-----------~--------=--=-----.,----::-- Jl.,roltmg unto 'jJduS'. Book llJ. 89 Chap. I. Se:et_. '2. extiibited, is calkd th;confol~tion of Jfrael: and therefore the more Chrifl is imparted, Luke:.:;. the more means of comfort: Hence the primitive Saints after Chnil, are faid to rvalk_)n M\s. 9· 3•· the fet<rof the Lord, and irt the comfort of the Holy Ghoft. Certainly the Spirit was poured inlefs plenty on the faithful in ~he Old Teflamen~,- becaufe that benefi~was referved to rbe rimes of Chnft, who was firfl: to receive the Spirit above meafu:·e rn hts humane nature, and thence to derive Grace to his Saints. · 6. In rhedarkncfs of that adminilharion of old, Chrifc was bm fhadowed out to the Fathers in types and fig~res,_ and dark prophefies, but now we fee him.with open_ f~ce., Cor.;. , 8_ Obferve the difference 111 reference to the perfon ol Cbl'lfl:, and to the offices ofChnfl:, . and to the benefits that come by Chrift. I. Concerning the Perfon of Chrift; it was revealed to them that he fhould be God, Ifa. 9.6. And that he lhould be man, If~- 9.6. !fa. 9· 6. Tbe fame verfe [peaks of a Child that i1 born, and of a miKhty God. But how hefhould be God'and man in one perfon, it was very darkly revealed. 2. Concerning the Offices of Cbriil:. his Mediarorfl1ip was typed our by Mofes ; his Prieflhood was typed out by Melchi~edech among the Canaanites, and Aaron among the }ms; his Prupherical office was typed out by Noah, aPreacher of R,glwOJfmfs; h1s Kmglyoffice was typed oor by Dm;id: but how dark rhefe things were unto rhern, we may guefs by the Apo!lles, who knew not he lhould die, who dreamed of an_e~rrbly Kingdom; and' till the Holy Ghoflcame, were 1gnorant of many thmgs perrammg to the Kmgdom of God. 3. Concerning the Benefits that come by Chrifl; Ju!tification was lignified by th'e fprinkling of bloud, and Sanctification by th< water of purification, beaven and glorifiorion by their Land flowing with oyl, olive and honey: Thus the Lord fliewed rhe rews rhefe principal Myfteries, nor in themfelves, but in types and lhadows as they were able to fee _rhem from day to day : But in tpe new Covenant. Chrifl is off:red to be feen mafuller vtew: the truth, and fubflance, and body of the thmgs themfelves is MOW exhibited; Chrifl:isclearly revealed without any type at all to be our Wi(d•m, Ri£h- z Cor, r.:3o; teoufne(s, SanEI:ification and Redemption. _ 7- In che number of them that partake of the Covenant; at firft the Covenant was included in the Families of the Patriarchs, and thtn within the Confines of Judea, but nowisrheparririonwall be_rwixrJew and Gentile broken down, and the Covenant ofl\om; 3;,9• Grace 1s made With all Nauons, He u the God of the Genttles alfo, and not of the Jews only. Chriflians! here comes in our happinefs; Oh how thankful lhould we be:' that our Fathers for many hUndreds and thoufands of years together lhould lit in darknefs and that we 01ould partake of this Grace! What? that we that were Dog; before, Orould now be fer at the Chtldrens Table?' The very {ews themfelves hearing of ~his, are faidtoglorifte God. When they heard thrfe things, they held their peace and ACI.su. 18! glorified God, jirymg, then bath God alfo to the Gentdes lranted Repentance llnto Life. If they praifed God for it, how much more fhould we do ir our felves? But of that hereafre~. I have now propounded the Object we ~re to look._ unto; it is [e(~<s, as held forth m a way of Promtfe or Covenant · m that dark time from the Creation rill his fir!\ coming in the Fle01 : Ou; next )?ufinefs is ro direCl: you in the' Art orMy!teryof Grace, how you are to look.. to him intbisrefpect. N CHAP.