94 F.lClr. 31. >7 John4.14. xJohn>. ' 7· Col.,, ' 7· fzc.k. 1. 2.0, Book Ill. J'Loo!img unto 'jjcfu.s'. is notthis tht ordinary Scripture phrafe? I will put my Spirit !Vithin you: and the water that I j!Jallg•ve you, Jha!lbe tnJoll a well of water fPringing up into ever/afling life: and the anozntmgwhteh you have rccewed of hm,, ab&deth :n)'Olt: and Chrijl in YDil thehope of glory_. Obferve how the Spmt of the hvmg Cr·eawres 1v.u i11 the wheds, fo that when the Sptm .w_em, they went, and wh~nrheSpirit waslifred up,they were lifted up; evrn fo is the Sptm of Chnll:,achng,and gutdmg,and framing and difpofing rhem to move and walk bke'7· >r. according to his Laws. The Kingdom of he#/Ven u within yoH, faith Chri(l: and I de– l'fal. ~o. 2 · light t~ do thy will, 0 God (faith David) yea thy Law i< tvithi'! my heart. 0 my Soul, tf tbou art tn Covenantwtth God, belides the m-dwelhng of rhe Spirit there is a certain fpirirual power or principle of Grace, which Chrifl: by hi' Spirit 'hath put into thy bean, enabling thee in feme meafure to move thy felf towards God. And this. principle is fometimes called .a new Life, Rom. 6. 4· Sometimes a Living with Chrift, Rom.6.8. Somwmesabemg a/wet• God,Rom. 6. u.Somenmes a revealing •f hu Son<n man, Gal. z. I5· And fomettmes a prming of the L~l\' imo ollr inwardparts, anda IVriti~g of the L•w within the heart, Jer. 3I. 33. 0 confider of this inward prin– ciple, it is an excellent Subject, wonhy of thy con!icjeration ! 2. I will be their God, and they foal/ be my people : Confider God e!Tenrially, and p~rfonally, God the Father, God Ihe Son, and God the Holy Ghofl, God in' himfelf . and God in his Crearures: This very promife turns Ol'er heaven, and earth, and Sea: and land, and bread, and cloarhs, and lleep, and the world, and life, and death, in– to free grace. No wonder if God fet this promife in the midfl: of the Covenant, as the heart in the mid!l: of the Body, to communicate life to all the refi; this promife bath an influence into all other promifes; it is the great promife of the new Covenant, it is as great as God is, though the heavens and the heaven of heavens be nor able to con– tain him, yetthis promife contains him; God lhuts up himldf (as ii were) in ir. I will betheirGod. 2. Theyfhallbe mypeople (i.) Theylhallbeto mea peculiar people, Tit. 2. I4. The word bath thisEmphalis in it, that God looks upon all other things as acci– dents in compari.fon, .and his fubfl:ance is his people ; they are his very portion : for rh' De~t. 3'· 9· Lords portion uhu people, {acob iuhe lot of his inberitan,·e. They are his treafute, l1is Exvd. ' 9. >· peculiar treafure: his peculiar treafure above all people: If ye will obey my voice in– dee,f, and k!ep my Covenant, thenyeJhall be areculiar treafstre unto me, ~tnd above allpeople; for all the earth u mine: Obferve 0 my fou , all the earth u mine, q. d. All people is my people· but I have a fpecial imere£1: in my covenamed people, they are only my poniJfa. f9. ,s. on, my'peculiar treafure. Bleffid be Egypt my people, .Ajfjria rhnvork.. of my hands, and Ifrael mine inheritance. I have made all people; f!'gypt and .Ajfyri11, and alithe world is mine, but only Ifrael is my inheritance: the Samrs are thofe that God fatisfies him– felf in ; the Saints are thofe that God harh fet his hearr upon; they are children of the high God, they are the Spoufe that are m~rr-ied 10 the Lamb, they are nearer God in fome refpects than the very Angels themfelves ; for the Angels are not in amyflical uni– on fo morried to Chrifl as Gods people are. 0 Ihe happinefs of Saints! I will be their God, and they Jhall be my people. 3· Thty Jha!/teach no more ·every man hu neighbour, and every man his Brother, faying,' k!Jow the Lord; for·they fha/1 all l.fow me from the leaft of them to the grweft of them, faith the Lord. Confide~of this! ~poorSoul, thou complaine!l: many a nme of thy weaknefs, thou knoweflltttle or nothwg: why, fee here a glonous promtfe; tf thou an but in covenant with God, thou !halt be taught of God, and then thou flJalt kno~v God far more clearly than the [ews of,old, he will open to thee.all his_creafures of wifdom and knowledge, he will be!l:ow on thee a greater meafure of !us Sptnt, fo that oHt ofthy John 7 ' 38 • bellyjhall.f/ow·rivers of /ivilfgwaters. We fay agood Tntor mayteachmoremaday than another in a week, in a moneth · now tht prom1fe runs thus, that all thy Ch&ldren Ifa. 54 · ' 3• Jhall be tAught of God ; not that priv~te infiruetion, or puqlick Miniflry mufl: be exclu· ded, we_!mow thefe are.appointed ~ndenhe new Teflamem, and are fubordtnate to the ' ' Spirits reaching; but that the reachmgs of God do far fu~pa(s the teacbmgs of men, and therefore.Ihe knowledge of God under .the N~wTeflarnem lhall far furpafs that under the.old: herein appears the excellency of Chnfts Propheucal Office~ He u fuch a Pro· phtt a.enlightense'l!ery man within, that comesmto th~ '!o~/d: He u fuch a P>ophet as John 1 • ~' 33 bapti:uth with the Holy (lhoft and with :Fire : He IS f~ch a Pr.ophef as makes mens beam to burn within them,', when he fpellk!. unto th.etn: He ~s fuel~ a Prophet as Lwk< ' 4· : 2 bids his Minill:ers, Go, teach all N~ti011j,1.and I will he '(9ith y•u ; .and I willmakt you MJt.>S-' 9 '' 0 ' able }J{1~ifters, not, of _the Letw, :•Put . of the Spirit,; He ts fuch ·a Proph::