. I Chap.2.SeCl:·2. Book Ill. 93 fo· [in bath made usworfethan theworfrof women, and Godisberter, holier, high– er 'than the bell of Princes: and yet God is not alhamed to own us. nor alhamed that we own him as our own, Iam;hy God. It is asii the Lord 0Jouldfay, ufe me, and all my Power, Grace, Mercy, Kindnels , as thineown: go through .all KlY Attri– butes . confider my Almighty Power, co·niJJer my Wrfdom, Counfel, Under!landrng, confid~r my Goodnefs, Tn~th, Faithfuln;f; : confider my Patience, Long.fuffering, Forbearance, all thefe are rhme: as rhus, my Power rs tlune, to work all thy worh:s for thee and in rhee, to make paffage for rhee in all thy !traits , to deliver t!lee out of fix troubles and out of feven . my wifdom is thine, to counfel thee in any diffit'lllt cafes, to infl:ruCl thee in rhinos (!m be obfcure, to reveal to thee the myitcries of Grace, and the wonderful things 0 conrained in my Law : my J uftice is thine, to deliver thee wher1 thouan oppreffed , to defend thee in thy innocenc~. and to vindicate thee from the in– juries of men: what needs more? 0 my foul,rlunk ot. thele,and aUother Gods·Attnbures: fay in thy felf a/1 thrfe are mine: nay more, thrnk of God .mChn!l (for otherwrfe what halt thou to do with God in a Covenant of Grace?) and fay in thy heart, Jefus Chriit ismine, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Head, my Elder Brother: his doings are mine, and his fufferings arc mine, his lifeandhisdeath, hisrefurrection and af<.en– tion, hisceffion and inter<fffion, all are mine: nay more, i£ Chrifl: be· mine, why. tHen all good thingsare mine in Chri!l ; I fay in •Clui!l, for they come nor immediately,liut .throughthe hands of a fweet Redeemer; and though he be aman who redeemed us, yec becaufe he is God as well as man, there is more of God and Heaven, and free-love in al! our good things, than if we received them immediately from God: Ravens have their Food, and Devils have their Being from God by creature-right; but wehave all we have from God in Chrifl: by Covenant-right: this furely , thi< very promife is the main and principal promife of the Covenant; it is the "ery fubitance, foul and life of a.ll·: ·0 then how careful 010uldell rhou be to improve the, fhength of thy mind, thoughts, and affec'tions on this only Subjdt? · 4· Confider 'feji« in that Promife made to David, ,He loath made with me ilfi ever/aft- 1 sam. 23 . ), ing Cownant, orderedin all things, and (urc. I. An everlafting Covenant: · Confider this in the internal dlicacy, and not in the outward admini(\ration ; it io ·Ghritl: that bath built and prepared a Kingdom that lhalt never fade, a fpirirual and an heavenly ·Kingdom which 0Jall never ceafe: and as he bath prepared it, fo ifthou believeft, he bath entred into a Covenant with thy foul to bellow it on thee; it is an everla(\ing Covenant, and he will give thee everla(\ing Life. •z. It is ordured ;, all tbings: the Covenant of Grace is fo marllJalled and 'ordered , that it fiands at bell: advantage to receive and to repel all thy Objeet·ions: Many and many a<l·Objection hall·thou raifed, how often have fuch thoughts been iri thee, Oh I a>n mi(erable, I fha/1 nof live but die, my fins wil/damnme, I am loftforever:C> And again, If Godf;athmade1~ith me aCoverwlt, why then have I fomething to do owmy part·? for thu u the nature of thoCovenant, to bindonboth parts; b~tf ala; I have failed, ·I r•n do lio~hing, J.c.tn a; ·we/!dijfolvc 1\ aRock,JAmakg my heart of floneaheart of jiejh, I can a; welt reach heavb With n finger,' M Jay hold onChiift by theh,<nd of Faith: -Wave not fuch Arguings a~ ohefe beepmany and many a ttme m thy heart? 0 confider lmw the Covenlnt rs ordere·d an.d marOJa!led in refpeCl of the Author of it, of the perfonsmrerefted in it, of the pam of which it confills, of the end and aim to which it refers. : '.~nd in fome of rhefe, it<not .in all of thefe, thou wilt find thy Objection< anfwer.d, r~moved, routed. 3. It is fure': • God is not fafi and loofe in his Covenants; heaven and earth !hall pafs away, beforo(J!l'e~\lt or tittk of hrs Word 01~1l far!: confider, 0 my foul; he·borh can and·iwill perfor,m his word. his power, his love, his faithfulnefs; his c.orlfbniy, all itand engaged. ' What ,fweet mar: ter "here for a foul to dwell upon? what need~·it go outrr~ orh~• ob)e&;.whil(l' iemay· find enough here? but efpecially what needs it to beitowit•ltlflllpcrtH'ain ~hing,l ~ •0 thac\ fo much p~ecious fand of our thoughts fhould run oudfterilr11;· a.nd f? litrlo/aftcr:grac't~' orafrerthts~ovenam ofGrace.P · u I , ~ ~~~;; • ,Jtl ,.:_.mr!~.£· c~ ;! ./. ' 5· Confider Jejiu in that. new Cbvenan~:or,Promife which G,od ·.rrdde wltft' Jffr;ut and: Jeqr: 3 n•· Jud~h, I "'1/,P"tmy Law' m lhtir mwm·d'parls, and wnte t.f..,, metr hesrt.<, wid lwi/! be tnm God; andthey jhaltb~my_pepple 3 rmdtheyp,al/teachno more, every ·man huneighbo~r , a11dcvery m~n~~sb>;ofhtr;ljdyiJt, f&mythc Lord .; for ·they Jh't<ll·alt:kpowme from ~h. leaftof the'!' unto thegreqtcfl'uf them,'f,iUt-h-('he Lord, for Iwdl forgive th'ei• ' f-niqui'tJ ) a:'d I wt!l ,·cmember thm jivs"ltHno>·•:I O'h wha,t,an errour is it,· that there i>no inherenc ,,. rrghreoufoefs tn'the Samrs,thatd1ere is no grate in the foul of-a believer,but QhJy in ChtiJl: 1 is