Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~-"'. J.!.~ .t~~t $~ •. ~ ~!~~$ ·~~~:#: ._h!·~~ ~~~~ ·~.,~~\~~~£)~~~~~- ~ 0.0:.) .l/.v.Cf.. t.v):.), (})LI;d:d.J.OJO.O~ (+;,,,CJ .VJi]}(f, lJ •<- -rfJ!.))(JJff-<J.<h).v(J.t!; :~ . LOOKING UNTO ~ ~.;;, 9@o ~1 E s us·.~ ~B 9<'~ eO{; s-o. ~ S(;l> :&~ A view of the everlafiing ~ iG 0 S P E LJ£ ~ I 9-0a eO-~ 901> ~ OR~ THE ~ ~ s 1 ~ ~ - otl' s ey· 1t1g - 9-o- ->6 · OF ~ ~ ~ i JESUS, ! ati6 ~ ~ As carrying on the great work of ~ _. ~ mans falvation from firfi to lafi:. = ~ so. ~ '-' ~ By ISAAC AMBROSE Minifter of ~ ~ the Gofpel. ~ ·~ ' &0- ~ Ifa. 4)~ .:l2. Look. unto me~ and be ye {ttved all tNe ends of th~ SO. ~ earth. ~ e0-6 ~- ~ . LONDON, . . ~ 406 Prmted by Edwilrd Motterfoea, for N ttthanae/ Webb,and W1//Mm SOt uQ-6 Gr11Hth11m, at the black Bear in St. Pauls Church-yard, 9-Ga ~ . neerthe little North-door, 1658. ~ .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

-------------------------------------------- To the Right Hol}ourabie WILLIAM ~ . EARLE of Bedford, L 0 R D R U S S E L., . BARON Of -·' THOKNEHAVGH~ .,, Right Honourable, · Nee I made bold co prefix an Epifile to your honour, before my book eatitled Ultima , fince which time, you have continued with increafe your won~ ted favours ; As the Sun that rejoyceth to run his race, aRd is unwearied after his many revolutions ; [o year after year have you indefatigably expre!fed your great Bouncy, whereby both my felf and family have been exceedingly refre{h- . ed. As I canhot but in way of thankfulneffe ackri<?Wledge thus much. So I iliall be a fincere Remembrancer both of your Honour, ·and your neareft Relations·at the Throne ofGrace. . My Lord; I have now compofed this work, containmg a nece!faty practice and high priviledge ofevery * Chriftian

,, I I' _,,.. _ _______ --;---- ------ The Epiflle [):dictttory. ---::-~. ------------= "-~---~--=---- Chrifi:i:.m, it is by way offupplement to the other duties fet down in my book cal' dN edia,but becaufe of my large h:mdling it,I referved it for a traCt by it felfJndeed of :t!l other duties, I prefer it as the diief, and I exceedingly wonder that before this time, it hath not been undertaken by fome abler hand. l. hrifi:ians ordinarily go to prayer, Sacraments, Bearing, Readin~, :1nd Meditation ofthe Word; :1qd fometimes (though more feldome) they fet on the exercife of o~her duties, as l£lf-trial,felfdenial, the improving of experiences, the clearing ofevidences,extemporar.y and deliberate meditation,&c.but in the mean time how is the main, the prime employment,even the duty ofduties,of Looking unto ::fefus who!,.. ly ~glected-: If many, or moil: have been ignorant ofjt hitherto, I think it is high time , to difcover it to the fleepy world, :md it may be when day is clear, they will walk in the light, :1rid bldfe God for finding out a way,_ wherein ttey may more immediately have commerce with J efus hrifi:. I could have wi{hed that others more abl~ ·had :1ppeared in this fervice, in-i particular handling of this excellent fubject, I finde it in print wi!ht for by a gDdly Brother, where he complaines that chrijls love had been fo little Jludied. Men have been very (wift in {earching after other truths, but jlqw in fearching after this, An ample exact di(ccvery of this love of Chrift, I fay of this love (in rarrying on ot~r(ortls {alvation from prft to !aft) may well be Jet dorvn 4mong{l the defiderata, the deftrables of ;Divines, it having been fo little handled (unle({e in fome parts or pieces) by any: Surely it is very fad to think, that the knowledge cfthis love of chrijl:, (in a continued feries) being of fuch necej{ar)' and high cmcernment hath beep fo little enquired into, 0 whllt agallant Go(pel-deflgne were it for (o~e one who is acquainted with the Spirit in a large mea_(tere~ to go O'VC.r: the . whole Biftory o[the Gofpel, (hof t e

