Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

53 '3tb~ ~£1lll8trtb. ------------- ·-·· ·-:-:----:--,--- - would make him vile and loathfom, he is !lJOre vile in his own eyes t~an they can make hun: 0 that I could bring your hearts to be in love with this bldfed grace of God ! fs there any foul here that hath been vexed with the temptations of Satan,oppofitiorui of men, or with his own dill:empcrs' and would he now arm and fence himfelf, that tlothing fhould difquiet him, or trouble him, but in all, to be above all, and to rejoyce m all ? 0 then be humbled, and then be above all the Devils in hell : Certoinly tht y fhall not fo difquiet you, as to caufc you to be mificd, or uncumfortcd, if you would but be humbled. V[< 2 : What remains then? Be exhorted (as you defire mercy and favour at Gods hands) to this Humiliation. And for Motives,confidcr the good things that God hath promi fed, and which he will befl:ow upon all that are truly humbled; I fhall reduce all to thek three following Benefits. . Firll:, by Humiliation we are made capable ofall thofc treafures of \V ifdome, Grace, and Mercy that are in Chrill:. Secondly, Humiliation gives a man the comfort of all that is good in Chrill:: Many have a rightto Chrill:, and are dear to God, yet they want much fweet refrefhing, becaufe they want this Humiliation in fome meafure. To be truly humbled, is thenext way to be truly comforted: The Lord will loot<o him that hath an humble contrite heart, and treinbles '"his word: The Lord will not onely know hi>11 (he knows the wicked too I fa. 62. 8. in a general manner) but he will give hint fuch a gracious look._, as fhall make his heart dance in his breall:. Thou poor humbled Soul, the Lord will give thee a glimpfe ofhis favour,when thou art tired in thy trouble; when thou look$ft up to heaven,the Lord will look._down upon thee, an:! will refrefh thee with Mercy ; God hath prepareda fweet morfel for his child, he will receiw the humble : 0 be humbled then, every one of you, and the Lord Jefus, who comes with healing under his wings, will comfort you, and you fhall fee the falvation of our God. Thirdly, Humiliation ufhers glory, Whofoever htmkles him[<lf a; a little childe,jhall be greateft in the kingdom •f heaven ; He fhall be in the higheil degree of grace heye, and Mmh. 18 of glory hereafter: for as thy Humiliation, fo fhall be thy Faith and Sanc1ijication, and • 4 ' Obedience, and Ghry. And no\v me thinks your hearts begin to ftir; and f~y, H ath the Lord engaged himfolf to thu, 0 then (Lord) mal<$ me hmnble. Now the Lord make ine, and thee, and all of us humble, that we may have this mercy_. See how Evcrliz.fhng happinejJe and blejJednejJe looks and waits for every humbled Soul;Come,(faithHappinejJc)thou that h~<ffbeen vile, and bafe, and meanin thy own eyes; Come, and be greatejf in the Kingdom of heaven: Brethren, though I cannot prevail with your hearts, yet let HappincjJe, tha't kneels down, and prayes you to take mercy ; let that 0 fay) prevail with you : Ifany man be fo regardlelfe of his own good, I ,have fomething to fay to him, that·may make his heart fhake within him. But Oh! --\Vhowould not have the Lord Jefus to dwell with him?,who would not have the Lord Chrill:, by the glory of his Grace, to honour and refrefh him? Methinks your h~arts lhould yearn for it, and fay, 0 Lord, break._my heart, and humble me, that mercy may be my portion f~r ever; nay, mcthinks every·man ,fhould fay as Paul did, I would to God that n•t only I, bt!t all my children andfervants were not onoly thm a; I am, b11t alfo (if it were Gods will) much mo~·e humbled, that they -mightbe>nuch•more comforted and rtfrefhed, Then mtght you fay Wtth comfort on your 'deathS-bed, Though I go away and leave wife and children behind me,poor and mean i~ the worltl., yet /Leave Chnftwith them: when you arc gone, thts wtll be better for diem, than all the booten gold. or honours·in the world, wl10t can I fay? but fince the Lord Pf•l- •· "' offers fo kindly, now KiJJc the S•n, be humble, yield toall Gods Commands, take home all-Truths and be at Gods difpofing : Let all the cvtl that ts threatened, and all 'the good that i; offered prevail wit~ your hearts, or if means cannot, yet the Lord prevail with you ; the Lord empty you,that Chrifl may fill you ; the L?rd humble yoti, that you may enjoy happinelfe anct peace, and be ltfted up to the h1ghell: pmacle of •Glory, there to reign for ever and ever. CHAP.