Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap·t.Scet-6 · r.Loottng unto jlcfuS'. Book Ill. 83 of the former, (aith the Lord of Hojfs. .And I will pM my Law in their inward parts, Jcr. 3<·33.34· and 1 vrite it in their hearts, and I w,/1 be thm God, and they jhall bemy people, and they Jhall teach no more every man his mighbour,andevery man hi< brother,faymg, k!;ow the Lord; for they pJall allk!;o!V me from the ieaftof them unto the greateftof them, faith the Lord: for Ilvillforgive their iniquities, and I Wtllrem~mber their fins 11~ more.. h. 3 . It excels in the difcovery and revelanon of the Med1ator, m and throl!gh whom this Covenant was made : In the former expreffion we dtfcovered much, yet 1n none of them was fo plainly revealed the time of his coming, the place of his.birth, his name, the p 3 ffages of his nativity, his humiliation and kingdom,<s we find them in this .-_- I. Concerning the time of his Commg; Sevent!' week] Jhall be ~etermined upon thy pea- D•n.'9. '4• plc, and npon thy holy CitY,, to finifh the tran[grcflwn, and to maks an end of fins, and to mt~kc reconciliation for imqmt_y, and to bnng m everlajhngnghteOJ{nefs, and to foal up the vifion .<nd prophejie, and to anoint the _moft holy. 2 , Concerning the place of Ius Btrth: BM tho~t Bethlehem Ephrata, though tho~t be Mica. 5 , '· little among the thoufands of /udah. yet 0/tt of thee Jhall he comeforth unto me, that ts to Ire ruler in Ifrael, whofegoings forth have been from of old, from everlajfing. 3. Concerning his Name: Vnto tu a Child is born, unto us a [on icgiven, and the go- 11•• r. 6 ; vernmetlt Jhall be upon his Jhouldm; and hi< Name Jhall be called Wonderful, Councel/or, the Mighty God, the everlajliflg Fath,, the Prince of Peace. - In his dayes Judah Jhall )or. , 1 , 6 , · be faved, and Ifraeljba/1 d1wll fifely, and this his Name whereby he Jhall be called, the L<Trd our Righteoufnefs.-Beholda Virgin foal! conceive, and bear a Son, and that< 0 Vir- Ha. 7 • 11 • ginJhalt call his Name Jmmanuel, ' 4· Concerning the paffages of his Nativity, that helhould be born of_a Virgin, !fa. 7· 14. That at his Birth all the Infants round about Bethlehem 010uld be flaiJJ, [cr. 31. I 5. That {ohn the BaptiPc fhould be his Prodromus, or forerunner, to prepare his way, Mal. 3. I. That he fhould flee into Egypt, and be recalled thence agam, Hof. I I. I . I might add many Particulars of this kind. 5· Concerning his Humiliation: Surely hehathbornour griefsandcarried our farrows, Ha. 114 • yet we did not ejleemhim ftrick,qn, [mitten •f God, and aJfiiEicd; but he WMU'OJtnded for our tranfireffions, he WM bruifcdfor our iniquities, the c:hajfifement Qf our peace was upt,n him, and with his jlripes were we healed.-He was opprejfed, and he IYas affii&ed, yet he opened not his momh. -Hewas tak,qn fromprifon and from judgment, and who jhalldecla'rehis generation?he w.u cut offout of from the Land of the Livi,g;[or the tra7!(grejfion of my people was he jfrick,qn.- It pleafed the Lord to bmi(e him, he hath pm him to grief. -There– fore !willdivide him a portion with the great, andhe Jball divide the fpoilwith the jfrong, becau(e he hath poured am his foul unto death, and he was numbred with the tranjgreffirs, andhebare thefin of many, and made intercejfion for the tran(greffirs. One would think this were rather a Hiftory than a Prophelie of Chriffs fufferings; you may if you will take the pains, fee the circumftances of his fufferings, as that he was fold for thirty pieces of filver, Zech.It. I 2. and that with thofe thirty pieces of filver there was bought after. wards aPotters field, Zech. I I. I 3. That he mull ride into Jem(alcm before his Paillon on an Afs, Zrch. 9. g. I might feem tedious if I lhould proceed. 5· 7· s. 6. Concerning his Kingdom. Rejoycc goeatly 0 Da11ghw· of Zion, jiJOut 0 Z<eh 9· 9~ Daughter ·of Jerufalem, behold thy King cometh unto thee; he is ruff, and having t(,, 62. ''· Salvatzon, _lowly , and riding upon an .Af<, and upon a Cilt the Foal of "n .Afs. Mat. 11 S· Behold aKmg, b~hold thy King, behold thy King .cometh, and he comes unto thee. · I. He IS a King, and therefore able. 2. He is thy King, and therefore willing; wonderful Love that he would come , but more wonderful WlS the manner of his · C?mm&: He that before made man a Soul after the Image, of God, then made h1mfelt a Body after the Image of man. And thus we lee how this· Covenant excels the former mevery of thefe refpeCls. . . 3· How dotb God put the Law into our inward parrs? I anfwer, God puts the Law mto our _mward parts by enlivening or .qualifying of a man with the Graces of Gods Spmt, futable to his Commandment ; firPc , there is the Law of God Without us, as we fee it or read it in Scriptures; but when it is put within .us • then G?d hath wrought an inward difpofition in our minds, that ·anfwers to thar Law Wtthom us; for example , this is the La·.v without,; Thou jhalt clove the {:ord th~ God wuh. all. thy heart : and with all thy So~tl, _and with ail thy Strength ; ~ An wer whrch , there 1s a Prom1fe ; I twll c.rcumcife thy H eart , D<ut. 6. f.' an the Heart of thy Serd, to love the Lord thy God with ·1111 thy M z bfiJrt Dcut. 30. 6.