~-~--------------- '!'he Ep~fole Dedicatory. the everbiting Gofpel o£Jefus.) and to obferve t!ie glorious Pjinings of the lo·ve of chrifl to bele'evers in all! it would be precious if[orne ·would take it in hand, and perf ect it to the purpofe, ·but it i.,Jad to think it hath been negLected Jo long• . As the Lord hat~1 enabled_,. I have adventured ; and 1f for my rafhnelfe lU not wa1tmg any longer, to fee ifany ftar ofa greater magnitude would have appeared , I muft be cen[ured, I fly to your Honour for Patronage. Nor onely for Patronage, but I humbly beg of you, and Y0urs, to perufe andpractife this 4ender ' )York; who can tell buf fome of the golden oyle of Grace.may come out ofJefus C. hrift the true Olive-tree, e\'en throughthefe Pipes-: and if fo,your own experien:- ces will be fatisf:Ktory anfwers to all others cen[ures.Sure I am in this exercife (however the. directions may be weak) youwill finde the.advantage of lying at the wellhead, and [o you may drink more fweetly th:m others, that make u[e onely of the.ftreamts.That you (my noble Lord,) and your vertuous Lady, with your hopeful iffue may receive fpiritual good by this Treatife, and all other helps which Gods good providence, may put into your ha~ds . Is the hearty prayer MyLord, Of Your Honours thankful, faithful ). though very unworthy fervant ,, 'I

d .! j ERRATA. Ol\gc+.line u.rca4tempell:P·IJ.L 17.r.upon.p.14.l. u:r.of. p.t~. £-1.16. r.them. p. 4·.1. :r.~. r. rnwud. p. 4~ . I. 8. dele and 6mlher. I. 19. ad de, he is 411 ever] '1111JII of him defirable , he is not one fl#gle ftar, but aCQn[tell~tion; is in him " confluence.&-c. p. 6o.!. 9· a d ~e.fhould depend. p. 63. 1. 4· r. with. p. 70. I. pcr..uhim3. r. all. p. 17 J. l. 36. r. or. p. 199. i. u. r. ir· revocable. p. tOJ . l. 3J :r. dtfJicult. p. 11.4 . !. 1 , adde,lll rhat God requires of thee in this c4e is only to b:l ievr. p. 1H.l. 3. r. obninin~. p. ~69. 1. 4· r. were. p. 17J . I. 9. r. man . p.189.l. 17 . r. are. p. 196.!. 11. r.fomerendcr. 1. 2..5. r. Hwbandman. p. 197. I, 30.. r. \aft. p. f17 . l. 1.0, r. them. p. 499. 1. s3 . add~t, upon. p. 5 15 . I. 16. r. confide. p. 517 . !. u, r. medimion. p. q8, L 8. dele nor. p. HO. l. 30. r. Gx p. H+·l. J. r. afrer. p. ~47. I. penult: r. fibny. p. 701 . \. 8. ad1e, for fear ofhim. p. 11 1,!. ante penult , r.Sol.rcifmus.p. ?JO. I.-34· r. the Apojfles .fpBjilc. p. 7H·I. :r. . r. conj cl.'i urr. p. 7 3 ~· J. 14. r. daring. p. 719 I. 10. r. thlt p. 78 9.1. I 5. r. Lord. p. 948. I. 1 , . r.drowns .p. · 9 74.l.p.r .my .l .3 xo 5; . l.~.r.eyes . p. I 1 u .I. 17. r. impotience. Many other Errours m:ty be both in words, and pointings; but I defire the Reader to take fome pain~ therein, to correct them for himfelf. •. J. A.

