Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~iitilil~~~~~~~~~ AN APPENDIX Containing both the Do&rine and Dir~&ions, but more erpecially the PraCl:ice and Behavtour of a man in the ad of ThenewBirth. The oc~Jjiun ofthis TREATISE, . Ithertol have giv~n the DoElrineandapplicatiOit. o( the (oul-(avlng_ Ntw· . Birth; but fome there are whofe hearts are fo fteely, that all thts ·can· not workupon them : Ifany fuch dcfire yet any (and defire they mull:, or there is no remedy for them) I have for ~heir help in the prac– t~cc, brought a PraCfitiontr afore them. It was Cefarsgreat praifi!;that he bade his Souldiers ftill, Come ; and if men had but many Ce(ars ot Leadrrs in rhefe l'ractical points, I fuppofe there would be more fol– lowers. AplainD oilrine may win (ome, and a particular Direflion may win more; but a good Example wins moll:. Howfoeve~ then; concerning the new-Birth, I h·ave ?eliver~d the D oEfrine in rh~ Strmons, an? Dircilion: in the Appe~dix j yet one. thi~g 1s wantmg, wh~eh may help more than ellher, to wit, the PraEhce ot fome Samt lri this one nmjiary thing ,:~And what Saint? what tHan that hath writ more on this fub– ject, than T. Hooker? It was faid, of bleff'ed M. Bolton, That for himfelf, he cbu/d prof efto his comfort on his Deaths-bed, That he never taug ht anygilaly point, but he firft Wr•ught it on hu own heart ; the fame, do I more than .probably .think, was the- praffice ofthu m~n. Now therefore I thought fit, Hot only to contract his Books in this Ap– pendtx (which fome without his privity have unskilfully pltt out) bot alfo, and th:ft more efpecially, to fet afore you (whofoeveryou are) thofe prime, powerful, pa• thetical exprellions ofhis Soul·pangs in the New-.birth as matter for your imitation : Thefe exprellions indeed are they I moll: cfpecially aim at, which if you obfervc, are alwayes delivered in the firft perfon (!,) ahd I verily believe they were not fergned, but feeling from his own heart and foul. What needs more? if either Doilrin• in the firlt part, or Direilion in the fecond.part, or l'railice in the third part of the Book (which confilts moll: of Prnilice) earl w<1rk on your fouls, I hope fome of thefe, or all of thcfe, will help you on in the way from Corruption to Chrifl:ianity, and from the fl:ate of Nature intv ~he Kingdom of-Grace; ' •J' I •. ' 11 CHAP. I. l'ltH I• The Souls Preparation. .'; E £fore the foul can !hare in 'Chrijls Merits (to fpMk..,in the ~.A;:tbors fti!e or /,onguage, wuhout anl tilter•tion) two things are'reqti'ite4. · J,,,,,. ·. ,, Q I . A !t'f J i ·'?• ...J: ;)~ ~ .. , Mr. Boltonf (u• neral Sermon byM· E.ftrricl(. "Mr. 't.lloo~r in l1is ftvtrd ltuiif<'oflh<: