Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap·1.Sctl-.2 · Book Ill. 61 this bkffed Text had nor been r Come, fer aStar.upon it~ write it in lerrers of Gold, or rather write it on the very Tables of our He!lrtS: here ts the bleffedfl news that ever was (I!· ever lltall be ; but for this we had been all Fire-brands of,Hell; yea, but for this' Ada·» and Eve, and all their Sons and Daughters that are noiv gone out of this \>V'o,rld had been finoaking and frying in Hell-fire. Away with all grofs mtfrakes, Er– roneou~ concdts, and as yonlove your Souls, yeild to this blelfed fenfe! This it J or he J is one of that fame Seed, and this o~e of that fame fad is [•Jus, and only 7efus, and none but {cfus . and for this fenfe we have thefe •rgumems. . . 1 • So,;e obferve that this ~emence is feperated from the former with a Period or great ftop : however God goes on to fpeak ofthe Seed of rhe Woman, yet he fays not, 1 md that Seed jl! t!l bmifo .thy head, for fo wemtghr have thought he _had fpoken of that Seed colleClive!v a! he dtd before; but ftoppmg dtere, and not repeattng the fame word aoain, he give;it thus; it, or he foal/ bruifo thy; (i.) fomeindividual perfon of that f~ne Seed,fome fingular one of that fame common Seed ofthe Womanfoall bmifc thy hehd; as Davidalor.e of all the Hofl: of!frael goe>forth to fight with Go/iah.andovercomes him; fo Chrift alone of all the Seed of the Woman was fo to fight with the !erpen; by his own power as ro overcome him, and to bruifc his head. 2 . The Seventy in their Tranlhrions of this place (with which agrees the Chaldee Paraphrall) renders it"""'· he] which needs mull denote fome fingular perfon, or Son of the wo'llllll; and the rather becaufe the Seed fpoken of before is rendred ri .mpf"' to which if rhe relative had rightly agreed, it fl10uld have been w11i, or ,.n~, and not ""rin Hereto we may adde, that w this it J or he] the Seedof the Serpent is not ?ppofed as it was in the former fentence ; ·but the Serpent tt felf, one iingular Antagomll_; here ts jirJgJdam· f"l'•f"'xl•, a duel, or a combate of two, hand to hand; only Chnfl and the Serpent ; heJldl brui{ethy he~d, and thou jludt bruife his heel. . . . . 3· The bmifing of the head doth plamly dtfcover tlus .r, or he 15 Jefus Chrtll: for none can bruife the Serpents head bur only God: the God of peace (fairh the Apoflle) jb<ll bruife S£Mll under your feet jhorrty. Now there was none of the Seed of the Woman, that waseverGud but only Chrifl, ,God-Man, Man-God, bleffedfor ever; and there-, fore it mufl needs be Chrill and only Chrifl that can bmifc thi< Serpmts head : 0 there's a Divine Power, a power and venue of God in it to,bruifo the Serpents head; obferve bur the manner of rhis Duel : Chrill treads on the Serpent; and by this means he comes to hwe a brwfe In the heel , whilfl: with his heel he bruifeth the Serpents head ; a wonderful thing that Chrill flwuld Jay at the Serpents head with no other weapon but only with his heel ; it were much for any mm ro llrike at any common Serpent with a bare and naked foot: rather would ]!j! rake a dart, or club, or any other Weapon; but wirh a foot to bruife Sarans head (that great and fierce, and lnorifrrous Serpent) this exceeJs any mans power or any mans daring to attempt : hence it is that fome•one perfan of tmre then human fire•gth mull do this deed, and who is that of the Seed of the Woman but only Jefus Chrifl? 4 God himf€lf in other places of Scripture doth exprelly declare that this Seedhere promifed isChrilt, and only Chrifl : mark but where this promife is repeated to the Pa– triarchs, as when the Lord faid to .Abraham, in thy Sud Jha/1 all the Nations of the Earthl>c blejfed: Jnd·when the Lord f11d to Davtd, I wtll raif' "P thy Seed afterthee, Gen."· rs. wh,chJh.<ll be of thy Sons, and I will ejlablijhhis Kingdq n ; and you may fee it clear that tlu~ Serd i>Chrill, and only Chrifl:,concerning that promife to .Airraham, the Apofl:!~ r~hron.r7.1t. f? tnrerpms tt, now to .Abraham ami hu Seed were the pro·nifes '";tde; he faith not, and to ~ceds,_ as of m:tny, bJtt aJ of one, And ttl thy Seed, which U Cbrift: and concerning that Gal.:;. 16 • , promtfetoDavid, the Prophet fo interprets ·it, He jha/1fit 11pon the Throne if David,and Ha. 9· 6 • 7• ttponht! Kmgdomto order it, and to ejlablijh it,.-who is that? in the former verfe, hi~ name ts Wonduf~tl, CoJtnfellour, themighty God, theeverlaj/ing Father, the Prince·ofPeace, (t. ) Chnfland none bur Chrifl:; for unto m aChi/du hrn, andunrom >~~Son i< given, r:f;-f. and who ts that but Jefus Chrill? · 1 5· . Theaccom?lifilmenr of this Promifein ChrifJ: isexprelly and. clearly made out iti t le New ~efbmenr. _Was not JefusChrifl: of the Seed of the Woman, born ofa Virgin? was not hts heel brUtfed, himfelf Cr~cified? and did he not bruife the Serpents head, . break.the Power and .Dominion of Satan? What faith the Gofpel? for thi< p 11 rpofe the <John 3·. 8. Son of. God n·.u manifrjlrd, _that he might dej/roy the work!. of the Devil.- .And the fe- . v~my.retJtrned agam wtth JOJ, faying, Lord, wen the Devtls are fubjeEI: ltntotu,throJtgh LukJOd7,tS, thy lv,m:: and he[aid unto them, I beheld Satan as Lightning fall fr•m Heaven ; hehola I ' 9 ' · · give