Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

------- Cll~ j l·'2 .sn1- ' . ;itoot ang unto }Jd tt.s'. Book l. 3 ------------------~- -~~------~----- grelt de:iolh' ofCI!cic~ w (Jre poor fouks, and t? communica_te hin&!f <ternally to fuch poor creJ~Urt·:; l rh!" rakes off the eJge of its dehres as to vthble temporal dungs~ wh:lt ate they inCOilJ_t''-in fon.? . . . . Bu: wlnt <h<,lgs a:·e they we-mull: loo le off 10 tlus refpect? I anfwer, --I. Good x. ~·fi""· t!:ings. 2· Evil things . . . . · 1 . Good tbi:Jgs. The Apoll:le tellsus ofacloud ofwuneJ!'-s m the fo~mer verfe : ~hrch 110 quertion in their feofonwe are;to loo"-;unto. .But wh~n tlllS fecond obJect.comes 1~ !Jgh:, he fca:ters t!le ch ud qu;te, and fees up {ejits hunfelf; now the Apoltle wtlleth us l!o_et> ton<rn our eyes f.-om them , and to cur:• themlmlm· to Jefus Chrd.q.d. Jfyou wtllm– de~d leea !iol!t or.ce fo:· o'i , look ro hnn: the Sanm, though they be gUides to us, yet are they um"tollowe:·s tOhim; he is thearch-guide,the leader ofthem, and ofus aH, look._.,z him. The:·e is :r rime whenJamcs nuy fay, taR§ m_y brethren the Prophets who h~vc foqk_tn {~~~\~..~~: i:t tf, N.t 17 e of the Lord for"" example ; but when Jefus comesforth , that fa~d, I have z,ch.u J• giunt )'Oit an e_\·,m~pl~ 1 an ~~Jm?le J.bove all ex1mples, then_beji!c~t ~ all jlefiJ bef qre rhe Lord, Let oil Sat:m anJ ~eraphtms then cover theirf~as wnh rhetr wmgs, tlm W< may loo!z o11 ?efw, and let all other li5hrs go. . 2 . • £vi! ti1ings, 1. I n gene:al, 2. Jnfpeoal. . . r, Jn general , we mu t lookoff all things that are on tlus fide Jefus Chnlt, and fo , fo much tberather, if they be_evil thin~s ; in a word,we muil: look off all felf; whetheritbe Jinfull fdf, or nacural felt, or rd <gwus fdf, rn tl11s cafe we mult draw our eyes off all rhefe doings. . 2. In fpctial,we mull: loo koff an that is in the world; and tlm the Apofl!e comprizeth I John us. mder three htJd,, th: litjfsof th"yes, thelujfsof th:jl<jh, and the pnd<oflife ; (1.) Plea– fures,Pro~~rs and Hm,)m·s. 1. We mu1l look off this world in refpect of its finful pleafnres ; 7~tde tells us, [~tch as uefenfu .tl h.we ''"' rh; fpi rit: we cann n fixedly look on ple.1fures , and look._on JefHS ]ude ,g_ 19. jt once. Job tells u, , rha( rh~y ra~ itp theTimbril, and H ..trpc, and re;oj ce at the [om1d Job :.J.1:.,13, •f the Organ , th.~t fpend their d.1yesin l!lirth , are the fame that fay unto God, d,p ..rt from I4, IS, ns 1 for wr: d;:fire11ot rh~ hno;v!c4ze of _rhy wayes; whA~ is t!u Al-nij,hty thn_t we jhouldfer·ve hi-n ? and '"h" profit P>oit!J IV< h>.veif we pray -unto h,., ? We have a lrvely example of this in A u_{l!jfin;s convcdi,Jn; he would indeed have had Chrd, and his plea(ures too· but when he f:<w i<would n;t be , Oh what conBr.'l:s wet•e wrthrn bun , In his Orchard (as heil:ories it in hi, b;ok of confdfions) all his pleafures pat! reprefemed themfelvesbefOre his eyej, f.tying , H'h t~ wilt thJu _dept<~rt from HS fw _e'!'er l '!nd fhall we be no Dlmitre[11e no1 more t•ith th" {or c-;" r ? 0 Lord ( fa ith Anguftine , vmtmg tlns confelfion) rume & • """'""'• dW.q my rniadc j~·o n _thinbing tha~ which thry obje~ted to my fouL.' What. filth? YYhat ;~:u:o;/:::7:' (h•mefi:i etcafures dt d tl"y lay vefore my eyes l At length after thts combate, a ..-tornum? '"1:· thowre ot tears came from hun, and calhng htmfelf on the ground under a Fig-tree, in lib.confiff. he cries it om , 0 Loid, how lo"g, how long jhal! I (ay, to morrow, to morrow ? f/Vhy Et tu Do mine tJQt to d:J.y Lord,_why not to d.:ty?. w~y fi}(Nt!d z_herc n~r _be an end of my filthy ltfe.tVen .at ~his .':[~u~q~~:!'~tufll .boJ&re? Immedm ely after tlus ~e he1rd a vo!Ce, as 1f1t had _been a boy or a gtrle !mgrng '"; & 0 ,, ! by,r.k§~tpAndr;ad; t:J::.q ttp,and m td; and thereupon openmg lllS B1ble that lay by him qua" '"" mo. "t hand, he reJd mftlence the firil: Chapter that offeredrt fe!f, wherern was written; Let d1? !'"" no• Its Walk) ;oneflly as in !l1: d:Z)', not in rioting and, tJgt in ch~rnbering 6 r wanton- hi( hor_-.Jfi~rs. mfs, not in flrife a~1d envying; but put)'g on th~ L ord Jefus,andmal(~ nbt rovi'ion for the ftr.ell. c!fl turpa~td!~11 c lfil b " 1 f h I h. r; I Id d(' . l J" J" "'""'·"WJ·'••d ~oJu."' - t e l~-tps t .rrcCJ . FJtrr er ; J:tz z_ . t..s! C::JteJtce WOH. not rea tatt l .Aug~~,ftine) neither TvU, (S legt: • snd"d:vnstt i1eed{nl,(-or prefenriy,as tj hght hadbeen poured into my h•art, all thed.rk_nefs toUe i(~ Ieee, of my doubtfu!nefsj~edmv.")'· His eynvasnowtlkenoffhispleafures, and for ever after it Idem ibid. wasfet on l'fi". 1\om. '3·'3· ~ · We mult!o,/;,olft!tis world in refpe<'t ofits finful profits : a look on this keeps off 1 4· ~ur lookjng;~nzo je(n~. Vf/hofoever lo"Jeth the world, the love of the Father is not in him . h JU"r fo muchasthe world prevails in us fo much is Gods love aba ed both in us and to~ 1 JJo ·~ ''· _. , . . ' .unti.ot-•4"• wnds us; ye P.duirerers, and adu!tarJJi:s (fmh lameJ) IQ1o,; ye not thAt th, frundjbip ofthe world" cnm>ty withGod ' CovetouG1efs in Cllrifl:ians is fpiritull adultery; when we have enough~~~ God and Cllrilt , and yet we delire to make up our happinefs in the creamr~, tillS rsphrn whomng. Now there are degrees in this fpiritual whoredome: as,- J. T ne mmdrng of this wbrld; ye know there may beaduhery in atfedion, wnenthe· bod y '.s not deh!ed; unclcon gl wce, are a degree of lult: (o the children of God may ha·. e Jome wor Idly glance; , ftragling thoughts, when the temptation is flrong, the wonld nuy be gre,uned rn theu· elteem andinugination. B 2. "- 2., The-