S4 Book II. JL..oolttng unto 'jltfuS'. t quiraspJrr. c q Jrt.8. 2 Cor. J.t8. Juh 1.12. J11al.;c. t.6. 1Pcr.I 17· SECT. VI. • Of calling •n {efiu_in that rejj.efl. 8.\ Jl 7£ mufl call o" Jeftu, or on God the Father in and throuob Jefus. This alfo V V is included in looking, as Davidwhile.praying, Jtilto theedo !lift up mine e;·es, 0 thott that dwdlejtm the h;avens. Now tlus callmg on God, or lookjng to God, contains prayer, and pra.fe. I. Vve mufl pray that all thefe tranfachons betwixt God and Chrifl: may be alfuredly ours, and that God would rleare up our titks more and more. yea and feein~ all good things tending to .(alvation were from all Eternity prepared for ~s, w~ are theretore to pray, that by prayer we may draw them down from heaven . for what though our evidences be clear? yet this mufl not rail: om means ; God do'th not ufe to bei!ow h1s fanng graces on lazy fluggards; thofe therefore who from the cerrainry of predellmauon do pretend that the duty of prayer 1s fupedluous, do plainly fhew that they have no certamty at all. Aqzein,., was orthodox in this, the predeftinat mujl pray, becau[e by :IJe{e ejjeUs of predejfinatio'!, the fa!v.ttiort of{oules is lxjf Pfcertained. The fame Sp1m wluch w~rnefferh to our fpmt that we are lus chofen, is alfo rhe Spirit of prayer and fupphcatton; and therefore he that b~heves that he is one of Gods Elect he cannot but pray for tlwfe things which he believeth that God lmh pre"ared for hi~ befare the foundation of the world. ----2. We mull praife God: wha; , rhar God Jlwuld look on us, and predellinate us to life? that he flwuld palfe by fo many on the ngln hand, and on the left , and that I jl101t!d be one n·ho, the Lord did clef]? what, jiteh a vile,andfinful r:vrerc:h as I am? \Vas there ever likg love? was th~re ever lik.§ mere)'? may not heaven and earth jland ama<.ed at this? 0 1rhat Jhall I do to be thankfnl enoHgh to this dear God? Thus thou that knowefl: rhy interefl in Chrill, fiudy praife and thankfulnefs. Say in thy fe!f, rrho made me to differ from tho[e cajf-away fottles? alai! we were all fra– med o{the fame mo~tld,hewedom of thefa.me ro~lz..lt is lloried of one of the late French Kings, that m a fenous mednatton con!tdenng h1s own condnwn of bemg King and Ruler of that Nation, Oh (faid he) when I was bO"rne, a tho~t{and other foitles were born in this Kir.gdo'lte with me, and •rhAt have I done to God more then they? 0 my foul, what diffe– rence betwixr rhee and thofe many thoufands of reprobate< that live wirh thee in the world at this day? nothing, furel y nothing bur rhe free mercy, goodnefs, and lore of God in Jefns Chrill. 0 then praife tl<is God, yea found fonh the praife ofthe glory of hi& grace. Remember, that was Gods defigne, and that IS thy duty. SECT. IX. 0" conforming to Jejits i?Jthm rcfpc[f. 9· "\ JVE mull: conforme to !ef}ts: we mull: fix o~r eyes on Jefus for out imitation, V that alfo ts the meamng of tlm !ookp~,g m the Text. And 1n refpecr of our predellination the Apollle fpeaks expreffely, he did predejfinatc 111 to be conjO"rmed to the Image ofhi< Son: this is one end ofpredellinarion, and this is one ~nd of look,jng unto [ef~a, nay it i; included in it. A very look on Jefus hath a power m lt to conforme us to the Image of Jefus. JVc arc changed by beholdm;;, f11ththe A~ollle: ~h when !fee Gods love in Chrifl to me even from all Eternity, how fhould dus .but fi1r u~ my foul to be like Jefus Chrill? where rhere. is a dependance, there IS a deiue to .be ltke eren among men . how much more confidering my depend1nce on God 1n Chnil, Owuld I de~re to be likeChrifl:indifpofirion? all the que/lion is, what is t(lis image ofChrift, t~whJChwe mufl be confor-med? I anfwer, holinefs, andhappincfs: but becaufe the latter ts our re· ward ,and the former i> our duty, therefore look to that. . . Bur wherein confifls r\ 1 at? I anfwer, mrhat refemblance, ltkenef>, and conformny ro Chrill in allt he palfages forementioned: And in every of thofe mul1 we conforme to Chrifl. As-- r. Chrill is the Son of God. fo mufl we be Gods fons. As marry as received him, to them !J<n-avepowcrtobccomcthefons oj6)d. 0 what du;y lyes upon us in this refpe<'t; If1 bey~nr Fa!im·. 1 rhc;·r;, ~r.ine honow·? and ifye call on the Pathe>·, pafs the time ofyour fo ·ouminn- lm·c in {Mr. God looks for more honour, fear, reverence, dury, and obedience fr~m a f~n then from the rabble of rhe world: if thou art Gods fon, thy fins motde · · oflen