To the R E A DE R. • • Mongfl: all the duties I formerly mentioned,I omitted one that now I look upon as chiefe and choyee of all the refl: : This is the duty I call lookjng unto [e(m, and ifl muft difcover the occafion ofmy falling on it, I {hall do it truely, a~d plainly, and in the fimplicity of the Gofpel, as thus. In the fpnng I 65 3. I was vifi ted with a fore ficknefs, and as the Lord began to rell:ore my health, it came into my thoughts what my Jefus had do~e fo~ my foul and what he was doing, and what he would do for It, ttll he · faved it to theuttermofl:. In my conceptions of thefe things I ruuld fi nd no beginning of his aCl:ings,but in that eternity before the world was made; nor could I find any end ofhis actings, but in that eternityafter the world fhould be unmade ; only betwixt thefe two extreamities I apprehended variou>tranfactions ofJefus Chrill:, both pall: , and prefent, and to come. In the multitu4e of thefethoughts within me,my foul exceeding-ly delighted ic fel f, and that delight fl:irring up in me other affections (for on~!' affection cannot- be alone) I began to confider ofthofe texts in _Scri . pture, which feemed at firfl: to impofe the working ofmy affeCl:i - ons on fo bleffed an ob jed, as a Gofpel-duty : then I refo~,d,if the Lord Jefus would but rell:ore my health, and prqlong my·Jife, I would endeavour to difcover more of this Gofpel .duty, tha·neveryetl knew : and that my paines therein might not hinder my other neceffary labours, my purpofe was to fall on this fubjecr ia my ordinary preaching, wherein 1 might have occafion both to fea rch into Scri ptures, feveral Authours, and my own heart. In procefs oftime I began this work , begging ofGod that he would help me to finiib, as he enc!ined me to begin, and that all might tend to his glory, and the Churches good. In the progrefs of my lab.ours I found awdrld of fpiritual comfor t,both in refpect ofthe · obJect that Ihandled,{e[Ju Chrifl;&in re fpeer of the act, wherein ~onfified my du ty t? bim,in look}ng unto{efus . r . For the object , 1t was the very fubJ eCl: whereon more efpeciaHyi was bound to preach; Chrift in you thehopeof glory (faid Paul to his c~ollfla ns) and he immediately adds, whom we preach. Col. I .27,28. and unto me, wh§ am lejJ than the leafl ofn/1 the Saints is this grace given, what grace? that I fhou!d pre/lch among the G<'litiles the un[earch- . · aitle ;· -,

