-·---·-------------------------------------------- 1 04- Book Ill. JLooktng unto 'jlefu.s. Chap z .Secr.s. «ant.~· •. oftw•"ld I have gatherul thee M tm Hen gathereth her chick!ns m1der her wings? bm ye w•11ld not. I would, but ye would not. And when his Difciples would have had fire come down from huwen to confume thofe that refufed him, h, reprwes them, and tells them, they !{yew not of what fpiritJ they were of. 3. In hi. care of his own · not caring what be fuffered, fo they might be faved. Alas,alas, thatthe Lord J efus lho~ld pafs through a life of mifery, to a death more miferable, to manifell openly to the world the abun– dance of his love; and yet that any foul fl10uld fufpect hil\l'ofcruelty, or unwillingnefs to ll1ew mercy ! Ah my foul, believe; never cry out, my ji'm, :nyfim, my fins. there is.a gracious·nature and inclination in Jefus Ghri!lto pardon all. , ' . . • · 3. Confider ofthat offi~e of faving, and /hewing mercy, which Chri!l: hath.fet up. this is more than meer!y a gracious inclination; Cbri!l: hath undertaken and fet up a~ o~ce to feek, and to fave that which was lofl ; to bring home !l:raying· fouls to hrs Father, to be the great peace-maker b'tween Cod and man, to reconcile God to man, and man to God, and fo to be the Head and Husband of his people. Is not here a world of encouragement to believe in J efu~ ? what ? to confider him as one who bath made it his office to heal, and to relieve, and to re/lore, and to reconcile? among Merchants I remember they have an office of fecurity, that if you dare not adven. mre on Seas, yet .there you may be enfured , if you will but pur in at that office : in this manner Chri!l: hath con!l:ituted and alfumed the office of being the Mediator, rhe Redeemer, and the Saviour of men; he bath erected, and fet up on purpofe an office of meer love , and tender compaffion , for the relief of all poor di!l:relfed fin– nets; if they dare not venture otherwife , yet let them put in at rhis office. 0 what jealous hearts have we that will not tru!l: Chri!l:, that will not take the word of Chri!l: without an office of fecurity ? furel yChri!l: never fo carried himfelf to any foul , rhat it need be jealous of his love and faithfulnefs , yet this dear husband meets with many a jealous fpoufe; 0 my foul take heed of this ! Satan bath no greater defign upon thee than to perfwade thee to entertain hard thoughts of Chri!l: ; believe! never fay God will not rake thee into Covenant , for to this purpofe he hath erected an office to fave and /hew mercy. . · ·+· Confider of thofe tenders and offers of Chri!l: , thofe intreaties and befeeching• to accept of Cl1ri!l: which are made in the Gofpel, What is the Gofpel? or what i• the fum of «11 th~ Gofpd, but this ( 0 tak§ Chrifl, imd life in Chrifl, th.<t thou may'fl be faved : what mean thefe free offers, Ho eve>y orte tb<t thi>:fteth come to the waters, and whofoever tvill, let him tak! of the waters of life freely; and God fo lovedthe world that beg~<vehi< ondy begotten Son,&c? God is the firfl fuitor and folicitor, be fir!l: prayes the foul to take Chrift. Hark at the door ! who is it that knockuhere? who is it that calls now,even now? open unto me my Sifter,my Love,my Dwe,myVndefil:d. for my htad ;. filled with dew, and my lock! with the drops of the mght? See htm through the window>, this can be none but Chri!l:; his fweet language of Sifter, Lwe, and Dwe, befpeak> him Chri!l:; his fuffering language, tha~ hi<he"f' u filled with dew , and his lock! with the drop; of the night , befpeaks lum Clmfl; But harken the motion he makes to thy foul , SDUI ! confider what price I have given to jafJe thee; thi; my body wa; crucified, my hands and fm nAiled, my heart p~erced , and through anguifh I was forced to cry, my foul i; hea'IJy, heavy 1<nto death, and,,., what remains for thee b~tt onely to believe? See all things ready on my part, remijfion, jufliftcation, Jan&i(ication, fa/v,.tion; I will be thy God 1111d thoujhaltbeofthenumber of my people; I offer now myfelf and merits, a•1d benefits flowmg there-from, and I mtre~t thee accept of rhi; offer. 0 tak! Chrifl, and life, tmd (alvatton •n Chrift. What, .'S this the voice of my beloved? are rhefe the intreaties of Jefus ? _and 0 my foul, wrk thou not believe? wilt thou not accept-of this gracious offer of Chn!l: ? 0 confider who is this that proclaimeth, inviteth, eefeecheth? if a poor man llw~ld offer thee moun– tains of gold thou mighte!l: doubt of performance, becaufe he ts not. of that power; if a covetous rich man !lJOuld otter thee thoufands of filver, thou mrghtefl doubt of performance , becaufe it is contraty to.his n~tnre; but Chrilt is ~either poor, nor covetous ; as he is able, fo hi> Name IS gracwus, and !us nature IS to be fauhful m perforJilance; his Covenant is fealed with his_ blood , and confirmed by hts oath, that all. fldl have pardon that will but come 10, and beheve; 0 the~ let thefe words of Chri!l: rwho{c lipJiikp)illiesttredropping downpuremyrrbe) prev;ul Wtth thy foul, fay .Amen to hrs o~er , I believe, L•rd help my unbelref. 5 . confider