Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

64 Book Ill. 1!.-roatng unto jjcfu.s. SECT. III. Of the C()'()enant ofpromife as manifefted to Abraham. THe fecot~d breaking forth of this gracious Covenant, was to .Abralw,;; and now it lbmes m a more glonous ltght then •t dtd befor~·: at firft it was propounded in . very dark a~d cl?udy ter~es, not eafie to b~ underflood, and mo£1: things fparingly ex– preffed; bur. m thts fecond nfe and mamfellarwn, we have it laid down in plainer termes, Gcn J7. !J· I m/1 ejfablifh my Covenant between me and thee, andthy feed after thee, in theirgenera~· for an cverl~ftingCovenant, t~ be aG_udto thee; and to thyfeed after thee. _ For the .';h; underflandmg of thts, we IJJall examme thefe paniculaJ;j.--- r. What a Covenant is ? 2. What is the eflablilbing ofthis Covenant? · 3. Betwixt whom is the Covenant to be eflablifhed? +· For what time is the efl:ablifhed Covenant to endure? 5· Whatarethepriviledges ofthis Covenant? 6. What is the condition ofthis Covenant ? 7· Who is the head, both as undertaker, and purchafer, and treafurer upon whom this Covenant is ellablillJed.? · ' I. What is a Covenant? Tt is a contra[/: ofrrmtual peace and good wilt, obliging pt!Ttits on both hands to the performmg of mutual benefits andoffices. Thus was the Covenant be– t~ixt Go_d and Abraham , t~ere was a mutual flipulation in it; on Gods p:m to performe h"promlfes oftemporal,fpmtual, and Eternal grace; and orr Abrahams part to receive this grace by faith , and to performe due obedience and thankfulnefs to God. Hence a little nearer, we fay the Covenant is a mutual compact, or agreement betwixt God and man, whereby God promifeth all good things, efpecially Etrrnal happinefs unto man; and man doth promtfe to walk before God tn all acceptable, free, and willing obedience, expecting a!! good from God, and happinefs in God, according to his promife, for the praife and glory of his grace. Others, defcribing the Covenant ofgrace (for wirh tbe Covenant of works we will not meddle) they give it thu;, The Covenant of grace is~free and gracious compaC/:, which God ofhis meer mercy in Je(us Chrijl h<th made with fwf•l m.m, promijing unto him pardon of fins and eternal happinefs; If he will bJtt repent offin, and embrdce mercy reachedforth by faith unfeigned; and walk_before God in willing, faith– fill, and jincere obedience. -In this defcription many things are conliderable. As, I. That t~e Author of this Covenant is God; not as our CreatOr, but as our merciful God and Father in{;hrifl J efus. 2. That the caufe of this Covenant is not any worth, or dignity or merit inman,but the meer mercy,love, and favour ofGod. 3. That the foun– dation of this Covenant is J efus Chrifl , in and through whom we are reconciled tlnto God; forfince God and man werefeparated by fin, no Covenant can pafs betwixt them; no reconciliation can be expected, nor pardon obtained, but in and through a Mediator. 4· That the party Covenanted with, is finful man; the fall of our firil Pa· rents was the occafion ofthis Covenant, and God was pleafed to permit the fall, that be might manifefi the riches of his mercy in mans recovery. ~. That the for~ of this C<:– venam flands on Gods part 10 gracious and free promifes of torgtvenefs, holmefs, happt– nefs; and on mans paxt in arellipulation of fuch duties as will !land with _the fr~e grace and mercy of God in Chri!l:. 6. That the !l:ipulauon on mans part reqUired , 1~ repen· ranee for fin, beliefin the promifes; anda yielding of fear , reverence, worJiup, and obedience to God according to his word. Thefe I mtght tnfifl on, but my purpofed brevity will not permit. . . . · . . 2. What is the ellabltllung of thts Covenant ? Somefay, thts fpeaks the duratton of it, of.which anon; I fuppofe it intends alfo rheconfirmation ofit. We find rhattbeLo:J Gen.•s· 4S· had before made aCovenant with Abraham, Gen. I 5. 4, 5· And now hedoth not abohJh the former, and make another, but rat he~ he renews , confirms , and efla!Jlilheth tbe Gcn ,p,.:,3. former. It may be there was fomehefitation or doubting in Abraham,fowe feeGen.I5~ r 2. Bur now God would aiTure htm mfalltbly of hts will and purpofe : 0 when a rna_ h~ars that God will vouchfafe fo much favour as to enter into a Covenant with him; bets Jud~. 6 .!S· ready to fay as Gideon did altumy family is poor in Manaffes, and! am rheleajf zn a!! m{, Fathershoufe · andwho ;m I th•t IJl!ould be ra~edllphitherto? that Godfhould 1m1 ak!fi 6 Ju h ,'r. d J h Ob" .a.· 1e Lord Wl con rm pror.ifeJ M t eJe tome ? An 1ence to prevent Ul Jeutons ' . t 1 a~d