mation by the fign of circumcifion : there could not be circumcifion without n,edding of blood and where God comrrtlnds fl1eddmg of blood 10 any of lm anuem ordtnances, ' ir dotl 1 certainly reach to the blood of Chrifl, and his everlafling te~ament. . 3: In the refolvcd Sacrifice of 1faac, wh:ch was a plain type of the death of Chnfl. See 1t 10 thefe Gen. " ' 10 , poniculars. r. ifaac was Abraham's[on, his only fon, his innocem fon, the beloved fon · of hisfather, and yet Aoraham freely offers up hiS fon ; foChnfl was the fon ofGod, Ius only fon, his innocent fon, !ikf to m in all things, ftn 011/y excepted; and t·he bdoved fon of his Father, thi; i; my beloved Son in whom 1amwell plea(ed ; and yet God more freely offers up his Son out of his own bofome. 2. A braham by Gods .co.mm1ffion rofe.early in the morning to facrifice Iusfon; and the Jews by Gods permdhon nfe early 10 the . , morning to condemn the Son of God: and h~11Ce he is called the Hind of the morning, Pf. "· '· compaifcd with dogs that hunted and purfued !liS life. 3. Abrahammull off~r hiS fon upon Joh. ,, 19 ; the Mount, the very Mount on which Solomon's Temple was built, which typified the body ofJefus Chrifl, ?oh. 2. 19. So God offered Ins Son upon the Mount, if not on the fame Mount (as Auguftine th10ks) yer on a Mount not far d1flant from 1t; Golgotba was the very skirt of Moriah ; the one being within th~ gar~ of the City .• and the other nor far without , the very nearefl to the City ofall. 4, firfl laid the wood on lfaac, and then he laid 1{<!ac orrthe wood ; faGoa firfllayes theCrofs on Chrifl, He beari1rg h 1 5 Joh.t 9 . tpa, Crofs, went fonh into a place ea/led tht place of a sb..r<l, and then he !ayes Chrifl on the Crofs, there tltcy crucified him, fmh 1ohn ; or tllere they bound l11m to the Crofs , and faflned his hands and feet thereto with nails. 5. 1faac mull be offered alone, the fervants mufl flay at the foot of the hiil, little knowing the b9finefs and forrow in hand ; fo Chrifl: Ifa. 6 3 • 3 : mun tread the n·ineprifs a/o;~e : the difciples tear and fly, and little confider the agony of their Mafler. 6. Abraham carries in his hand the fword and fire again{\ his fon,fo God carries in his hand the fword and fire; the !word tignifying the juflice ofGod, the fire his burning wrath againfl: the fins ofmen ; and both fhefe were bent again[! Cbrifl, in whom the juflice of God is f<nisfied, and the flame of his wrath extincl: and quen('hed. That this was a plain type ofChrit1s pallion is hinted at in the bleffing that God fpeaks to Abr.1- G 11 • , , 6 1 ' ham after thisrryal, by my fe!f have 1 fwom, faith the Lord, for becaufe tho~ haft done,;: ·--· ,t ' rhi; thing, andhaft nonvith-he!drby Son, thine only S011, that irt b!ej]ing I will blefs thee, and in thy feed jha!l all the nations of the earth be blef(ed. All b~lievers are bleifed in the dead! ofChnfl:, who was that feed of Abrahdm, typtfied by lfaac, Abraha,,· fon; for as Abraham intended, fo God truely facrificed his Son, his onely Son, to take away fin. Thus far of the Covenant of promife as it was manifelled from Abraha,n to Mofes. S E C T. IV. Of the Covenantofpromife M manifeftedto Mofes. THe next breaking forth ofthis gracious Covenant was to M&(ei. The revenging juflice of God had nowfeized on mankind for many generations, even thoufandsofyears, fo that no":' it was high time for GO<! in the midfl of wrath to remember mercy , and tO break our mto acle<1rer expreffion of the prom1fe, or Covenant of grace. To this pur– pofe the Lord calls up Mofes to Mount Sinai, and there of his iofiriite love and undeferved mercy he makes, or renews his Covenant with him and the children of Ifrad. Jam the Lord thy God, 1rhich broxght thee out uf the Land of Egypt, o~<t uf the hoJtje of bondage, Exod. to; z; · tho11 jhalt have no othergods beforeme. For the right underfl:anding of this, we /hall examine thefe particulars. I. Wh~th~r the Law was delivered in aCovenant-way ? 2. In what fe~fe isrhe Law a Covenlnt of grace ? 3· Howmay 1t appear thatthe Law irt any fenfe is a Covenant ofgrace? 4· Wiry fhould God in the Law deal with lis in a Covenant-way rather than a meer abfolute fupream way? , 5· \~hat _are the go?~ things promifed in this exprelfure of the Covenant? 6. What IS the condmon of this Covenant on our part, as we may gather 1t ltenae,? 7· Who was the Media tor of this Covenant ? 8. Wlut of Chrifl; and his death, do we find in this manifeftarlon ofthe Covenant? For the firfl, whether t~e Law was delivered in a Covenant-way? It is affirmed on thefe gt?tmds. _ 1. In that 1t harh the name of a Covenant, 2. In that it bath the real propemes ofa covenant. 1. The name of aCovenant as it appeat'sin thefete;xts. And . - ~~