~I ··<fo the ·Reader.. . iiblerichesofChri{f,Eph.; .8. Minifters ought in 'duty moreabundant,y ~~preach Jefus Chriil Dr. Sibbs is,that rhe fPe• !>&iat office of the rmniftry of (hrift is to lay opm c hrift, to hold up tiJe t n,piftry, and to unfold the hidden myfteries ofChrift: and therefore · he exhorts 'that we jhould labour to be alwayesfpeakjng Jomewhat a- • . bout Chriff,or tending·that rMJ; when we jpudz.of the law, let it drive us to Chrift, whe;z of moral d-uryes, let them teach us to walk. . worthy ofChrift: Chrifr, or f cmewhat WJding to Chrift fh~uld be our ' theame, and mtdeto apneat. :. tb~ Cantic..p.428. And 1 may feelingly fay, !t is the fwe, teft fubjeB: that ever was preached · on; is it not Man oyntmerJt postrcd fe rth,whofe lmet.l is fo fragrant, and whofe favour is fo fweet, that therefore aH. the Yirgins love him? -is it not comprehenGve of all glory, beauty, excellency whether of things in heaven, or of things on earth ? is it not~ myftery fweet and deep ? furclyvolumes are writ ofJefusCbrif't, there is line upon line,Sermonupon Sermon,book upon book and :Tome upon Tome, and yet fuch is the myftery (as one fp~aks p1ainly}that we are ali but asyet at the ~rft fide of the Gngle catechifme of Jc:fus Chrift :yea,S olomon was but at what u hi.r .N amr? and I feare many ofus know neither Name nor thing. It 'is a worthy ftudy to make further and further difcoverye• of this bleffed myftery, and it were to be wifhed that all the Minifters of Chrift would fpend themfelves in the fpd!ing, & reading,& underftanding of it. Look as fome great poynt doth require the abilities of many scholars (and all little enough-when joyned co gether) .to .motke a good difcovery thereof ; fuch is this high poynt,this holy facred, glorious myftery ; w€lrthy of the paines of all the learned: and if they would all bring their notes togethe.r, &adde all their f\:udyes together (which l have in tome meafure endeavoured in the following treatife) they fhould finde {li\l but a little ofthis myftery known, in ~omparifon ofwhat remaines and is unknown· only this they (hou\o\ know, quod difficili inte!Mlu, di/eEtabil; inquifitu (as Bern4rd faid) that which u hnrd toundcrjldna, i.r d~­ lightful to be divtd into ; and fo I found it. 2. For the act of look: i ~g unro 'fefus, as it is comprehenGve of k_no1J'ing ,, hoping, be/reving, loving, fo alfo of joying;how then fhould I but be filled r with joy unfpeakable and glorious,whil'i\ I was ft udying,writing and efpecially acting my foul in the exercife of this looking ? If there be any duty on earth refembling the duty of the Saintsin heaven,l dare iay,this is it. Mr.R~ttherfwa in his Epil.Ue to Chrift ' dying,

To the Reader. dying.;·writeth thus, . An aEt of living in Chrift, t~nd on Ch1ift, in. the 11rts offeeing, enj9Jing, embracing , loving, refting on ?im, is that ndone-day divinity, and fheology ofbeatijical vijion: there ss agmm!l affi.mbly ofimmediAtely illumin;md f])ivine.; round about the throne, who ftudy,leEturt,preach,prlli{e Chrifl night and day:Ohwhat rayes, . what irradi~ttions and d,mings of inte/leCtu~lfruition, beholding, en- · joying, lfving in him, andfervour of loving come from rhat face, that God·v~fage of the Lord Goa Almighty, 11nd ofthe Lambe that is in , the midftof them? and oh what rijleElsans, and reAchingsforthof intelleEtual 'lJijion, embracing, loving, wondering ttfe returning b~tcft to himagAin in H circle of glory? Now if this be the Saints duty, who arc perfeCt in glory; do not we .imitate them, and feele · foinething of heaven in our imitation, in our /ookjng ~tlfountu Jefm? I write what in fome mcafln:e I have.felt; and of which I hope to feel net morc;and therefore wboevj!r thou art that readeft,~ bcfeech thee, come, warmc thy heart at this bleffed fire ! 0 , ,come, and fmell the preciou> oyntments of J efus Chriil: ! 0 come, . an1Jit ~own ~mder hu fhadowwith ,gre~~t deli,~ht ! Oh that all men . ( clpeC!ally into whofe hands th1s book {ball. come) would prefently fall upon the pracbfe ofthisGofpel-art of lookjnj unto [efm ! ifher~in they finde nothing of heaven, my skill will faile me; only let.them pray, that as they lookJo.him, fo venue may go out ofhim; and fill their fouls: , Reader , One thing more J have to fay to thee;if thou wouldft ': know how·to carry on this duty conftantly, as thou doft thy morning, and thy evening prayer; it were not a mifs if every day, ~ither morning, or evening, .thou wouldft takeiome part of it at one time, andfomepart of it at another time, · at leaft for fotne fpacc: .oftime together. I know fome, that in aconftant dayly .courfe carry Qn in fecrc:t thofe two neceffary dutyes of medit,uion and pra/!!; what the fubjeet matter of their meditation is I am not very certaine; only our experience caa tell us that be it heaven, or be it hell ; be it fin, or be it grace, or be it' what it will if we be in exercife ofthe felf-fat;le fubject either conftantly or frequently, we are apt to grow remiffe or cold or formal; and the :eafo~ is, one; thing tyre> quickly ,u~lefs that'one be all; now that lS Chnil/or he i5 ali~Col.p I ._if- hen but once a day thou woul4ft make ~hts.'fe/m Chrift thy fubJeCt to kzww,cQnjider, dejire,h<pe,beleeve,Jv) tn, call upqn, and conforme unto, in his fc:veral rc:fpcets of plotting, promifing, performing thy redemption in his birth, life, , death, .1.

