Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. r.setl-6. JLoo!iingunto 'Jjcfuz. Book lll. Sr covenant. Hence itis thatthe Apofile f>yes, if we c011fef our fins, he tifaithful, Md ']oh. '· 9· j~<ft ,_forgive "'ourfins; it is jufiice wirh God to pardon the Eleets fins as the cafe now !hnds : indeed mercy was all that faved us prnnanly ;_but now truth faves us, and PI. Hands engaged with mercy, for our heaven;_ an~ theretore Davzd prayes ,fend forth n: ;?;.~: .,. mercy and trmh and fave me. Vve find tt often m the Pfalms, as a prayer ofDavtd, 2 1,•. ,. 9 . 40 , deliver me in rhyrightcou(nefs, and ;ttdgeme accordmg to rhy r:ght~ott{nefs, and qutck§'? m_e 14 3· 1. in thyr~~hte01t(nefs, and iA thy faithfulnefs anfiver me, and in thy nghteoufncfs; now If tt had not been forthe covenant of grace,fmely Davzddur!l: not have fatd fnch a word. The covenant is lure in every refpecr, I will ma"-s aizeverlafting covenant with you (faith God) fven rheJure mercies of David. . . . . . . Ha.)). 3. , 6. Whether is Chrill more cleuher mamfefied m thts preakmg forth of the covenant than in any of the former? The affirmative will appear in that we find in this manifdl:ation thefe particulars.--- r. That he was God and,man in one perfon ; Davids Son, and yet Davids lord, the L ord (aid unto my Lord, fit thOit on my right hAnd, ttnril I m.k§ thine enemies thy footftool. - PI 1 to. 1. z. Tlm he fuffered for us: and in his fufferings how many particulars are difcoyer~d? p[ . as firll, his cry, my God, my God, trhy Ju.jl thM forfak§n me ? SecoRdly, the ]ewes · 2 · · '· taunts, hemtjlcd on the Lord th~t he wMld deliver him; let him deliver himif he delight ill him. 1hirdly , the very manner of his death, they pierced my hands find my feet, I Mat. 27: 46. may tell tt!l my bones, they look_and jla;-eupon me ; they part mygarments among them, and PI. a. 8 . cajl/or; upon myvefture. M". , 7 . 4~: 3. That he rofe again for us; thou wilt notleave my (o&&l in hell, neither wilt thou fuffer Pf.nt6,t 7 ,zs. tbine Holy Oneto fee corruption. Mat. '7· ~5· 4. That he afcended up into heaven. tho" h.•ft afunded •n high, thou haft led captivity Pfal. t6. tq. · h h .11 · d ;c 1: ' Pfal. 68. 18. capuve, t ott :Jttr rrcez,ve gtJts 1 ormen. Eh r 8 5· That hemufrbeKingoverus, both to rule and govern his Elect, and to bridle A~:~.~·,: and fubdue his enemies ; I have Jet mY King ~tpon my holy hill of Sion; I will declare Pial.'· 6, 7: ' the decree, the Lordhath faid unto me thott art my Son, this day have !~begotten thee.--Atl:. ·~· H· , The Lord fatd unto my Lord , fit thOII at my right hand ttntil I mak§ thine enemies thy rr. uo. I, '• footjlool. The Lord jiJatl fer~d therod of thy ftrcngth out of Zion, rule thou in the midft of Hcb.I. , 3• tht·ne cnemie.r. 6. That he muG be Prie(l as well as King; and Sacrifice as well as Prie(l; 1'[ 1 7he Lord ha h fvrorn and will not repent, thoJ& art a Pricjf for ever, after the order M:b: ~.'~: ~· of A>felchiz.cdech. ---Thou loveft righteoufnefs , and harejl wick.;dnef, therefore P!al. 4l· i· God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gt,,dnefs above thy fello•vs. (i.) Above all Chriflians, who are thy Fellows, Conforts , and Partners in the anointing · . Sacrifice ar~d burnt-offering tho~t wott!dft not have, but mine car haft tholl boared; Pf<1l 40. 6. 7• burnt-offering, and fin-offering ha}t thou not required: then [aid I, lo I come; in the Heb.I0•1• 6 •7· volume of the book_ it is written of me, that I fhort!d do thy will 0 God. Mine ears l1afl thou boared, or digg~d open; the Septuagint to make the fenfe plainer, fay, b~tt abody haft thou fitted to me, or prepared for me. Meaning that his body was ordamedand fitted to be a Sacrifice fort he fins of the World, when other legal facrifices were r.fufed as unprofitable. 0 fee how clearly Chrilt is revealed in this e;Kpreffure of the covenant ! it was never tlJUs before• .A~•d thus far of the covenant of promife as it was manifefied from David tiH the capuvuy. · s 'ECT. VI. Of thz covenant of Pr•mife as manif/jled to Ifrael abom the time ofthe captivity: ' ' ,THE gr~lt bre_aking fonh of this gracious'' covenant was to Ifrael about the time . of their capuvtty. By reafo.n of that captivity of Baby/on, Ifracl was almoll; clean deftroyed ; and therefore then it was high time that the Lord lhould' appear like a Sun afrer a fiormy 'rain , and give them fome clear lighf of Chri!t, aAd of this covenant of grace then ever yet. He doth fo , and it appears efpecially .in thefe .words, behold the diiJes comefaith the Lord,thllt I will m•k! anew covenant with the.hottfe of Jor. 3'·1!. M · Jfrael, 32.