82 Book Ill. jl,.oolttng unto jjcfu,S. Chap. 1 .Secr.6~ Ifrael, and with the houfe of [udah; not according to the Covenant which I made wi;h;h; Fathers, in the day that I took_ them by the hand to bring them out of the Land of Eg ;r whrch my Covenant they break_, althottgh I was an husb~nd unto them, (aith the Lord !t; thts jiMII be the Covenant that I Wtll maize wuh the houfe of. lfrael; after thoft dayes, faith the Lord, I wtll pltt my L atv tn thetr mward parts, and wnte tt tn tom hearts, and hvi// be their God, and they Jhallbemypeople, andtheyjhall teach no more, every man hu negh– bour, and every man his brother, faying, k!fowthe Lord; for they jha/1 allk_nowme from the leaft of them unto thegreatejf of them, fmth the Lord, for I tVtll for"tve their iniqn· and reme"?ber their fin no more. In this expre1Ture of the Covena~t we Jball e;a~{~~ rhefe Paruculars.-- I. Why it is called a new Co<·enant ? 2. Wherein rhe expre1Ture of this Covenant doth excel the former, which God made with their Fathers? 3. How dorh God put rhe Law into our inward parrs ? +· Wnar is it to have rhe Law written in our hearts? 5· Howarew~ raughrof Godfoas nor roneedany other kind of reaching compara– tively? 6. What is the univerfaliry of this knowledge in that all fha/1 k_now me, faith the Lord? 7. How is God faid to forgive iniquity, and never more to remember fin? I. \Vhy is it called_amw C~vena<r ? I anfwer; Ir is c~l!ed nttv: either in refp.Ct of t?~ late ~nd new bldhngs which God. vouchfafed Ifrael, m bnngmg back their Cap– llVIty With Joy, and planung.rhemmthmown Land again ; or it is called new, in refpeCl: of the excellency of this Covenant: rhus the Hcbrem were wonr to eaU N•l. .9r: r. any thing excellent,_ new. 0 fing umo the Lorda new Song, Pfal. 96. 1. that is, an excellent Song: or 1t Is called new, mconrradiCl:wn to the Covenant of Promife before Chrifl:came; in this larrer fenfe the very fame words here, are repeated in the EpiUle to the Hebrews . Behold the dayes come, faith the Lord, when I will ma/zy anew CO"Uenan 1 with the houfe of Ifra_el, a11d the houfe of Judah.--In that he faith a new Cove– nant, he hath made the firjl old;_ now that which decayeth, and waxeth old, is ready to Heb. s. 8. vanifh away. The mw Covenant IS ufually undedlood m the latter fenfe. it is new be– caufe diverfe from that which God made with the Fathers before Chrifl . it harh anew worfhip , new adoration , a new Form of the Churdt, new wirneffes, new tables .new Sacrament> and Ord'nances; and rhefe never to be abrogated or difanulled, neve; ro wax •lr.l, as the Apofl:le fpeaks: yet in refpeCl: of rhofe new bleffings which God bellowed upon lfrael immediately after the Captivity , tl1is very manifefiation J•r•'3·7,8 · may becalled new ; and in referettce to rhis, Behold the dayes come, foith the Lord, that they jiJallno more fay, the Lord liveth "'hichyrought "P the Children of .Jfrael oltl\of the Land of Egypt; but the Lord liveth which brought "P, rmd which led the feed of the houfe of 1/rael out of the North Countrey, and from all Countries whither I had driven them, and theyjha/1dwell in their own Land. 2. Wherein dorh the expreffure of his Covenant excel the former, which God made with their Fat1Jers? I anfwer,-- I. It excels in the very tenour, or outward adminiflrationof the Covenant: for this Covenant after it once began, continued without interruption until Chrift, whereas the former was broken or did expire. Hence God calls it a new Covenant;-'- - Na according to the Covenant which I made with their Fathers in the day that 1 took._ them by the hand to bring them out of the Land •f Egypt, wh".h my C~enant they bra/zy, al· though I was an husband tmt• them, faith t/o;e Lord. In thtsrefpe&.u mighr be called mw, or at leafi it may be called an inchoatron_ •frhe new, bec~ufe 1t conunued ull Chnft,wbtCh no other expre1Ture of the Covenant dtd before, and fo It e~celled all the former. . 2.' It excels in the fpirirual benefits and graces of the Spmr. We find that under rh1s Covenant they were more plentifully bellowed upon rhe Church th~n formerly: mark ~he Promifes: I will Jet my eye upon them for t,ood, and 1 ws/1 brmg them agmll }«·' 4· 6 •7· to this La11d and 1 wtl/ 'bmld them, and not pull them dotvn~ ttird 1 wdl plant them, and not pluc~ them up . and I wtll g.ve' them a heart to ~(,now me, that I am the Lor~ and they jhall be my pe;pls, and I w•ll be their God, for thty Jhall return unt• me wtt thezr whQ/eheart. ,--Again, I wtll jhakk a!l Nations, andthe d$fire of the Nattonsfh=~ Hag, 2 ' 7•8 .9• come andJ wsll }ill this houfe tvtth glory [atth the Lord of Hofts; the filver tS mme, h theg~/duJmnq,{alfhthe L•rd •f Hafts, ;heglory of thiS latter Houfe f/,a/1 be gre. 1 ter 1 "J