Book I. lLrolttngunto jjefus. SECT. li. The main Doflrine, and confirmation of it. BUt for tl1e foundation of our building take this Note. __ Inward experimental looking unto 'fefl11, fucb '" ftirs t<p ajfertiom in the heart and the effecfs t hereof m om· /if<, it i< 1111 Orditrr~nce of Cbrift; a choice, .,; J,,gh Gojpel-ordmancr. . Or thus 1 Inward e:~:pmmental k..nowing, confidering, defiring, l10ping, believing, loving, J'!)'• mg, ca/lmg on 'fefm, and conjormi11g to {ejiu, it ts aco,plitAte, f.ulded, c 0 ,.. p•unded Ordmance of {ef:u Chrift. I need not much to explain the Point, you fee here is an Ordinance or aGoJfe!-duty be!d forth ; many other d~<tm we have elfewhere defcnbed, but this we have kept for thiS place ;,. and theirather fo~ chat ehis is achoice dmy, a compounded dmy, an high Gojpel-Oramance. No quefhon but Watchf Hlnefs, Se/f-trittl, Seif-denilll, Experiences , -!'-vzdences, Mcditat~on, Life .of fa~th, &c. do wdl in their place and order; yet a• oars m a bo•t, ( though tt be carmd with the tyde) may help it to go fafler ; it is {efm lift· td up, ( as Mofes lifted "P the Srrpmt ) which ftrikes more foundly into the beholder, then any otherway. Lookint unto ref:.u is that great Ordinance appointed by God for our moll efpwal good. How many fouls have bufied themfelves in the ufc of other means, and though in them Chrift hath communicated fome ven ue to them, yet becaufe they did not trade more with him, they had little in comparifon 1 fuch aone as deals immediately with Chrifr' will do more in aday, thenanothet· inayear, and therefore I call it a choice, a camplMt, acomplic·au, anhigh Gof}ei-Ordin~nce. Nowwhat this Or· dinance is, t~e tel(t te~ls you, it is a lookin~ Jtnto [e[l/6.. . · 'IgrounJ I . l'efiu ss the obJeCl:; and 'fef,..* as [efm, as he !Sour San our, as hehathnego-· rh:oo~ allth• riatcd,. or fhall yet negotiate in the great bufinefs of our falvatiun. 2. Looking umo, is rcxu JOt'ly, the act ; but hew ? it is fuch includes all thefe ads, /z.nowing, confid<ring, de– •· .~~ra1.~' 5• fjring, hopmg, belirving, loving, joying, enjo)'mg tf 7efm, and conf orming t• {e(IU. It ~!Cah 7 ;: r. is fuch a look.. as flirs up affections in the hean , and the effects thereof in our lilf; it is Zach.n. 10. fuch a look_. as leaves a quickening and enlivening upon the fpirit , it is fuch a look. as works Num>. >I. ?, us into a warmaffection, raifed refolucion, an holy ancl uprig!u converfation. Briefly, Jo~'';J~.'?: it is an inward, ~xperimemallook,ing. unto [e(m . . ~i1: 3. 2 0 • For confirmation of the pomt ; thts was the Lords .:barge to tl1e Genulesofold, Look_, ~l0r, 3· ;8, unto me, andbe yefa~·ed all the end; of the t~trth. -- And l [aid, behold me, behol.d Mot.I.u, &c. me, ~~~to a N ation that WM not called by my Name. And according to thi3command If•. 4~· n. was tbeir practife; M ine eyes are ever m vard< the Lord, faith David, and they loo'<!d ~t't'''", S unto himand tvere lightcnea, and their faces werenot ajiJ<~med.-- Thus in'the Gcfpel, Pf~l:~ ; 4• ~- after thiscommand, looking Hneo ?efl/5, it follows, c onJiaer .him tbt h~th ;ndurerl (:eh . Hcb. 12. 3· comradicl:ion of {inners agamft htm(elf. And accordtng to tltb command IS <ne praCltle of > Cor. 3 . 1 g Gofpel-believers, W~ all with openfr.ce beholding'" inagl.tji the glory of the Lord, are cha11ged imo tbe (am; tmagef romglory toglory, evm '" by the. Spmt of the L ord. Inflead of the va1l of Mofatcal figures, God bath now gtven to Ius Church .rhec~ear glafs of the Gofpel; and hence all believers under the Gofpel do by comemplmve fatth, behold Chri:1, together with the glorious ligbr of his mercy, nuth, goodne~s, and the refl.ol ! i, divine attributes; and by means thereof they are made ltke unto !urn tn the g!or)' of holincfs, and in newnefs of life. . . Tbe reafons why we are thus to look..unto left", will be as fo many monves, ~!uch · we /hall n f,rve to an ufe of. Exhortation; but the rc<Jons why thts !oo'<!ng mzto refill, i>, r. An Ordin:)nce. 2.1\n Ordinance of Chrifl, m~y bethcfe. -- I. Why an Ordinance? here ts onely thts.reafon, the wd! of. the L~rd; Even !• ftJiiHr, :ror fo irfecmed .. e;ood :"n thyfi_q;ht. ~rdmance:; ~rt: renam ur.pofiuon~ fertorrh by an c:<terna! mandate of a Lawgtver, l)avwg Amhoruy to comm~nd. lt IS thewill or· Chrift to impofc this bw on all rhe f0ns ofmen. dm they Jhou\.! look, upzm olnm; J.!id concerning tlli:; \;,·hat have we to do to enquire into the reJfun ? ); is our dmy 10 obey , and not to know of· himwhy he COJllllUn,b; if ic7'lr ,;,' 1n< enoughm l"')rb.~~r,,,a