Chap·J.Sccr·'). 1t.ootttnu unto jlcftt.S'. Book Ill. 77 4 . In rheconfirmarion of rhe Law we find fomethingof Chrilt.. Irwasconfirmed by Seals and Sacrin<:es, c;;-c. What were all rh~fe bur a qrpe of ChniU_ m rheformer expreffion of the Covenam we fou~d the Seal ot CJrcumolton, b~t now 1t pltafeg God ro add un:o rhe former another Sea. for confirmmo!l of rhetr Fatth, fc. the Palfeover .– and was nor this a ry 1 e of Chrifl, the immaculate Lamb of God, which takerhaway the 1/ fins of rhe world ? Again, in this rnanifdl:arion Mofcs brought in the Priea!\ood a~ a !Cried Ordi r.ance ro offer Sacrrfices for the people: and was not thts a type of Chnft, our rrue and unchangeable High Priell? I have Lomerimes feen the Articles of a belie– ving /nvs Creed, colleCted out of Mojes Law; as rhus, Jbeliove that the Mejfiahfho~t!d die to muks .fati<failionfor fin: t!JtS they faw rn rberr contrnued bloudy Sacnfices, and their deliverance from cl)'pt by the death of a Lamb, taught rbem no lefs. 2. I be– lieve that heJbd i not d·~ for his onm fins,. butfor the fins of others: rbis they migl;t eafily obferve in every Sacrrfice, when(accordrng to Lawithey faw the moll: harmlefs Btrds and Beafls were cffered. 3. I believeto be .f~tvul by laying hold ~tp•n his merits: this they might garher ·by :aying their right hand upon the head of every Bea11 that they brought to be offered up , and by loying hold on the horns of the Alrar, being a Sanctuary or Refugefrompurfuing\'engrance.. Thus we might go on: No quefiion the Death and Refurrec'lion of Chrifl, the Priefihood and Kingdom of Chriit were prefigured and· ty– ped by the Sacrifi<es, and rhe Brazen Serpent, and the Priefihood of Aaron, and the Kingdotl) of Jf'.d : And I cannot but rhink that. rhe godly fpirirual tews underflood rbis very well ; ond rbar rbefe d1d norreil: 111 Sacnfices or Sacraments, but that by faith they did really enjoy Chrifl in every of them. 5· In rhe intention of Gods giving the La1v we find fomerhing of Chrifr. The very end of God in holding forth the Law, was, r!1ar upon the feRfeof our impoffibiliry ro keep it, and of our danger to break it, we ll:w.uld delire earneflly, and feek out dili– gently for Jefus Lhrilt : to this purpofe faith the Apoflle, Chrift is the end of 1he Lawfor richteou[nefs to every one that believeth. Chrifl is the end of the Law (i.) Chrift is the e~dof inremiqn; God by givingfo holy a Law, and by requiring fuch perfeCt obedi– ence, he would thereby bumble and debafe the I.fraelites, fo that they lhould earneftly fly to Chrifl: in this fenfe the Lmv is our Schoolrnafter to bring us toC~ift, that we might be i~<ftifiedby.f.1itb. AS, hool-Mafler ( youknow) dorh nor only whip or correct, but alfo reach and direCl: : fo rhe Law doth not only threaten and curfe if the work be not done, but it fl1ews where power and l1elp is to be had, vi:t.. from rhe Lord Jefus Cbrifl. If rhisbefo, howmuch ro blame are they, that under pretence of Free-Grace and Chrifl, cry down rheLaw I Rather let us cry ir up, and this is the way to fer up Free– Grace and Chrill.. Surely he that difcovers his defeCts by the perfect rule of the Law, and whofe Soul ts 11nbmered ami bumbled becaufe of thofe defeCts he mull: needs prize Chrifl, delire Chrifi, advance Chrifl in his thoughts above' all the men in the / world. · . And thus far of the Covenant of Fromife as it was manifefted from Mofes to Da– vid. SECT. V. , Of the Covenant of Promife as manifefled to David. THe next breaking forth of this Gracious Covenant was to David; an~ in this mi111i~ fe!lauon, appears yet more of Chnfl ; the expreffion of it is chieflym thefe words. Althoughmy Houfc be ll'ith God, yet he bath made with me an everl,.fting Covenant, fir- 1 Sam;:•;: ~; deredm ail things andJitre. - · For the righrunder!landing of this, we lhaUexamlne thefe Parricuhtrs.– " Who rs the Author of this Covenanc? 2. To whom is the Covenant made? 3· What is this, thatthe Covenant is faid to be made ? 4· How is the Covenant ordered? 5. Wherein is the Covenant fure? 6. Whether is Chrifl more clearly manifefied in .this breaking forth of the Co: ven~nr, than in any of the former? r. WhotstheAurhor ofthisCovenant? Davidfayes,hchathm4dcit: he (i.)God; the