker · . . . 1 We /oc/z.not <"J tiJ< things 14hich au feen, bHt at the thmts whsch art notfms, fatth Fa~·· AChri1 ians aime is beyond vifible things, Q when a foul comes to know what anetetnal God is and wl:at an ~rernal Jefus i• and what an eternal Crown is; 1vhentt knows that ' ) ~rcat