Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

74 Vfe . ' Rev. §. Pfal, ;\. Conciufion John 3· rr. Nore bafcly here : Oh! if you have a Saviour you are made for ever; it is that which will ma;nrain you, n<lt'only Chriftianly, butTrmrnphantly; what you want, Chrifthath and what is fit, Chtilt will beftow; if you cannot keep it, he will preferve it for you; if you be~ggifh, lre will quicken it in you; what would you have more? he will perfect wh'rtt he quickens; and Jaltly, he wrll crown that he perfe:ts, he will give you an im– mqrbH <'::rbwn.of Glory for ever al)d ever. -1lfeni:'e we fte Whither the Saints of God ihquld go to fetch fuccour and fupply of whatfocvcr grace they want, yea increde and perfection of wha,t they have already; Chrift' is made all in all to his fervants; why then, away to the Lord Jefus; he calls and invites, I c01t!ifel thee to buy ofme eye-falve; ifthou be an accurfed man,buy of Chria Juftification; if thou bea pollutedcreature, buy of Chrift San<'l:ification : With thee is th~llilllfpring•f life (farth David) and in thy light weJha/1oniyfle hght: it is not with us, but with thee ; it is not in our heads, or hearts, or performances, 'tis only inCbri!l to befound, only from Chri!l to be fetched . I deny not but we fhould improve all meahs, ·and ufe all h-elps, but in the ufe of all, feek only to a Ch'rift, with him is the rr;ell •flife; away to Chrill:; wifdom, righteoufndfc, &c. all is in him, and there we muft have them. You will fay, What are the means to obtain thcfe graces from Chrifl:; I anfwer: Firfi', eye the promifc daily, and keep it within view. Secondly, yield thy felf, au~ give way to the lhoke of the Promife, and to the power of the Spirit; for in!1ance, Imagine thy heart begins to be peftered with vain thoughts, or with a proud haughty fpirit, or fome bafe lufts and privy haunts of heart, how would you be rid of thefe? you mull not quarrel and contend, and be difcouraged; No, but eye the promife, and hold fall: thereupon, and fay, Lord, thou haft promijed allgrace 1mto thyJervant,, tak§ there– frrre this heart, and thiJ minde, and thcfe ajferfions, and let thy Spirtt frame them aright accordmg to thy own good will; by that Spirit efwifdom (Lord) informme; by that Spwit of SanEiification (Lord) cleanfe mefrom all my corruptions; by that Spirittfgrace (Lord) qutck§n and inable me to the difcharge ofevery holy fcrvice: Thus carry thy felf, and cortveigh thy foul by the power of the Spirit of the Lord; and thou fhalt finde thy heart ltrengthened and fuccoured by the venue tlicrcof upon all occafions. · For Conclufion (to dart this ufe deeper into your hearts) If every believer be joyned rvith Chrift, andfronz ChYift there be a conveyance ofallfpiritual g-races unto e~·ery bel~cvc-t; then ab'e"e all labour for a ChriS1 iu all things: Never let thy heatt be quieted, never let thy foul be contented until thou haft obtained Chrijf. Take a Malefactor on whom ScntetlCC is paucd, and execution to be admimiftrcd, fuggcft to him how to be rich, how to b~ honoured, to be pardoRed, he will tell you. Rich·es ar~ good, ·and hoi10IIrJ are good ; but 0, a pardon or tlotbin$: },h, but then fhould you fay, he mull: leave all for a pardon; he will anfwer agarn, Tak§ all, andgive,"" a pardM, that 1, though in poverty; that I may live, tbOi!f;h in mifery: So·it is with a poor believing foul. Every mr.n that ~ath committed fin, mull: fulfcr for fihne, fai rh ') njfice ; tl1e paffed ; Every in~n that believes not, is eondmJlied'iitrt~dy, faith our Saviour: What would you have now ? thou 'fayell:, Ihim wouldeft b><ve '– don,.but wouldeil' thou not have riches? Alas ! Whet is that to me (faith the foul) to vc rich and a reprobate'? honoured and damned? let me be pardanrd;f)Jough impoverijhed; let me be ittffified, though debafed,yut though I neverfee good day: \Vhy, then labour fora Chrijf, for there is no other way under heaven; get a broken heart, get a believing heart: but 0, above all, get a Chrijf to jull:ify thee; get aChriff to fave thee: if I could pray like an Angel, could I hear and remember all the Sermoa ; could I confer as yet never man fpakc, what is that to me, ifi have rt6t a Chriji·? I may go down to hell for all that I have or do ; yet take this along, and underftand me.aiight, Chrijf iJ not only 4 Saviour of all his, bm he is the God ofallgrace ; a; he is the God ofall pardoning, Johei; the God ofallpurging and rurifJilf..( ilntiJ,the {ou'lof each ]Jclieve-1': grace therefore is good, and du;ies arc good; leek (o'r all, we ; perform all, we ought to do fo; but Oh, a Chrift, a Chrijf, a ChriJ!~ in all, a£oye aii,!'JOYC th1n all. !hus I liavc fhewed the way to the Lord Jefus, I have fhewel! yol'l.alio how you may come to be implanr,ed iQtO the Lord Jefus; and nowT leave yofJ in tlr~Hartds of a Saviour, in the Bowels ofa Redeemer; andI think I cannot l,c-avc '\'Pu bcttc~: . · ··~ '.fr •hN I s. Soli Deo Gloria.