~. 16 Book I. JLoolimg unto ']Jcfn.s. 4· They have nor that fenfe ofChrifts lo~e, which rhofe that cxercifr this dutr have. whilell the foul n.tgleCls Chrift, it cannot poO:tbly dtfcern the love of C~rifi, i: perceive: nor C!mft applJ mg rhe doetrmes of h1s love to the confc1ence: Chn!t appeat s not i· his banquerring-houfe, he enables not the foul to pray with confidence, he makes it no·: joyful in the houf~ ofl'rayer. And hence lt IS that fuch fouls move fo flowly in God, fervice; rhey art 1 uft hke Ph.,raohs charrets, Wlth.our wheels; .0 they perceive not the love of Chrift, either m the clear revelanon of l11s fecrers, or 111 the tree communicati– on of his graces, or in the fanetifying and fweerning of their tryals, or in fealing up the pardon oftheir fins: 0 they feel nor rhofe raviflting comfons, which nfually Chri~ fpeakstorhehearr, when hefpeaksfromhishearr in love. Olhe want! Othe mifi';; of this want! .• 5. They have nor that experience of the power of Chrifi, which they hare that are in the exer~tfe of tillS duty. Would you know wherein lies the power of Cbrilt? I anfwer; m cafhng down. the lhong holds of fm, m ovenhrowmg Satan, in huo,bling mens hearts, mfanettfymg rhe1r fouls, .m punfytng their confCJences, in bringing their thoughts to rite obed1ence of Chnft., m makmg them able to endure afflictions, in caufing them to grow and encreafe m all heavenly gnces; and this power they par– rake of, "':ho rigluly and experimentally fool up. to Chrifi. Bur if this ditty be neglect– ed, there IS no fuch tlung; hence. we call this the duty •f duties, the chief duty, tbe ef}cc.al duty ; and for all other duttes: ~emu, ordmances, 1t Chnf1: benor in them, rbey . are nothing .w?nh; In every duty tins IS the efTenual pan,. that we /oolz. through all,' umo }if m; u IS onely from Chnl\ thatvenue and efficacy 1s. commumcated m fpiritual Ordmances; there were many people m a throng abom C.hrd}, but the infirm woman that touched him, was 0Je alone that felt efli(acy come from him ; we fee many attend the Ordinances, frequent the AfTemblies, but fome fewonely find the inward power of Chrifi derived unto their fouls. They that negleCt, or are groJiy ignorant of rhis great myftery of look.ing unto (ef u; , are no better then ftrangtrs to the power of Chrill:. · 6. They have not that fenfe of the worth and exce!lency of Chrift, that are unac– ·quaimed with this d11ty; they are nor fo ravifhed with his beamy, they arc not fo taken with the fweernefs aod pleafamnefs of the face of Chrifi ; he is not the fatretl of ten thoufands in their eyes ; and hence ir i> that they do not take p!eafure, long after, ddiohr or joy themfdves in Chrifi: indeed thefeaffeetions are the Evidences of our high eilee~; they that re 1 oyce not in Chrift, nor have any longings after Chrilf, they put avery un– worthy price upon Chrift. 7. They have nor th.r fenfe either bf their own wants, or of the worlds vanity, who are not in rhe praCtice of this duty. In this glafs we fee that man is blind , and no Sun but Chrill can iflighten him; that man is naked, and no garment but Chrilts can doarh him ; that man is poor, and no rreafure but Chrift can make fatisfaC!ion for him , that man i> empty, and none but Chrift can fill him; that man is diftreifed, perplexed, rorruented, and none but Chrifr can quiet him. Why all this, and much more then this appears in this glafs of {tjU<: thr foal that looks here, cannot hut com. prebend an end of all other perfection; yea, the funher it looks on the creature, the deeper and deeper ·vanities it difcerns. But alas ! there is n,o obfervarion , no fenfe , no feeling either of mans wants, or of the worlds vanity, or ofany futJblegood in Chrift 'to them thar·are not in this divine and fpirimal comemplation. Thus far of their wants rbat neglect thts duty of looking ugto Jeftu. SECT. VI. .l!'foti1Jt! from our riches irJ caft we arc lively in rhis duty. 2. FOr our riches , in cafe we are lively.in this d..ty ; Oh the blefTed incomes to furh fouls\ we may reckon up here th?fe veryp•nicula~s which the oth~rs wamed. I. That Chrifi give> light unto them ; as the recetvmg .o. the Sun gtves light to tlte body, fo the receiving ·of the Sun of Righuou{m[j.gt~es ltght , • fptntual,heavenly,and comfortable Jioht ro their fouls. 2. That Clmlt gtves grace <nd holmefs unto rbem; ofhisfulnefs we ~!ccivr grace for gr,'!ce. As the .~rim upon thewax a.n.fwer~ to the feale, ~r as rbe charaCter; upon the Son anfwers to the father ; fo there are cenam ftamps oft!.e grace of Chrift upon the Saints that what good rhey do it fprings not from external mo- ) uves