Boo!;. 111. 15 preface and promifes adjoyned :' in the fJrmer fenfe ir is a covenant of works; but in he latter fenfe it isa covenant ofgrace.-- And yet I dare nor fay, that as the Law 1s ~covenant of grace, itdothexclude obedience. In fome fort obedience as well as faith may be faid to be acondition of the covenant of grace; J O.all g1ve Y.ou my thoughts m this dill:indion, obed~ence to all Gods comtmndments, 1s either conhderable as a ·caufe oflife, or as a qualification of the fubjec'i-; in theformer fenfe it cannot be a condi– tion of the covenant of gqce, but w the latter fenfe It may ;· If by cbndmon we under– f\and wlutfoever is required on our part, as precedent concor(litant, or fubfequent to rh~ Covenant of grace, repentance, .faith, and obedience are all clinditions; but if .by Con– dition we underftand whatfoever IS requtred On outpart as the cati(e ofthe good prormfed, though only inf\run1ental; why then taith, or belief in the promifesof the,is the only condition : fa1th and obectence are oppofed tn the mltret' of JUih.ficauon and falva– tion in the Covenmt, not that they pnnor f!and together tn one fub)ect .> fol' they are infepanblr united; but becaufe they cannot concur and meet together in one court, as the caufeof ju!lification or falvation. Now when we fpeak of tbe condition ofthe Cove– nant of grace, we intend fuch acondition as is among the number of truecaufes; indeed in the Corenant of wo1 ks, cbedtence ts reqUired as the caufe of ltfe; but tn the Covenant ofgrace, though obedience muf! 1ccompony faith, yet not obedience, but only faith is rhe caufe of life containe.l in the Covenant. . 7· WhowastheMediator ofthi' Coveoam? to thiswedillinguiOtofa double Media– tor, viz.. TypiDL :md Spiriw1l; Mofes was a typical, but Chri!l. wasrhe fpirimal Me– diator: and herein was Mo(es priviledged above all befbre hil1l; he was the Mediator ot the Old Tellamem, ChriG referving himfelf to be the Mediator of abmer Covenant, (i.) of the New Tetlamenr. }1-!ofes received the Law from God, and delivered it to the people, and fo he llood 1 Mediatour between God and the peo~le ; never was mortal man Heb. 8. 6, fo near to God as Mofes was ; .Abraham indeed was called Gods friend ; ,but Mofes was Gods favourite; and never wa\ mortal man either in knowledge, love or authority fo near unto the people as Mofcs wa.s (which makes the /ews (0wonder) to Idolize him to thisvery day. Mofes was called in as a Mediator on both parts. I. On Gods part, when he called him up to receive the Law,and a!llhofe n).eifages w!JichGod fem by him to the people. 2. On the peoples part, when they delirecilhifu to receive the Law; for they were afraid by reafon of the fire, and durtl not go up into the Mount, mark how he ililes himfelf as a lv' ediator: .At that ti•H (faith he) f ftood buwun the Lord and yon to ~ P~tw )'O" the u·ord of th: Lord : He was Gods mouth to them, and he was their moutlt to D:ut. ;. 1 ' God; and he was a prevailing iteniaror on both pans: he prevailed wit~ God for the · lufpending of his Jullice,. that it Jhould not break our upon the people; and he prevailed with the people to bind them in Covenant unto God, and to make profeffion of that Obedience which the Lord required and called for; yet for all this, I call him not a Mediator of Redemption, but Relation: A great deal of difference there ·i> betwixt Mofes and Chrijl: as, i. Mofes only teceived the Law, and delivered it to the people.; but Chrijt ourrrue Mofes fulfilled it. 2. M'fes broke the Tables, to fhew IJow we mour Nature had broken the Law, but Chriftour true Mo{es repairs it again.. 3. Mofeshad the LawonlywritinTable<of Srone; but Chrift writes it in theTablesof our hearts. 4: Mofes was meer man, bm ch;ijl is Gou as well as man: Mofes was only a Servant m Gods Houfe, bmChrift is a Son ; yea, Chrijl is Lord of his own Houfe the Church: Mo(es mediation was of this ufe to lhew what was the tme manner of wor01ipping God, but he did not infpire force at{d power eo follow lt; be could norreconctle men to God as of himfelf, and therefore it a~peared that rhere was need of another reconCiler, 'lliz.. the Lord Jefus Chrill. 8. What of Chrill, and of his Death do we find in thi> manif~n.ati6n of the Covenant? I anfwer, I. In delivermg the Law we flnd fomething of Cltriil:: there isa qtjellion whether rh: Lord btmfdf immediately in his own perfon dclivere.d the Law? and fome concludeaffirmanvely from the Preface, Godfpak! thefe words, atrd{tiid] and ti·om that .. paffage of Mofcs, thefe words the Lord fpak[ unto all your .Ajfemb1j In rhe MoJtnt out of Pout, 5 ' 2 " the mtdj/of th, fire,-- and wrote themw two Table; of Stone, dnd delivered them""" to me. But others are for the negative, and fay, this proves not thoct rhey were pronounced or ~~hvered unmedtately by God ; for. we find in Scripture tbat when the Angels were the unmedtate perfons, yet the Lord htmlelf ts repohed to have fpoken unto men gf[: 18 1 . 2 : 13 · E:xod. 3. 2; 6,7· And Augujlinc is refolute tl~at almighty God hj'!l: Aug. de Tric.S> tn t letttue of .he Old Tel\ament dtd not fpeak to the Jews Wlth hts ownimmedtate u. s·; ' L 2 vo!ce, ·.