Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. 1. ':leer. •· oufnefs is 1 ·ighreoM, nw;as he is rigbieow. Indeed our owrt rightcoutnefs, tho_ugh if be the fruit of the Spirit of gnce, is a blotted, .fiaitiei:l nghteoufnefs, very 1mperfcCl: and vrry little· but by this, the Faith of David, Peter, Paul, was hOt more precious than ours is, b~caufe we have the fame righteoufnefs as they had: what fincere foul but dl:ecms o(perfed holinefs more than of heaven it fclf? 0 confider, we have it (in this fcnfe I now fpcak of) to the Lord Jefus. , . +- By this we have contmual nghteoufnefs : Do '~e complatn becaufe we feel new finnc or old fins confefl'ed, lamented, fubdued, returnmg upon us agam, and the·fprmgs in th~ bottom filling our fouls again that we are weary of our fclves ? 0 but remem• ber this is not a Cillern, but afotmtain openedfor us to wajh in; as fin abounds,fo grace in ti 1 is oift of righteoufnefs abounds much more: The Lord hath changts of garments for ~s, by~neancs whereof there !hall never enter into the Lords heart one hard thought towards us, of caftmgus off, or of takmg revenge upon any new occafion, or fall unto finne fo as for final deflruction. . 5 . By this we have eternal righteoufnefs, that never can be lot1. If the Lord fhould make us as perfectly righteous as once Adamwas, or as the Angels 1rt heaven are, we might be in danger of lofing this; but now the Lord hathput our nghteoufnefs into a fafer ha1_1d, which never fhall be !oil: Chrtfi hath obtatned an eternal Redemption for us he hath made an end of fin, and brought inan everlafting Righteou(nefs. 6. By this we pleafe God more, than if we had a perfect rightcoufnefs in our felves: Do not fay, This u a poor righuoufnefs, whi<h is out of my [<if in anoth'Y: Suppofe it were inour felves-, fuch a righteoufnefs at befl: would be nothing but mans righteouf. nefs, but this is calledThe righteoujnefs of God: Now what is Angelica[ righteoufnefs, to the righteoufnefs of God ? "tis. but a Glow-worm before the Sun; the fmell of E{a~t"s garments: the Robes of thts righteoufnefs of the Son of God are of fweeter odour then ours can be, or ever fhall be. 7 . By this we glorific God exceedingly: Abraham believed, and gave glory unto God; fo when we believe, we glorifie God, we advance his Mercy and Free grace, and triumph in it. 8. By this we have Peace in our Confciences:For Chrifis blood is iprinkled oii therrt; and that cools the burning torments of them: None of our duties can pacific Con" fciencc, but as they carry us hither to this righteoufnefs, one\y if this Rain-bow ap· pear over our heads, it is a certaine fign of faire weather, and that there fhall be no more dehrge of\Vrath to over-whelmus. 9 . By this, all mifcries are removed: \Vhen our fins are pardoned, there is fame– thing like fickneffe, fhame, and death, but they are not; Theinhabitants ofZim jba/1 notJay, I am fick_: the people that dwell therein]hall .be forgiven their iniquity 1 • "tis no ficknes in a manner, nor forrow, nor aflliCl:ioti, if the venom, fling, and curfe be taken awayby pardon offinne, this is the bleffednefs of all believers. Blejfed is he whofc ini" quuy ts forgtven, and ttho(e finne ts covered: Blejfed ts the man to whom the Lord imputeth ~·~ in~quiry.Heres a bleffing pronounced,what fhould we db but believe it, and rejoyce lfllt?l S.ECT. 3· Ofthe focond Priviledge, viz. Reconciliation. 77 Zechn~.f. Zech. 3· 4•' Hcb.9. H. Daa. 9. 24 2 Cor.s. 21 Rom, ,. l Pf•ltne 3'•1,1 THe fecond Privilcdge is Reconciliation : This I called the lhte or condition which a Believer in his Jnftification is put into·; and here I confider it as a Privi· Rom. S• 1 ledge, whtch tn order of nature fo\ pardon of fin, as pardon of fin in order of nature followes Imputatton ?f Chnfis nghtcou~nef~: Being juftified by faith, we havt peacermh God; (•.c.) Chnfis nghteoufnefs bemg tmputed, artdfins pardoned, we have peace Wtth God ; not onely peace from God in our Confciences, but peace with God '"our reconct!ement to him, and in his favour towards us ; in our Imputation and pardon the Lord acc?un:s us jufl:, m.our Reconciliation the Lord, accounts us friends : Indeed our mentonous Reconctliation is by Chrifl:s death; as the Kings fon, who procure~ hts Fathers favo~r towards a Malefactor, who yet lies in colcf Irons, and know~ tt not; and thts ts before actual pardon, or actual being: But a1ual and eflicactous Reconciliation, whereby we come to the fruition and polfeffion of it is (to tny weat conceptton) after pardon offin._Now this reconciliation confifl:s in two'things: .~.In