JLoolting unto jjefug. Book 11. ffi d God then the !ins of all the reprobates in ehe world ; why alas , thy fins are ~ ~~eer tranfgrellions ofthe Law, but committed againfl: the mercy, bounty, and good- ;; 0 c, of God vouchfafed unto thee ; thy fins have a world of umhankfulnefs joWled ~~th rhem, and therefore how !lwuld God but vifit? you onely have I_k!Jown of. all the Alllol ~-" families ofthe earth, therefore will I vifit yo'! for all your iniquities·. 0 thmk ofl!us, you that are Gods fons • and conforme tO Chnfl: , for he was an obedtent Son. 2 . Chrifl: the sod of God delights in the Father, and his ,delight is alfo with thefom of mm· fo mull: we delight in the Father, and delight in his children. Delight thy[elfin PC the Lord, and he Jhajlgive theethedefi;e ofthy heart. _And t_he Saints that "re on the e~t;th Pr;i?;t 3. are they, inwhomisallmy_deltght,[atthDav•1· It ts !l:onedofDr. Ta:tlor, t~at bemg, in prifon he could delight m_God; and he re)oyced that ever he came mco pnfon,_b~- caufe of hi$ acqu~intance w•th that Angel of God, as he called Mr. Bradford. 0 thts IS heaveHuponearth! not onely God, ~ut t_he very SaintsofGodar~fwee_tObjectsofd~- light. Marke th~m, an_d ifthey b~Samts mde~d, they are fav?ury ~n thetr difcourfe, tn their duties, in thetr carnages ; thetr example 1s powerful, thetr foc1ety profitable , how: lhould we but delight in them.? 3. God and Chrilllaid this plot from all Eternity, tha_t all he Would do, lhoul~ be to the praife of theglory of hisgrace : So mufl: we purpofe this as the end ofall our actiOns, wbether we eat, or drink_, or what{oever we do , we mujf do ~<11 to the glory •f God. But. Cor· efpecially if from God we receive any fpirimal good , then &ive all again to the glory of'oan.~.~~.~~; his grace. Blej[ed be the Name ofGod for e<Jer and ever ( fa1d Daniel) for wifdome and might are his; -and I thank thee, an~ ~raife thee 0 God of r»Jfathers, who _haft given me wifdome and might: an exceUent fp1nt of w1fdome and m1ght wrought m Daniel, and he acknowledges all to rhe Giver : wifdome and might are hi<. Chrifiians! if you feel grace inyourbearts, Ibefeechyou acknowledgeitto Chrifl:: He doesall,hefubdues Iufts, heales wounds, !l:aies inward ilfues,. fets broken bones, and makes them torejoyce; and therefore let him have the glory of all; do you acknowledge grace in it's latitude to the God ofall grace. 4· God and Chrifl: counfelled about our falvation; there was a great conflid in tbe attributes ofGod ; ju!l:ice and mercy could not be reconciled , till the wifdome of God found out th:it glorious and wonderful expedient, the Lord Jef"' Chrift: fo let us counfel abo11t our falvation: the Belli and the fpirit whereof we are compounded, draw feve– ral wayes; the Re!h drawes hell-ward, and the Spirit heaven-ward; come tben, call we in heavenly and fpiritual wifdome to decide this controverfie; you may hear it's language J b . in Job 28.28. Behold the fear ofthe Lord, that is wifdome; and to depArt from evil is un0 >S.l!, derftanding. If we would draw heaven-ward, and fave our foules; come then, let us Ecclcl.wi]. hear theconclufion ofthemholematt<r, fear God, and k§ep his Commandments,for this is the whole dmy of man. Keep his Commandments in an Evangelical fenfe (i.) look at the expedient, teflis Chrift, who hath kept_them for us,and in whom, and through whom, our imperfed obedience is accepted with God. • s. God and Chritlloved us with an everh!ling love. So mull: we love him who hath 6r!l loved us: this is the nature of fpiritnallove, that it runs into it's own Ocean , 0 loverhe Lord a/lye his Saints! who bath more caufe to love him then you have? who l'f.JI·>l· bath been ~ov~d fo much? or who bath ~o much come unde~ t~e power of_love as you have~ bath not L;hn!lloved you, n?t only With a_ love of well-wifhmg, which ~s from everlalling (fome catlu the love ofEledJOn,rhe fountam-love,the well-head offalvauon) but alfo with a l~ve ofc<>l!'placency?hath not Chrift !lied abroad his love into your hearts,and lhall helofe by tt wdl noi'thefe coa'rds oflove draw up your hearts to love him againe? Sure it's but reafon to love. hi'!', who hath fir!l: loved you,yea,and loved you when you were IJiliovely, ~nd ha~ ~othmg myou worthy of love. Chrifl:ians ! then it was that Chrifl: loved you m rags,tt IS meet therefore thatlou lhould love him in robes. 6. GodandChri!l:appointe, orpurpofed usunro falvation; hislovewasafure,and R. . , fetled' and lirme, and con!lant love: thepurpof"e o" God accordinu to EleCI:ion mul/.fi'fand PCQ,., 9.n. S n I ld l . 1' 1 "' 1• • ·".I>· tU• o mu" we ove lliR, an c eave unto htm for ever : I have en<lined my heart to performe thy Statutes.lwa.yes,eventotheend. Davids heart was much taken with the StatUtes of God, and therefore he gives this expreffion of the·fulnefs of his hear(, alway ~<nd even to the en4: ItJs aktnd ofpleonafme, his refolutions were fuch that he would never depart from h1s God. 7· God and Chr~!l decreed, booked, ~nd f~aled o?t falvation i and fo muft we pnr to our feal r~at God IS true (•.) we mufl: belteve 1n Chnft1 for when ~e believe we make ~hrilli