Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book Jl. Uooktng unto 'jhfuz. ------------------------ GIJOft, who i; of the rather, and the Son, neither made, nor created, nor beaotten b proceeding. And tbefe were Gods a:'lions in that eternity before all world~: th~ F~~ ther was begetting God the Son : the Son was begotten of God the fatherthe Ho! Gho£1: was proceJI!Ing from God the rather and. God the Son. But what,'were thefe acl:tons ofGodlver tn acbon du,·mg all that etenJJty? yes: as they are called interral acbons, fo they are permanent; lovk as the Sun doth alwayes brger !js beams, and both Sun and beamcs do fend forth the heates: So the Fatl~tr from all eternity ever did and now doth, and ever _wlll beget hs Son, and both tlje Fat her and the Son ever did' Orig ,,r.~.'b. in and now do, and ever Will afp1re and breath forth the Holy Gbofl : And therefor~ ]mm. Or·igen fauh well, Our 1efl~< ts the bn,~htnefs of (Jods glory; now the bri,~htnefs ofglor ~c~ J 3 .. u not OtiCC begotte1~, and then afterwards leaves to be begott~n; but a.) often as the glory rifet~ 1 r. v.8 2 >· from whence the bnghtnts.fprmgeth, Jo often doth the brtghtmfs of glory ari[e. Before the Pr, v.S.u. John J. J. JOh.I ~· 10. hti!J, was I brought fort . Some tra~llare thus,.znte col/es gcmrat, and not as orhers, gene– "'"'}ltme, before the mottnt,.ms were (nled he begetteth me. Surely the Son ofGodisever begetting, and tbe Holy Spirit is ever proceeding. 2. The things common tO the three perfons in that eternity were tbofe internal a<'Hons of God wherein the three perfons didcommunic~te: as 1. That one was in another and poiTdTed one another; the Father remaining with the Son, tbe Son with the Father' and the HolyGI10Hin, and with them both. Thus we readofChrilt the Lord j of!iffidme: m the begmmng ofhu way, before hu work} of old. And, zn the begmning was the Word and the Wurd IVdS with Cod. And I am in the Fatlur, and the Fsther in me. 2. Tha~ one glorified another, the Father glorified the Son, and the Son glorified the Father and Joh. '1· 5· the holy Gho£1: glorified boththe Father and the Son: .And now, 0 Father ,gl~rifie thou me wuh thme own fclf, wuh the glory wh1ch I had wuh thee bifare the world was. Prov.3. 3o. ?. Tbat one delighted in another, the Father delighted in the Son , the Son delighted m the Father, and the Holy Ghott del1ghted 111 them both; then I was by him, as one bronghe "PU:ith him, _and I wasdailyhu de!i$ht, rejoycing alwayes before him. I was daily hu delight, m rile Ongmal, dehghts, llltlmatmg chat the Son was vanety of delights unto ·l1is Father: rejoycing a/wayes before him, Chri£1: fpeaks in· termes very quaint and familiar, af1vayes rejoycing, q. d. greatly fporting: it is a Metaphor or limile taken from little ones which fport and play before their Parents. 0 fee how the Father and the Son rejoyce in one anochers fellow/hip: nay; fee how they fpend that long eternity before the creation in nothing but rejoycing and delights: The Father delilhts in his Son, and the S•n rejoycerh in hiS Father. . Confider 0 my fo~l, thou haft fometimes had a tickling to know, what God was a domg before the Creat!Otl? why now be fober, aod fatisfi– ed with this knowkdge : God fpent all that time (ifl may call it time) in delighting himfelf in Jejlu; why, this was Gods work to delight in his Son, and he fo delighted in him, chat he delired no other pleafure then the company and beholding of him; which accordingly he twice wla from heaven, while Chrift was on earth, fa ying, this u my beloved Son in whom I am 1Vcll pleafed: ----in whom I am well pleafcd. The firlt found was at his Baprifme, and thefecond at his cransfigumion, Matth. I7·5· 2. Some other things God was a doing in relation eo his creatures; they will fall in at our next con!ideration; only this by the way. As God and Chrill rejoyced inrhe fruition of one another without communicating the notice thereof to any creature; fo Prov.s.3 r· in rhe next verfe we find them rejoycing in rhe falvarion of men: a~d my delights were with the (ons of men. Amid£1: the other conliderations, 0 my foul thmk of this: what, that God from all eternity llwuld delight in thy falvation? why this conlideration fets out to p.urpofe the heart and de!ire of God eo fave thy foul: for, I. Delights arife out ofthe ftronge£1: and choycelt_delires; m:n are pleafed with ma_ny tl~ings in which_ they delight not. 2. God and Clmft are menrwned here to deh~l1t m this work, andm n? other work oftheirs, not in the Angels, not in che world, nor many tlung m lt. 3· This their delight is mentioned next to their _delighting in each othe:. 4· This. deHght is aforehand, whileft Gods heart was only m the expectation, and lm mmd but laymg the plot of thy falvation: all thefe argue how great a '.~latter tllls was 111 Gods e!l:eeme, and l10w rnuch his heart was in it , even from everlaftmg. 0 let thefe fall Into thy con– fideration? 2. Confider Jefus meerlyinhisrelation to us: conGder•him in that great tranfadion betwixt God and him for our falvariun • And .that we may fettle .ou1· thoughts, and dwell here,--~ · · • 1. Confider