Jl..ootttng unto jjefu.s. voice, but only by Chrift, or by his Angels, or by his Prophets · ar.d for this Minifie --j ACls 7· s·. voice of hi• Angels fome produce thefe Texts: Who have recei~ed the Law by the ~r~~- Gai. > '>'· nance ofAngels, and wheref.re then [uverh the LalV? it lVM added brc"•fe of tranfgrrf- ~ J!ons tzll rhe feedjhoul~ come, towh~m the promife WM m11de, and it was ort!ained by Angels He • '· '· rn the hand of a medtator. _And, if the tl'ord fpoktn by Angels Wa< ftedfaft, &c. for m part, it hath puzled me at umes, whether of thefe opinions to take· bur others fay (a ~ I am now as apt to joynwith them a~ with either of the former) tl;at Jefus Ci.rii! i~e fecond perfon of the Tnnlty, to be mcarnate, who is called the Angelof rbeCove· Mal. 3· I. andtheAngelof hisprefence, Ifa. 63·9· was he that uttered and deli;;;:d t fh 7• ~. the Law unto Mo{cs _; and to this purpofeare produced thefe Texts, This Mofes u he that ACls 7··38. 1v~smehe Congrel,a:10n tvuh the Anf:el, nhich fpakt to him in the Motmt Sinai. Now this Angel wa• Chn!t, as Irts cleared ',n the following verfe; trhom (oi; which Angel) "" Fnthers would ~ot obey, bm thntft bunJrorn them, and m_thetr hearts tltrnrd bac~.-tg.1in iJJtQ Eg)'pt. Tl ey would not obey the Angel, bur thrull bun from them, (t.) they tempted the Angel whom they Owuld have obeyed; and who was thar-but Jefus Chriil? as it is , Cor. :c. 9· cleared more fully and exprefly by the Apoflle, Neither lee "' tempt Chriji as for.e of them al(o trmptrd, and were dejfroyed of Serpents. Some of the Learned are of opinion that Chrifl the Son of'God did in the fltape of a man deliver tl.e La\\'. But I leav~ that. · 2. In the Law it felf, as it is a Covenant of Grace, we find fomethin~ of Chrift. in the Preface he proclaims himfelf robe our God; and i~ the firll Comm~ndmem we' are bound to take this God to be 011r God; and in the fecond, he give~ us a double I\eafon or Motive to obey; for I th< Lord thy God am a jealous God, I Jhnv mercy tmto :ho~s{ands of themthatlovemeandktep myCommandnems. Andm the hfth Commandmem he gives a promife of long life in C"naan, which is either to be look'd ar as a type of Heaven, or literally., for a profperous condition here on earth; but howfoever it is by virtue of the Covenant, and as a te!timony of Gods love ; now all thefe promifes "e made in Chrift : God is not our God but in_and through J efus Chri!t; God will not Otewmer– cy unto thoufands, nor unto one of all the thoufands of his Sainrs, but as they are in Jefus Chrill: God will not give us long life her:, or eternal life hereafter, bur in, for, and through the Lord Jefus Qlril'\ : whai if Mofes writ not down the word Chrijf] yet certainly Mofes writ of Chrift] his words imply Chrifl, as Chrift himfelf told the John$•. 4 ,, fews, Had ye believed Mofeo, yewouldhave believed me; for Mofeswrote of me; and as Philip told Nathanael, weh,wefoimd him of whom Mofes in the Latv and the Prophm Johnr.4f. did tvrire, [efus of Nau~reth, John 1.45. Surely Chri!t was, if nor theonlyfubjeCt, yet the only [cope of all the Writings of Mofes; and therefore in the Law it ielf you fee we find fomething of Chrift. 3. In the Expofition of the Law, as Mo(es gives it here and there, we fiod fomethin~ of Chri!t. .Yea if we obferve it, Mofes brought fomething more to the expreffion of Chrift, and of the Covenant of Grace, than ever was before: in the lirft promife it was revealed that Chrifllhould be the Seed of the Woman; in the ferond manifeftationof the Promife, it was revealed that Chrill: llwuld be of the Seed of Abraham; but in Mrr (cs Writings, and Mofestime, we learn more exprefly that Chrifl was to be incarnate, and to have hisconverfationamongft men: The Promife runs thus; And I will dwell a· EX.19·4>•46• mong the Children of Ifrael, andwillbe their God, and theyjhalli~,Ztow that I am !he Lord ' their God, that brought them forth out of the Lan~ of Egypt, that I may dwell amongjl Lev.• 6 ·"•"· them; I am the Lord their God. The fame Promifets renewed or repea~ed; and I mll Jet my Tabernacle amongft you, and mySoul Jhall not abhor you;, and I wdl tMl/z.among you, andlwillbeyourGod, andye {hall be my people; thts Promifewas punClually fulfil– led when Chrifl was incarnate; tOr then was the Word made (lejh, and dwelt amongjlur, John 1. ' A; john I. 14. Or if it be referre_d to ~he ha~itation ?f God byhis Spirit among!\ the fpi– ritual feed of Abraham, then It tmphes the mcarnauon of Chn!t, becaufe that was. togo before the plentiful habitation of Chrills Spirit in the Samts. Again, Mofes wrmng of Chri!t, The Lord thy God, (faith he) will raife up unto thee a Prophet fromthe m1dj/ of Deut. 1 8. •>· thee, uf thy Brethren likt unto me, unto him Jhalll ye hearkgn. Was not tlm a piamex– preffion ? Peter inhis Sermon to the Jews, ~reacheth J efus Chn!t, ~nd lte teU~ the Jewd that this {efus Chrift was prea~hedunto them before: when before ?evenmMofes time; a~, for proof he cites this very Text , for Mofes tmly fmd tmto the Fathm, a Prophet Jhall 1 t.Cls 3 .w, 12 • Lordyour God raifo "P ltnto you, of your Brethren, likt mtto me, him jhall ye hear mal ' thrngJ, 1vhat[m;er he Jhall fay unto you, 4 , In