Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

8 Book 1. 1Loolting unto 'j}~ftt.s. Chap 3 .Seer,,. " ____ __: mine .eyesfrom beholding vanity, prayes David ; either God mufl do it, -~~~~ weaned m the multitude of your endeavours 1 but 1fthe Lord draw off the eye it 1 ··1 be d1:awn i_ndee~. Incline my heart umo thy teflimonies, and ;zot to covctoufnefs: pr;~,15 paVId ~gam ; tf the heart bend down•wards , then go to God to erect it, and to mclme tt heaven-wards; 1f tt be after covetoufnefs , then cry to God, and fay Lord, not after covctoufnefs, but after thy teftimonies incline my heart. ' I have hitherto flood onely at the door of the rextt~callyou in; if now you will enter, and bemte~t and fix your eyes, I'le !hew you abldfed, amofl glorious fight. But firfl I mufr explam the act, you mu[l look:. J Secondly the object you muil 1 ,k on tef~~<. J , ' ·' o ~ CHAP. m. SECT. I. An Explanation of tbe af1 a11d objcf1. J, FOr the aCI:, you mufllook_. J Lookjng is 61her ocular, or mental. Firfl, for ocullr vifion, there may be fome tlfe of that in heaven fot ;o~,'';P7; there we lltalliook_ on Jefm, with thefe eyes {hall I brhold him, faith Job: and 1 7_ hn J· -· we Jllallfee htm M he u, faith the Apofile; no1V '"'fee!Jim"' in aglafs, butthm :~~;,·s'.;: u. 1veJ!~<tllfee him face to face. But till then we mufl walk._by faith, and >lot by ftghe. Secondly, for mental v1fion, or the mwatd eye, that IS 1t that will take up our dif· Frhef. ,.,s. l< Simond1 fight anJ · faith. rourfe, and that is it which the Apo!He fpeaks ofin his prayers for the Epheftans, thl!t the eyes of their underflanding may be opentd, that mey may eyow, &c. *Now the ex– cellency of this mental fight is far above the ocular light ; for , the• e are more excel· Jent rhings tO be the eye of the mind, then by the C):e of the body ; we only fee a peece of the creation by the eyeof the body, but the mmd reacheth every thing tl1at Is in it, yea the mind reacheth to hi "O that made it; God is invilible, and yn this eye Hcb. u. >7· fees God; it is fa1d ofMofcs, that heJaw him that u invijible. 2 . It i1 the light of the mind that gives light and vigour to the light of the eye; take away the inward light, and the light of the external fenfe is but :is darknefs and death. ;. lt is the fight of the mind that looks into the worth , ufe, &c. propriety of any thi~g prefemcd; the eye can fee a tl'ing, but not the worth of it ; a beail looks on gold as well as a man, but the fight and knowledge ofthe worth of it is by the internalligbt of the mind ; fo the eye caM fee a thing but not the ufe of it; a child looks on atool in the hand of awork· man, but the tight and knowledge of the ufe of it, is onely by a man of reafon that hath internal light to judge of it : and fo the eye can fee a thir.g, but not tl1epropriety of it. a beal1 looks on Ius paUure, but he likes it not becaufe it is his, but becaufe it is apa· flt;re,and well furnilhed. Nowweknowthat the worth, and ufe, andproprieryofa thing, are the very cream of the things thenldves, and this the eye of the mind conveys, Gcn 4'·7·~· and not 1he eyesof the body. It is faid of Jofcph tl11t he fow his brethren, and /znt~v them, bmrhey k.J!nt> not him 1 this was t!Je reafon why Jo[rph was fo exceedmgly taken at the 1igbt of his brethren, that his bowels wrought with joy, anJ a kmd of compafii· on towards them ; but they were before him as common ftrangers '· though they L11V Jofcph their brother tt Prince, yet they were taken no more w1th 1 tile hght of him then of any o her man, becaufe the~ knew him not. . . I , Again, ibismentallo, IS enher notwnal and theoretical ; or practiCal and expen• " menral· the fir1t we call barely the loo/zof our minds; 1t IS an enl!ghtn111g of our under– •s,b ""~•· !landings with fome meafureo!lpeculative light in fpiritual and heavenly myfleries; rhe '""'"':a-;~,. fecond we call the loo" of ot<r minds and hearts, whereby we not onely fee fpiritual ""'"" ,. " d fi 1 b r · d b ' vofarr r.-;n ro1- rhings, but we are* 11 jjei!cd )l'ith them ; ,,,e e 1re, ove, e :eve, JOY, an e~ 1:ace [_-Je~. '""' e!l. • To t111s purpofe is that rule that words ofk,_nowledge do fomwmes ftgmjieth afie[hons m rae Gd•~ :':' ,r;~~5 h."art, P.tid the effetls thereofin our lives.. And tlus was the look_ winch PP.Ui longed for, 1•· \ \.1.. ,. " that I mar kJoiV hrm and the power of hu rrfm·rc[/wn ; _('·e. J. that he ought haveex~e''' J..-g~nd16 ~.~- 1 jence ofthat 1 ,owcr, th:lt itmight fo commu111Care lt fdt unto ban> as to work upon btm b''' "'" qu" . to all the ends of it. And thi>was thelw,that Bernard preferred above ail looks , fi1 tJm~ Jcnnu- ,I' b r . ' r I l L r f " r ·. ,( " "h "P'~' tz7l.{cd}'JYmm read:;:~fi o1 ooks_ ( 1atth he) _Jcttt-:' notJo muc.1 Of,r.._.Jor t:tenc~, as 1 ~tVOIIrtt~e1 s 0;. trt.. " ~"' "PnJ. ,, 9 , our 'J/m I pray (fa1d tl:e Apoflle) tlur your love may r:bo,md yrr m•>< and ,,.or:,: