Cha;.~~:s:;a.s~ J!,!J!)lili!IJ UUtO jjtfU.S~ . f?b~k f. 2 I importS af.veemefs with mixture, like compou~d fpice~, or many,%wer;. E~~{y.rh,ou.ght ofJefns is fweet and pleafJnt , nay, it's better then wme! 1~c W~l! f5o/.:,mbe-r.chy fov.e 171ore then wine; there is more content m contemplatl))g_.Q!1Ciinl!~m.oFFf.e(re.lhmg t)),th~ [l?trH, then wine givesto the body, Ho1v preciow .1r,e_rby ifi,otet,h[s /ef/tO ""i.R God? l&!lf;J!l,what Cant.' 4· kind foever you account a t~mg precwus , fo are fhe ,dwughts,Qf God and Pf.•;9.•7· Chrifl to a man, whofe heart 1s ma nght frame. Such a one .~very,glanc~(/fQhnll:, and the more it fees, the more it loves; ·It is faid~fone Ef<do,yitfJ,, t?ar_ hew!lhed- qe_might be admitted to come near the body of the Sun, ,to have~ [ijll VIeW of. Jt, though \t, devoured him; he was fomething_ ralh in his,wifh,\~ut there'.is, fo11]~ti1ing pyop~r~ionable in agodly fpirit' he fo loves Chnlt, that he C?.~\d b.f c;ontent ro P~/~.'l)Jo~ed_ ~p, lp ~h<; beltolding of him. <::ertamly there IS a b!elfmg m rh:s work; ~hfin l'v~ :,tn))1q so.;foqfz;mto fefit<, it is but tO receivefrom Jefus: _1s 1t any uu.~g eJfc but t,O, c~J_(~nd tn~1re US to look on the moll pleafing and dehgluful obJect ? th~t m the. beholdmg ,of: 1t, 1t 1na,y- ~_onvey it felfunto us , and we be delighted and filled with tt ?_ 1t IS al} ?n'-,\'S 1f he ll~ogld bid us fit dowrt by a well of life, a?d drink; ortfhe llrould btd,a_s r~e An?e,I~a~:e:, ciVho are blelfed in rhe beholding of tlus Jefus; why come then, Jf tlus. lJe a bJtfled ,l'!o~Ji. why will we unblefs our felves? if the work w.ill exalt us, why _w1ll ,we debafe our, f~Jves, in norclofing with it? if we might live above heaye~, ":hy wdl we hve below ~:, c~rrainly when thoughts ofChnfl are movmg tn us'. Chnfl h~mfelf1s not far off, ll';'f\l!come, and enter too; and how fweet 1s 1t for Chnl1 to come and take up his hal)ltlt!!lll)n our fouls? , , . · 10 . Confider how rhe Angels exceedingly defire to look onJc(i<S: they(lpop0 dpwn, 1 Pet.r.u, and pry into the nature,offices, :md graces ofJefus Chrifi: which things (faith rhe Apo· {lie) th' Angels dcjire to lo•k...imp_. He alludes ~o the_manner ?f the C11erubin~~ \Qoking down into the mercy-feat; rh1_s1s the lludy, yea tlus 1s the del1ght and .recreaqon, of tb_e eledAngels to look_on Jc[tts, and to look into ~he feveral fcopes of our falvation by Jefus Chrifl, to behold the wholefra~fi; and fabnck oftt, t 0 obferv~1 all the pa~_ts from the beginning to t)1c end , to ~ol\fidet; all the; gl~nous .anqb~~es ,of Gpd, !u.s. w1fdome, power, juftice,, ~~rcy, all lh11!mg_ and 15lmer1~g m 1t l.k~ bnght llars m the fir!I)xment ; this I fay is thetr work, yea, t!lis IS thetr fefl~v!ty,and p,allune:. And llrlil!lo~ wt:,im[tate rhe Angels? !hall pot we thin~ u our be admmeq eo ,the fame priyiLed~e with the Angels? . ··· · , · ',J, I.' . · "• Viratontem; 11. Confider. th~tlookjng !f11(o re[ m 1s, \he work of hqven i• u -u bektM ;in rhu life pl.lrivd in<ipit (faith Bcmard) but •t ts perjel1ed,1n tha; life to Cofl'< ; not one!y .Ang~ls , b.ut theSaints in in boc feculo, glory do e~er bebold the face;,qf God_ al\d C_~rill; if then lYe li]j:e.not this work, ; how proificirur in will we live mheaven? the d11ltk~ ofthis du(y ts a bar agatnfl our entrance -.,for tlie life futuro. Bern. of blelfednefs is alife ofvilion; (urely ifwe ~~ak~ uo d~liglu in this, heaven i; no plac~ for us. .'.:.. .. \ ') xz. Confider that nothing el.fe .is in comparifon' worth the mirtding or looking after. If Chnfi have not your heart~1 ;v~o? or what fhou~d have thtm? 0 that any ,G)lriflian llw~ld ratherdeligbt to have Ius he?rt amonJ: thornes and,briars, then in the.bofome of 11'1s dearefl J~fus_! why llJOuidY.O!I f~llow af~erdropsi at1d negleCt the fouhtainei' why lhould you flte afcer lhadowes, and neglect hnn who" the true fublbnce? if. the.mind have its currant from _Chrilt coward otherthings, thefe things are not only of lefs con- Jer.,.f. cernment, but deflructtve: they aregone far from me, and I'JtWC wqlf.!Jd•after.wnitJ, and '!rebecomevame. How unworthy the world 1s of the lool>.ofChriftians efpedallv. when ttllands incempetition with Jcfus, we have difculfed before, ,.,., ' 1' · . . .l.. . Many other Motives might be given, but let thefe fuffice. l ,have done with the ex– hortation; In the next piace I fiialllay open to you the particular way ofthis d~tty, which all this while I have been perfwading tO. ·. S E C T. VIII. Vfe of DirciliotJ, s · d · . . · , Vfe 3: I mwar ' exptnmental/ookjngMnto refit; achoyce, or an hrgh Gofpel ordniance? why ' thenJome d1rechons how'we are tO performe this duty. Practice is the end of all found ' do<'htne,andduty 1s the end ofall right faith? no:v thl_t you may do what you have heard 111 fame good meafure,I ll1all prefcnbe tht d1rect10ns tn the nel't part prefcribed. - .But