Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

_.:...7o~_.s_o_ok_I_H_.___ tL_ro_li_t_n__:_g_t_m_t_o-=jJ:__e_fuS'. Chap.•.Sea. 4 , r d 3 , 7 the Lord {.1idunro Mofes, write 1he{ewords, for afrerrh-;;enoro; rhere--:..~rds I have .1 . c.xo ' 4•" ' · h h d · h Iji l dh h · h J 1 ' ' m-.o-e .tS. a, r_ ee, an wtt ra~: _an erewu theLordfortydayes, andforty. mghu, he dtd neaher eat bread, nor dnnk...waur, and he wrote ttpon the tables the words of O.::ut. 4 • , 3 , the Covenant, the ten Commandwents.- Andhe declared unto jOII hM Covenant, n:hichhe commanded)'Olt to perform, f'Ven the ten Comman_dments, and he wrote them upon tlVo tables of D<ot. 9 . 9 . jfone.- When I !Vas gone (fayes Mofcs) up mto the Mount to receive th' two tt~b/es of j/one, <ven the rablCJ ofthe Covenant whiCh the Lord made with you , thm I 4 bode in the Mount forty dayes andf~rty mghts,!netther d~dettt bread, nor drin/z.Wttter.- Andit car.e to pa{s at the md offorty dayes, and forty ntghts, .that the Lord gave me thetwo tables of jlone, even the tables of the Covenant.-- So I turned and came downfrom the Mount .d the moullt burned with fire , a_ndthe two tables ofthe Cove.nantlV<re inmy tlVo hands. it ~~lver. I'. \'cr. I;. pears platn!y and exprdTely m thefe texts that the Law 1s a Covenant. . 2. ~he Law bath the real properties of a Covenant, which are the mutua!'confentand lhpulatton on both fides. You may fee a full relation of this inExod. 24, 3,4, 5, 6, 7 8. Fx~d~'4 ·l• :. And Aifo[cs came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the ;ud~mtnt.<· ~nd s, ',.~. allthepeopleanjiveredwith one voice, a// themrrds which the Lordhathfaid-..·i/IJ~edo: 'and Mofes wrote all the n•ora's ofthe Lord, and rofe up early in the morniug, ar:dbJiild!'dan t.!ltrrr under the hi/~, and nvclve pillar~, according to the nv~lve tribes oflfr.ael ; and hefe;'t yrmng men •fthe chrldrenofJfrad, wh~eh offered burnt-olfermgs, and f";ificed peace-o§ering; of oxen unto the Lord; and Mofcs took_},.1lj of the blood, and put it i11 b.ifons, a11d halfofthe bloodhe fpri11!iled' on the Altar, and he took._the boo , ofthe Covenant, and ,.,,,din theaudience of the people, ondthey faid, all that the Lo>·d bath [aid will ;ve do, and be obedient. and /Wofes took.. the blood, andfprinkjed it on the people, and faid, Ethold the blood~~ the . ~ovenant which theLordhath made with yott concerning allthefe word!. This very paffage He~. 9• 1 9• c. Is related m the Ep1fl!e to the Hebrews, when Mofcs hadfpok,sn every prwpt to all the peo– ple, according to the-Law, he took the blood ofcalves andgoati, with water and fcr~rlet-wooll, and hyjJop, andJfri;rkjea both the book._,, and all the people, (aying , this is the bwod of the Teflament, (or Covenant) which God hath enjoyned J<nto )'ou. In the words you 1nl)' obferve thefe properties ofa Covenant; I. That God on his pan expre!leth his confent and willingnefs to be their God : this will appeJr in the Preface of the Law, of which hereafter. 2. That the people on their part give their fuU confents, and ready williognefs to be his fervants. Both thefe appear in that, I. Mo(es writes down the Coveoaotcove– nanr-wife. 2. He confirms the Covenant by outwardligns, as by the blood of Calves and Goats; whereofone hllfhepurs in bafon•, to fprinklc it on the people; and the other halfof the blood he fprinkles on the Altar; that fprinkling on the people fignified their voluntary covemnting with God; lnd the blood fprinkled on the A!car fignified Gods entring into covenant with the people. Thus we have real covenaming when the Law is given. 2. In what fenfe is the Law a Covenant ofgrace? I anfwer, The Law may be confi– dered in feveral fenfes ; as r. Sometimes it fignifiesla~·gely any heavenly dachine, whe– Rom. <· '7· ther it be _promife or precept, and in this fenfe the ApoLlle tells us of the L.11v of work;. and ofthe Law offaith. .:>.. Sometimes it fignifies any part ofthe Old Tellament,tn winch Joh. "'34· fenfe Jefus an(wered the Jews, Is it not written in )'Oier La1v, I far1ye are gods ? Now I' f. 8•. 6. where wa$ that written bur in the book ofthe Pfalms ? 3. Sometuncs It fig,Jtfies the whole reconomy, and peculiardifpenfation ofGods worfl1ip unto the Jews, accordmg_ to the moral, ceremonial, and judicial Law, in which fenfe lt IS fa1d to co?nnue unul 'lobn, luk. •6· •'· the L aw and the Prophets were until 1ohn; bm jince that ttme the Arngdo'ft of God ts G I.~. 13· preached. 4· Sometimes it is taken fynech_doch~c~lly for fome a<'ls of the Law onely, againfl fuch there is no L a!l'. 5. Someumes It Is taken onl~ for. t~e Ceremomal Llw, the Law having ajltaddow of good thrngs to come. 6. Someumes 1t1s ufed In the fetcfeof the Jews ; as {ufficienr to fave without Chrifl; and thus tl:e Apofile generally cakes tt tn Heb.1o.1. his Epifile to the Romans, and Galathiam. 7· Someumes It IS taken for that part of the Moral Law which is meerly mandative and precept1ve, Without any prom1fe at all. 8. Sometimes it is taken f9,r the whole mora! Law,_ ~ith the preface and prom1fesadded to it . and in this !aft fenfe we takdt, when we fay 1t 1sa Covenant of grace. '3. How may it appear that the Law in this fenfe is a Covenant of grace? It appear~. I By that contra<'! betwixt God and Jfrael before the promulgatton of the Law· Ifye Exod. '9 ·>· 6 · will obey my voice indeed, andkfep my Covenant, then ye jltall be a pecrdiar treafpre .njilltO meabove d!l people ~-'or alltheearth ismine- andyejltall be tmto me a Kingdom of Pm_s, J•r. n. 4· • J' ' 1 ~ C · brymyvotce and 1111 poly Nati011. Whereunto the Prophet 1eremy hanre erence, aymg, 0 ' anj