Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

LOOKING UNTO JE s u _s~ The Second Book. Revel. 1. 8, u. I am Alpha ~tnd Omega, the begimzing and the ending, faith the Lord, which is and which WIH, and which is to come, the AlmzhtJ. ---- I am. Alpha a1:d Omega, the jiifi and the !aft; and what thou fee.fl, write in 4 book_, and fend·it to thefeven Churchef. C H A P. I. S E CT. I. Of the eternal generation of our ]efu:r. E mull look_ unt• 'ftfm the beginmr and finift;er of our faith: . we mull: behold J efus as with a fledfaft eye from firft to !aft. As heis.AlphaandOmega, the_beginning and the ending, the firft ~nd the /aft, fo accordtngly we mufl look_ unto him. I . He is .Alpha, the beginner, ( fo it is in the Original) ~m;pr,. the beginner, the inceptor, rh~ fir!!: whee!e of our faith, Heb. I2. z. and of the end of our faith, the falvation of our fouls, 2 The[. 2. I 3. 2 Tim. I. 9· Tit. I . z. Now Chrift may be called a beginner, in relpeCl: of the Decree, or execution. I lhall begin with the Decree, wherein he begunbefore the beginning ofrime to delign our happinefs, for the praife of the glory of his grace, Ephef. I. 6. Many depths are in this palfage. To this purpQfe we told you that Jefus is Gods Son, and our Jefus, .eternally begotten before, ~/1 worlds. In this fir!1: period we lhall look_on h,m, I • In relation to God. 2 . In relation to us. . ) 1. In his relation to God, Who fha/1 declare hi< generation? He is Gods Son having 1fa.\). ltr his fubliftence from the Father alone, ofwhich Father by communication of his effence he is begotten from all eternity. J For the opening of this eternal gene~ation of our Jefiu, we lltall confider, I. The thing begotten. 2. The time. 3. The manner of begetting. 4: The mutual kindnefs and (oye of him that begets, and of him rhat is begotten, which brings forrh a third perfon. or fubliftonce, which we call the' holy GIIoft. • Ejie•rujitii/ r. Forrhe thing it felf, it is Jefur Chrift, who moft be confidered two ways; as·he ej/ •feipfa f5 is a Son, and as he is a God. Now as he is ~Son, he is the thing begotten, but nor bacr•" 0(/' as he is a God. As he is God, he is of himfelf, neithr,r begotten, nor proceeding;· ~"' ,P;:@. the God--head of the Father, and the God-head of the Son is ~ut one and the fame =ffi-,;,, 0 .,,.' thmg; and therefore* the Son a; he is God,heisGodof him{elf, Without begmning even)ili• non e(la' as the Father,but M he is aSon, he is not of himfelf, but the Son·ofthe Father, begotten· 0 ffe1Rfo id;ofi; him ; and hereupon tt follows, thlt the Son is begotten of the Father as he is a· Sbn; ••(jl~.m but not as he is a God; · ~ •. z. Pot'