4 .Book I. 2. The fer ring of the hem upon tl:e wor~d ;_this is an highe;:-;J;~:~; of-;his r0r~u~tl adultery: our hearts are due and proper to Clm!l: now to fee them on rhc world, which lhould be challe and loyal to Jdus Chnll ', wlm.adulrery is this? re can•M (ervr Gad""" l\tJtth. 6.! 4 , Mammon: thH woman that•IS nor comemed wnh one hu~band mu(i neeQs beau lttr~ lot. ' 3· The prefe~ringofthe world beforeChrifl himfelf. This is the height of coverouf. ncfs, and rhe he1gbr ot ~bts adlllrery; wl!a.r, t9 mak§ the members of c;Jr~fr rhe n.cnbas oF :m harlot ? Why worldhngs .' rllofe admrnng thoughts are lhril\s, rl10fe pains are Uu:dl:s– that love is Chritls, that rime, that care, that earneilnefs is Chrifrs, they are all Chri 11 s' and will you _give tillt which is_ Chrifts un o rhe world? and prefer the world·bcfor~ chnfl wrrh hrs own? What , hve as profdfcd prof1itures, that prefer every one bet 01 -•• their hYsbands? how will this cxpofc you ro the fcorne of ml'n and t\ngels? at the Iaft P,iiJrne 5' 7· day they wrll come pomung. and Jay, This is th, man th<t mat!. not Gu.! his frrmgth, but tntjfcd tn rht t~bundance of h;,s ric~es; thu is the Gadartn th..lt loved hi1 Jivtne rr.ore rhm rJohn2 ·''· Chrijf Jr(its. Love not the ,.,·arld,faid /oh.. ; Chrift is never precious in mans apprehenfion, Cui ChriPus fo long asthcworld frcms glonous to htm. As v:c begin torel:JhJi-vcctncfs i11 Chrifi, Jot he in.·rp:r a~tlworld bet:ms to be b~ttcr to ~ts: the more fweernefs we tafle mdte one, the more bittt·rnef~ crjfore, ,u;jp we rafle m the other. <{l om,efr·"' 3- Wemuflloo'z.oJJche world in refpec'l: of Its finft11 honours- what i> this honour bur ..undum.Bern. a certain inordinate defire to be wdl thought of, or well fp >ket; of ro be praifed, or glorified ofmen ? as if a man Orould run up and down lhee" alter a feather Hying in rheaire and roffed hither and thither with the gufls and blalls of infinite meas mouth•; it is a que: lhon whether ever he get it, but if he do, it is but a feather; fuch is rl.i; pride of life, ho– nour, vain-glory, 1t ishard to obraine it, bur ifobtained, it i; but the b:-earh ofafew mens mouths, tl>at alter upon every light occalion; but rhat which is worfl of all , it hinders our fight of Jefus Chrill, not ,.;any n-ife menafter thefi'fh, not m~ny mighty, r?ot many noble 1 Cor.r.tr. are c.<l/ed; worldly honour keeps many back from Chrifl; and tl:erciore .11ofes w/Jm he ,Hcb 11· :.4, was come to years, refufed to be called the fan of Ph~raohs d.m,ghtcr, ---· -rjheming the re 4 >'· proaches ofChriftgreater riches thm all the tre~fum ofEgypt. lfthe blind man in the way to !erica had depended on the breath, or liking, or approbarie>nof the mu!tirude, he had ce· Luk 18 ·39· ver received the benefit ofhis fight, for they (faith rh~ text) Hhieh went before, rebukgdhim th.u he Jhould hold is puce; they diffwaded him from running and cryiug fo vehemently after Chril\ ; experience tells us, how rhefe things pull and dt aw us off from Jefus Chri!t, thelujlsofth: eyes, theiufr.• ofthefi,Jh, and pride oflife. f0_efr.z.' Bur why muilwe/ook._offcvery thing rhar diverts our /oo'<jng unto7efiu. 1. Becauf< we cannot look fixedly on Chritf , and fuch things rogether, and at once; the eye connor look upward• and downwards,ar once in a direc'l: line; we cannot ferioufly Mat.6-~;. mind heaven and earth in one thought; no man c~n{crve nro mafrers, f•irh Chrifr,efpecially fuch as jar, and who have contrary imploymenrs, >S Chriiland Mammon!Ja,-e. 2. Becaufewhiles we look on rhefe things we cannot fee rhe beauty tlmis in Chrin; fuppofe afquinr look on Chrift, whilfl: we b>ve a direCl: look on other things, alas Chnll !fa. 5'3·,. will be ofno dleem that while· this was the voice of finners concerning lhnfl, hebath no forme, nor come/i~efs, and n·!Jen 1 1refee him, there is tio b{'amy that lVt' jlw~tld defire h_im.. In– deed be•ury is the attraCtive of rbe foul, the foul mull fee a beamy tn that wll!Ch rt lets our it felf ro in defiring: bur our wilhing looks on other tbings, makes Chrifl but mean and contemptible in our eyes. 3. Becaufe all other things , in com?arifon of Chrill, are not wo,th¥ a look; they are bur as vrle rhmgs,as under-rhmgs, a> poor,and low,and mean, end ba.c rlungs rn coml'hi'.J g, parifon of Chrifl: I cottnt all things but iofs (faith Pm;/) for the excellency of the_kpo!Vledge ofChrift 7tfwmy Lord.-..../ co1tnt them but dtmg tb.~t I maywmChr1/f·. ~K."'i3' lt!t., ~ome tran– l1arc. \cch..l]Je, orhers dogs-meat, others c.~cr~ment_s, dung; all agree, It IS fuch a rhtng as men ufml)y calt away from them with fome mdtgnauor_r.. G,h. 2 • 24 . 4- J3ecaufe it is according to the very law of marruge, tl"refore jiHII a manforfak! fathcr,,md mother, and cleave to his wife; the Lord Chrilt marries bimfelf to the fou!s of lJof z. 19. his S)imc;, I will betroth thee tr,nto me forever, !will burorl1 thee Wl~o me in r;ghr_roufnefs, and i.ft 1 udgemem, and in loving _kindn~(s, a.r'd in ~~ercics; and for rill: c:mfe the" ~oul _m~~ fo rfake aiL and cleave unto Cbnfl:· as marned wrves ufe ro do, we n.ufl leave a,Ifor o husband tl;e Lord Jefus; Heark£; 0 d1!FJ,htcr,and conjid<r,;lllcl mcline thine e.<r,fo;-get alfo rf.l.45-•0; thy orvn people, ar'cl thyfmhers ho~tfe. 5· Bccaufe