Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book I. 17 Chap,3·. Scet,6. -------------~r---------~--~~--------~ ;;:;-;;;,~,~,:S-in hypocrites, but from Chrift working in them an inward principle of new nature; and upon this account doth John tell us, the L alVWMgtVen b;:Mo[es, butgrace and rrwh c.<m' by 'jefm Chrijf. 3. That Chnft g1ves contentauon or fans~acbon unto them: John t.17• as the pearl fatisfied the Merchant m the Parable wtth treafure , [? Chnft fansficth the Lul wit!r wifdome in the underlbndmg, wtth the fenfe oflus love m the heart, wnh fure . onJ bldfeJ peace in the confcience; they tlm rightly look.,umo ~efw, may fay as Jacobdid, I h~veeno~t•h . 4· That Chrift gives glory unto them ; he inheglory of lfrael, he IS both Luke ;,Jz• theAnrh~r, and the mmer oftheir ~lory; he isathe glory of their juaificarion, as the garment is t!.e glory ofbim that wears 1'.; be ts the glory_of tbeJr redempuon, as the ranfom~r isthe glory ofthe capuve: he 1s the glory ot thetr fam'bfinttwn, as Jordan clean- 2 Cor.p9. li 1g him from Iris kprofie was the glory of Naaman; he is their all in all in whom :he_y oiory, and to rrho•nbeygive all honol<r, and glory,and power, and praife. 5. That Chnft ~i,·es 1>eace U·lt0 them, God is in Chrift reconciliug the 1vorld 111'/to him[elf, he is the Author, ~nd the world is the object of this recondliation. Chrift is ourpe.ace; and peaceisprea- Ephef.,, 14. <heel !Jy ;Jef;H Chrift ; they tfl)t hear Clm(l: m the Word, or that loolz. Jtnto Chrift by the Mh Jo. 36'. eye of foi •h, tbey have thiS peace;_ for Chnfl: onely mOrdmances IS the revealer, and pronu-er, and the worker of peace m all the cluldren of peace. 6. That Chnft procures :;ccepwion with God for them ; he ftands betwixt God and fuch believers; and as they m:nd him, fo he isever mindful of them, pleading theircaufe, anfwering all the accufarions ofS•<an, and praying to his Father in their behalf. 7· That Chriit gives life unto them t he th !t h.t!lnh: Sorme, /,.th life; he that bath Chrift in his heart as a root of life li- rJohnj.u. vingm him, or as a King fwing up histhrone within him, or as a Bridegroom betroa- ' r!;ing himfdf in loving ktndnefs ro htm, he h.tthlife, the ltfe of grace, and the earneft of the life of glory. 8. That Chrift gives wifdome unto them, Chrift hath in him all the maji<mof rvifdo-ne, and therefore he that looks moft to Chrifl: is the .wifefi man in rhe 1vor!d. he that bath tire Sun, bath more lighr rhen he \hat bath all other lights in the world ,;nd wanrs the Sun. 9· That Chril\ gives a tafle ~f his goodnefs unto them ; they cannot !ook_nnto him, but he makes them joyful with the feeling of himfelfand Spirit: and !'. h 1S 9 hence it is that many rimes they break out into Pfalmes, and Hymncs, a11d fpirituAL fongs, P· < • ·' • ad m•!«; mdody in their hMrts 1tnto the Lord. 0 there is a goodnefs of illumination, rege· nerocion,f&ndification,confolation,contentatiou, pacification, and fpiritual fieedome flowing from Chriil to the fouls of his Saints, which to carnal men is a fealed Well, whofe waters their p.datcs never tafted. ro. That Chrift gives a fincere and inward love of hi:nfelf UlltO thtir I:earts. No fooner is their ey..e of fa_irh looking tmto reflt4, but prefent• ly then· heart " all on fire; fuch a futablenefs IS betwixt Clmlt and the~r fouls, as is betwixt the hearts oflovers; their love ro Chrift is like the love of Jonathan ro D11vid, a wonderful love, and pt]ing the lov' of wo-nen; they love him as the bridegroom to whon1 2 s,m.r.1d. t!:eir fruis ace n1.1rried, JS the choycefl: pearle by whom they are enriched, as the Sun of <"onfolation, !'Y wh(}fe beams. thei~ fouls are comfon_ed, as the fountain by whom their hems are retreilreJ, and thetr deilres ·every. way fausfied . 11. That Chrift oives the fc·tJ: of his own love to them ; they cannot look_on Chri{f, but they fee himbloving , anti embranng rbe~r humble fouls ; they fee lum bmd1ng up their broken hearts . they .bellol.l him gathering to himfelf' and bearing in "the bofom of his love' and r.~mt?rti:1g _wirb the promife, of his Word their w.ounded fpirits; they behold him l:,.;e 'fac,b !rrvmg 111 the heat and m rhe cold for Rachel , fervmg in manifold afflictions from his rrad~e to his crofs, to make a Spoufe unto himfelf. 12. That Chrift gives tlt< experience of his power to them; they tl)at look_ on Chrift, do feel the pw:er of Chrift inwardly in their fouls, dilfolving the works of Satan, cafring down l:lS kmgdom , and nuglny holds w1thtn them , healmg all their fpiritual maladies, luftamlllg tbem in ~.a aillichons , filling their fonls with _all fpirimal and heavenly ""sht '· makmg them ftrong m knowledge, and ftrong m faJth, and lhong in love, and firvng m rno,wn, and commg to Clmft, as a nver of much waters is ll:rong in coming p,o~1lc 1~o the Oce1n. 1 3.. T~at.ChriH gives the fenfe of his own worth and excellency u:r.o t..em, they fee now to Chnll1s Wlldome furpafl1ng the bnghtnef; ofthe Sun, even ail the creafu:·es ot wifdon1e; in Chrift i• pcywer excelling the ftr.ength of rocks, he is not <meI)' ltrcng but fhength it felf; in Cbrift ishonour traofcending all the Kmgs of the e:at~J,Ior he ts K1ngot Ktngs, and Lord ofLords 1 in Cbrift is beauty excelling the Rofe nt s,,,.o, , and L!l ly _otthe valleyes, he is fairer th~n all tho flowers of Lire field, then all tbc pre<h>u;_ltones of the qardr, then all the lights'in the firmament, then .all the Saints ~nd 11'ngels ln t!le btgh~ft heavens. '4· That Chrill gives the fenfe of thtirwams and of D ,· - - - ' t\1o