38 Book 11. ·j!.,oolting_unto 'Jjdu.s. Chap.2 .sea.,. C H A P. If. S E CT. I. of f<! 1owing 'jejtts carryi11g on the great wor/z of 011r Ja!v,1tioJJ in that eternity. , LO•kingcomprehends kpowing, conjidering,dejiring, hoping, _believing, loving, joyin , callmg upon [ejies, and conformrng to Jrflu. lf then we wdl have an inward ex :g: mental loo/z.upon Jefus , w~ muit act, and exenifc all thefe paniculars. pen– t. We mull: kz,ow Jcfus, carr.ymg o~ the great work of our falvation in that eternit ~efore all ume. Come, learn what thiS rcfus IS, I, In Ius relatiOn to God, and fo Ire 1s Gods S_on.' eternally begotten before all worlds. See above, and learn it through– Jy, WhO lt IS tOat was begotten , for the> perfon, when it WaS rorrhe time, how it Was for the manner, and what was the mutual kmdnefs and love of !urn that begot and f him that was begotten : 0 tbe height and depth of this knowledge! 2. Corn~ Jea:n what this Jefus is in his relation to us before all worlds , and to that purpofe fiudy c!ofe that great tranfaction betwixt God and Cbrifl for our falvation. I. Study that pro– ject of God, that he would glorifie his grace; and to this end, that be •would predelli– nate Chrill:, and in Chrifl he would thoofe fome of the foules of men, and amongtl the rell that he would choofe thee, whom notwithflanding fin, he would make holy, and withou; blame before him in love. 2. Study the tounfels of God concerning man before ail worlds: 0 'twas an hard quellion, how fin llwuld be pardoned, the linner reconciled and yet God glorifie his jull:ice? none but the wifdome of God could ever find out ~ way to have had mercy on the man, and yet to take vengeance on the fin; but herein appeared thedepth oftheriches bo•h d the wifdome and kpowledge of God; 'be devifed the way to tranflate this mans fin (fuppofe thit·JC own fins) on another> perfon, who was able to bear thtnt; and to intereft tltis mansperfon (fuppofe thine own felf) in anothers righte– oufnefs,who wa> able to cover him. 3. Study the foreknowledge of God, how the Lord knew nis from everlalting with a k~n!lwledge oflove and approbation; afrer the projed: was laid,_and the counfels of God were agreed upon it then God fore-knew, or fore– faw whom to imbrace in his eternal love: And, 0 my foul, if thou art one ofllis, if God in Chrifl hath ofhis own free love fet thee aparr to life and falvation, then k_now it Job P7· for thy felf, it is inward experimental knowledge we fprak of. +· Study the purpofe of God concer~ing_ thy falvari_on; this p_urpofe of Go<;! fpeaks the ~ability and cerrainry of thy falvauon m Chrtfl; hts purpofe t>m, andfromhtmfelf, who ts God,and not!man, and therefore cannot repent ; bath he faid, andJhall he not do it? bath he (foktn, and foaM Numb.t J. 'R· he not make it good? 5. Study the decrees of God, they are all one with predellination, the book o( life, the fea]e of God: what bath the Lord decreed, predellinated, booked, fealed thee for falvation? 0 how blejfed is the people that kgra~v this joyf~tl found! they {hall walk in the light ofthy countenance, 0 Lord. 6. Study the Covenant of grace, remember Plai.P9.1;. bow the bulinefs of eternity lay thus: here i< every man loft (faid God to ltis Son) bHt thou Jhalt inf~<lncfs of time go , and be born offlejh and blood, and die for fome ofthem , avd fatisfie my Juftice, and they Jha!l be thine for,; portion, and they fhall be called the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord. To whom the Son anfwered, be it fo Lord, I wil!g• an~ fHijilthy pleafure, and they {hall be mme for ever..• Obferve, and be acquatnted Wtth thts Covenant in thao very Diafogue: firfl God dernartds of his Son that he lay_down hislife, and for his labour he promifeth that he fhall.VC his feed , _and God fha~ gtve htm many <hildren. And lecondly, tbe Son confents to Jay down Ills ltfe, and fatth, here I am to ll.t-53 10 do thy t•ill 0 God , thou half gi'tlen me a body._ What; 0 my foul, that the Father and !;cb,tQ 5•>; Chrill: Jl;ould tran-fact a bargam from eternay concerntng thee? that there lhould be any communing betwixt the Father and the Son concerning thy happinefs and falvation? Job.;. 1 . Surely this is worthy thy paines, and ll:udy; 0 hear it, ana lz.now tho~titforth)'good. S E C T. I I. Of e~nfidering Jefl~; in that reJPeCf. 2. '{ •VE mu!t conjid,y Ycfns, clrrying on this work of falvation in that eternity_. Jc V is not er;ough to frudy, and know him, but according to the meafure of · knowledge