;-6 Book II. JLoo!\tng unto ']Jtfu.s. llph.q. Colof. 3.12, 13· Cant.•··· John t.t6, Chritls word good. He that believes not. makes God a lyar, (a.s you have heard) in that he frull:rares,or endeavours to frull:rate Chnfls undertaktng mlns predeflination. 8. God and Chrift entred into Covenant concerning our falvation: So lnu!l: we en, ter into Covenant with him; we mull: take him to be our God, and give up our felves to be his .people : ~--Why thus we muft in all plrticulars conforme to Chri!l:. The fum ofall is this, we rrmft be li/zt Chrift ingrace, and graciMs aofings. 0 my foul, fee to this grace, fee to this conformity to J efus .Chrift in graciousaCl– ings, and this will emble thee to read thy name written in the book oflife. () abhor, and repel that Devils dart, I ampred.eftinated, and therefore I may live as I lift; how contrary is this ro the Apo!He, he hatJ, chafen us in him before thefo~<ndation of the world, that"" j1 10 1ild be holy, and without blame before him in love l and. as the Ele[/: of God put •n bowels of mercy, k.jndncfs, h,.mblencfs of mind, meeeyefs, long.Julfering, fo~giving one another, ---Even its Chrift forgaveyOid this conformity to Chrifl in grace is the very effeClofour predeftination: 0 loolc;mto Jefu<, and be in grace ltfzt unto 'fefru : why Chrift is full of grace, a veffel filled up to the lip, or very brim, tholt art f aire-r thm the children of men, and graceis poured into thy lips. Chrift wasas it were grace[peaking, Lnl4.22. Grace !ighing, weeping, dying, Heb. 2.9. Grace living again, and now dropping, or rather rain– ing down floods of grace on his living membm Ephe(+ I I. Chrift is the great Apple– tree , dropping down Apples of life, Cant.2.J. and all that falls from this tree, as apples, leaves, lhadowes, fmell, bloffomes, are but peices of gracefallen down from him, who is the fulnefs ofall, and hath filled all things. Chrift is the rofe of Sharon, and every leafeof this rofe is an heaven , every white and red in it is grace and glory , every aCl of breathing out it's fmell from everlafting tQ everlafting is fpotlefs and unmixed grace ; why then my foul, if thou wilt conforme- to Chrift, conforme in this; Be holy as he i< holy; ofthat f~<lnrfs of grace that is in him, do thou receive evengrace for grace, Chriftians! where are we? 0 that ever men 01ould hear of fo much grace, and of fuchl!Cts ofgrace in that eternity befQt~ all worlds, and yet no impreilion of grace upon their hearts! 0 that God and Chrift Oiould both be in that bufinefs of eternity : tb.t heaven, hell, juftice,mercy, fouls,anddeep, wifdome,010uld be all in that rare piece, allif yet thl~ men lhould think more of a Farme, an Ox, an houfe,a pin,aftraw ,or of the bones ofa crazy livelihood; 0 lookJ<p, look..up , ifthou art Chrifts; Confider what he bath done for thy foul; why thou art predeftinate to be conformed to the Im~ge of Chrij/. . . Thus far we have loo/ztd 01< Jefus as our JeJU< , in that etermty before all ume \mull !IK ~reation: Our next wor~ i~ to loo~ on JeJU<? ca~ryingon t!Je great work ofmaus falvanon 1n the Creation, the begmmng of ume, unull hts firftcommg. ,' LOOKING ,: 'L ' I ; J • # ./J JdJ. l _.1.1:1':..'.' 'J. I ·,,!-·