;:::::;-;-:,.ojc ~mdfo!:o~.,, d c iu!Jf. Thefe rwo are lirk:d cugttber iF: P .. m/; goldc n chain p. d ftinltion and eff~d u:.Jl vocation. , l"r'"e a;·e bom,d to-¥lve rh:m~.! ah1•tt) m·.'tc _Cod for,)'c.J;,eb;:~ ,., • 1 /ycn, b.Ioved of th: Lord; and w!.y for I rcaP{e _God hath 1rom the bcgmning chofm)'ot< l. TL.. I :.!. q, toful·uatTO'rJ. - -· vrhcrcmuo be Cttl!ed _you b)' thr: (Jofpcl r_o th:: obramin,g, of the ~JO!J (f h~ q. L•Yd jr(i" CIHijl. ~ll thofe thatbelong ro G?dsele<'!ton, are fomerimeor 0 'rl.cr effect,: - ally calird by tbeV\ordacdS~aJtof Clutft; andtt mnft needsbefo,beoufeasrhe Lcrd bath pm adtffereuce betwixt hiS Ele<'l: and others before the world vns, a"d he will make a .finol difference betwixt, them and cr~bcrs,afterrbe end ofthe Vvorld; fo he will have rhelll dtffen·,ccd and dtfungu. Oted wlule" they are •n tillS Wodd, by tb mward, eff<Ct .I op~rati\·e cJiling,rhey are ~~1en ~f other n11nds, wills, aff~Clions,difpofirions,converfaLi;~: ~ rhry ai'e c.i/tcdfrom darb,nc ;'to hght, andfrow the potver of Satan nnro .God. As the A• 0 : ACb 2 "· :8. fl:l~, ye lrcr_e (omettmes darJ\!lefs, but now areye light in the Lord. -- Be not ye therelon E1 hc-i. ' · i· 8 p..:.natz~·rs rrJth them . . 3. _If thou an_ <;hofen for falvarion, then fooner or hter thou 01alr have true foul. fa. llfl ' l· ; 8 . v111g Jlllltfymg fanh ; A s many M were ordumcd to eternal life believed. When God harb a people ro call home to himfelf, l'e eirl1er brings them to the means, or the mean: r 1h·_m, an~ rhofe that belong ro the elechon of grace believe_; 0 my foul, haft thou rh: fa~ mg f.nrh? not a fanmd fauh, a dead fa~th, a~ ~afi~ fatth, bur favi ng faith ; fucba faith. as was wrought m_chee by .rhe \.Yord and Sptrttw!th power; fuch a fa ith as was nor 111 any power 10 g•vc, nor 111 any power to recetve, unr1l God enable thee by his Rom 8. 30 • Spirit ; then here is thy ground thatthou an ordained to eternal life: for whom h: calls he hvm. 1· •· juftifics; and we arei:<flified~y faith. Not that the elfe~ce ?ffairh juftifics,'bur faich juGi– fies tnllrumenrally, m that tt lays hold upon that whtch Juihfies even the righteoufnefs of Chrift Jefus. 4· Ifthou art decreed for ~alvation, _ thenfooner or later the Lord wiil beget and in. • i'et, •· '· creafesn thee grace, holmefs, lancltficanon 1 Ele[f; according to the forek!'owledgeuf c,d the Father, through fan[/;ijication of the Spirit. God predellinares £is people untol10li. nefs; h: chafe m in Chrijf before (he fo~ndation of tbe World, that wejhould be holy, a 11 J EJ hcl. 1 , 4 . witho~tt blame before him. IfGod appomt thee to eremal hfe, he doth here in this World appoint thee to an holy gratious life. No fantl ificarion, no election; no grace, no glo. ry; \hou art to ~ea precious Jewel here, er~ God ~ill make ~bee ~'P at rlllt great day. Obferve the cham, Rom. S. 29. If I be fandtfied With the dmne Narure,in which glory is begun, then I am juflified; if ju{lified, then I have been called according ro purpofe. if called, then I was predeftinared; and if prede!linated tO means, then I was foreknown' as one whom God would thoofe to the end, even immarceflible and eternal glory. ' 5· Ifthou art appointed and prepared for glory, then God wi!J give thee a thankful heartfor fo great a mercy : thou canft no more keep in the heart from overflowing, when thou art fenlible of this everlafting love, then thou canft pur bounds to the Sea. See Ephcf. u~,,6. Paul praifing God for the de<'l:ion of himfelf and others, aftrr 1 heard of your faith and love, I ceafe notto give thankJ ; and Blejfcd be the God and Father of our Lord {efu; Ephcf. 1 • l• 4• Chrijl, who hath blejfcd UJ withallfpiritual blejfinp in heavenlyplaces in Chrift, according M he h.<th chofen /If in him before the fomulation of the world. And what glorious triumphS·' dorh Pani in tbe perfon of all the ele<'l: make over all kind ofenemies that can pe thought of? he chaUengerh every adverfary to put forth his fting, and why? even becaufe God 1\orn. 8.3;.39 hath ele&rd, and nothi11g canfeper~te themfrom thu unchangeablelove; and this was it that l\om.·. ,,, ~egot histhankfgivin~, Ith'}"fz.God through Je(u; Chrijlour Lord. 0 my foul, how 1 ts thy heart affected wtrh pratfe and rhankfulnefs 111 tlm matter? he that belloweth gmr things, looks for great return of thanks, efpecially this being all thou canll do. 6. If the projeer, counfd, love, purpofe, decree, and Covenant er God with Chri!l concerned thee, and thy fouls happinefs, then God will crown thee with perfeverance, aod a fredfa!l continuance in the way of grace thou wa!l firftfet in: final apoftalie, and 1 John ,. 19 • total-back-lliding from the ways of God can_never befal thofe that are thus chofen; th<'f Mar. 14 . , 4 , !Vent from m, bccaufe they t~er: not of "'' fat~ the Ap~!lle ;_ and :f zt were po(]ible they fhould dmive the very elett , fa1d Chnft; bur 1t IS cerramly unpollJble, and why? I tVtiJ Jer. 3 '• 4 ''• p~<t myfear in their hearts, that they p,all never depar~from me. Oh tvhar ablelfed m_er-/ - cy is this, when there are fo many hours of remptanon 111 thew_orld, fo many blufienng ftorms and rempefts that are able to raze up the very roots, <lid not that 1mmorralfeed preferve them. Of rhis fign we are fure, if any of the former belongs to us; burro tillS we cannot ad-ually fral till the end of our life. . Come now, are thefe, 0 my foul, rhc ground• of thy hopes? harh Gods word co':'e wuh