J h;l J7·f· If!.) ,IT, Pfd 4o.6'. lfqu.6. Hcb.7. >3. Z-'lch6.IJ· vc:r. l!o Heb.I 13, Ira. $ lOo Pfo S. Hci>.I) }tf-32.)81\cv.IJ.S· )<1-3 1 ·3" Chap., .!:lea. 9 • nrt ne ( fJid Chnjl) u•rtotl,men which th~u gaveft me .011t of the world,' .thine they were, a•td tholt t,aveft them me; rhts vetygzvmg tmp!tes, a• tfrhe hrher m Ius Eternity fi 1 ould have faid to the Sow, thfc I tak; to be veJlcls of mercy, and th.fe tholt Jlult bring llllto "!'• forthryiVtll dej/roy them[elv_es, bttt th.u jlu!t fave tl"m out of.their lo}f ejlate. And wen the Son takes them at illS Farhets hand, and lookmg at hb Fathers wiil; this is tf,. .fathers lVIII which h zth fent me , !hat of Ail "•hich he huh given me, I jhowd lorje no– thin~ . he thereupon rakes care of fuch; he would not for a world any of them DJOuld be iolt which hi, Father hathgiven him, they are more dear rhen fo. _ln Jfa."h 53· JO,I T. ~nd tn Pf~l-+o·7· Chrill is bro.ught in as a Surety---offering lumfdffor us, and read1ly atceprmg of Gods wtlltn tiHs very mmer : and hence it i, _that he is oiledCiodsfervant; and hisearsarefaid robe opened. In J[a.42.6. t!us very Covenant is expreffely mentioned. Thus God fpeaks ofChriQ Brho!d my(crvanttvhom I ~tphold, mine eleil in who n myfoui delightcth: ----I Wtllgi 11 eth:; for a Covenant ofth: peuple, for.a!tght of th1Gemil(/. Yea, this Covenant and agroe– m~m feems to be confirmed wtth an oath, tn Hcb.7. 28. and for this fervice ChriJl is requtred to ask._ of God, and he will give liim the heathen for his i hntance. Obferve !tow the Church of God is given to Chrill as a reward of that obedience which he fl 1 ew– ed "' accepting of the office of a Surety for us. This fiipulat ion fome make to be that counfd ofpeare_fpoken of by the Prophet, and the counfel ofpr.,ce Jhdl be bmveen them bo,h,(i ~.) between _rh~ Lord, agd the man whofe name is the BrtWeh. And fol' this agree. men 1t IS, t!1at Chnfr "c-alled thefe~ond Adam; for, as wtth the_ firfl A dam God plighred a Cqv• nanr concermng htm, and Ins poflertty, fo alfv he dtd 1ndenr with Chrifl and his Seed L·JOcerning et<rnallife to be obtained by him. I deny nor bur that fomc promifes were made onely to Ghrifl in his own perfon, and nor to deftend to his children, as, Sit oa mpiJ.hrh.md ~tntdl / mak§ thine enc"t'i" thy foot·Jiool ; and"' Jl,.,/l(ee hisfeed,hr flza/1 prolong hi, d zyes , the plea(im oftne LordJh .tl pro/per in his l111nds ; a•td ask..of me; and [ will gzvo· th•e the h :tU hen forthim inh:mance, and ths mterm?ft parts of thee.>frth {vrthy poffef!ion. But there are other promtfes made to hun and hts; as that grand promife , I will be to hima I'atht:'l', dnd heJhall be to me a Son \ it is firfl inade to him, and then to us: and that fpecial promife offpiritual grace, /ohn 1. I6. of ju~iification, !fa. ~o 8. ofvictory and dominion, Pfa/. IJ0.2. of the Kmgdome of glory, Luk!, 24. 26. they are, every one fi , f1: made to him, and then to us; ----The bulinefs from eternity lay rhus; hm is man loj( (faid God to his Son) bztt tho~t j/Mlt inflllnefs of time go and be born of jiefh and blooci , m1d dye for them , ·and fatisfie my _:nfr. ice , and they jhall be thine for " portion, and they {h~l be called the holy people 1 the redeemrd of the Lord, Jfa. 6 2. [2. This j/Mlt rh>u do (faid che Father) and upon the(e termes rhiy Jhall live that believe. This was Gods Covenant wirl.1 the Son of ltis love for m ; to whom the So_nne anfwet'ed (as it were) again; Content Father, I willgo, and f11ljil thy pleafm·e, and tlzry Jh:rt! be mi1u for ever; I will in the f;el.nefs of tim1 die for tht•n , and they'fl,.d/tive in mq bimzt-o'ferings, and fin-offerings thouhajl·not requir~d (no, it w.ts[elf-offering) then [aid I, foe I come, in th• voii<>ICofthe boo{zjt is written of me, to do thy will 0 my God. In \~hat book was it written that Chriit Jhould come to do the will of God? Not onely in the book of the Law and the Prophets, bur alfo in the book of Gods deaees: In this f•nfe th· L mnbwasjlaine from the found,ztion of the wo:·/d. Hi> Father from before all nme ap– poirired him to be our high Priefl, and he from all etermry fubfcnbed eo hts Farhm ·plealure in it. . . In Gal.rh. 3. I .. Brerhren, I fpe•k..after the manner ofmen, tho1rgh tt be b1<t a mans Co-– '{)enant, yet if it be conjir'lffed, no mart dljarue. 1 ltth, or adduh thereto. 1Vo~v to Abraham And hZJ (etdwere the promi(es maae ; hefAith >lot, andtofetds ,as ofmany, but as of one,and ·to th:j feed, wh:chisChrift. There is a _qucflion whether_ this Covenunt here mentto~ed was made Qnely betwixt God and Chnft, or onely_ betwixtGod a_nd ~~s~ or both berwtxr,God and Chrifl, and betwtxt God and us. The occa!ton oftlus que!bon ts 111 thefe words,llotvto Abr~h,..,, andhujced,wercthe promifes madt, he fzith ''"', and to feeds, as ofmany, bu: as vfvnc,and totiJyfecd whzch" Chrijf. I. So~e-arbue hene~, rbat tbete 1s no Covenamo pro;nif~ made to us, but onely to Chnfl,or wtth Chnlt,Cimfl flood for us,&awcledwith God fo, liS, ar<d pcrf.,rrped the conc\itions for life and glory: fo that the promtfes ar: ma~e unto l:im; yet tbis indeed is confeffed, that becaufewe areCbrdls, and are conce~ned lh theCovenant it is therefore fomcrimes called·a Covenant made wtth us; 1wt!l m<~k§ 4 ne>V Covrn~nt walnhdw•.Jeoflfrael andwith the hou[e of Jnd.th; not that the Covednantt" really t•Jade with us but onely,with Chrill for us, and when we feel our [elves un er 1 1~ . ' ' ~~