To the' Reader. death, rcfurreetion, afcenfion, feffion, interceffion, and coming again; and that one of thefe particul:trs might be thy one dayes exercife,and fo every day thou wouldil: proceede from firil: to !aft in thus looking unto Jefus, I fuppofe thou would{!: never tyre thy '[elf; and wily fo ? 0 there is variety in this matter to be looked unto, and tbere is variety in the manner of looking on·it. one day thou might•ft act thy k...nowing of J e[P4 in carry·ing on the great work of thy falvation in his eternity; the next day thou might'fl: confider 'f tjus in that refpect; and the next day thou might'fi defir.e afrer Jefus in that n!fpect; and the next day thou might'ft hope in {efus in that refpect ; and fo on_, till thou comeft • I fuppo~e the to the Jail: day ofthe work; which (befides * the object handled R 1 eftader wtll at at in every period, in thefe very aCl:ings up0n the object) ea one e reld · 11 h b f · h d cv~r the 1 i would ma amount tot e num er o e1e ty one ayes. Now book; a;1;t~~: would not this varietie delight ? It 1s the obfervation of Mr. forthis con- Lock.,_rer,onCol 1.16. that anholj foul can .not tyre it felf in the fia?t dayly ~x- contemplation of'fefus; how muchldle can It tyre it felfe in look,- ~ctf~ • du~mg i11g unto {efus, which is far more comprehenfi'(ethan coatemplatye~r/y~sle~~: ing ofJefus? collie, try this duty, and be conftant in it, at the objeCt in e. fer eightie one dayes in one yeare, and fo for eightie one dayes ve•y period co in every yeare during thy life; and then· for thy meditations on be read, or not any other fubject I £hall not take thee quite off, but leave the fe- ~~hd.~s h?~a~- malnder of the yeare,which is above three parts more,to thy own maJ i~n;h~l~: Ghoyce. If thou art fo refolved, I £hall fay no more, but the orin part con- Lord be with thee, and iffoon¢r or later thou findefiany benefit duce any thing by this work, give God the glory, and remember him in thy rof~·hat ~ne ;a prayers who hath took this paynes for Chrifis honour, and thy • ll \11owzng :Fe- ft (ru in fucb, or fouls good. So re s , fuch arefpeet.• '" Thy fervant in Chrift Jefus. I. A. . {

------------------------------~------------- •tt$~,·~~·~'''"ilt~· ~,$~ The · Contents of this Buok. BOOK I. Ghap. I•• He proerm,divifi~n)nd opmingofthe'!'ords.p. 3. · Cnap.2A Sect. I. The duty tf lookmg offall ; . · other things, C.{)njirmed and cleared. p. 6. Sect. z. An exhortation to look off all other things. p.r2. Sect. 3· Directions how to look oft all other things. p. I 5 Chap.3. Sett.r. An explanation of the act, and object. p. 18 Sect. 2, The maine Doctrine and confirmation ofit. p.zz Sect.3. Ufe ofreproofe. p. 24 ... _ Sect. 4. Ufeofexhortation. p. 29 Sect.. 5. "Motives from our wants in cafe ofneglect. p. 3 I Sea. 6 Motives from our riches in ca(e we are lively in this duty. Sect. 7 More motives to encourage us in this work. . Sect. 8 Ufe of direction. BOOK. II. p. 36 ,. P4° P46 • Chap. I Sect I ofthe eternalgeneration ofottr 'fe{us. p 55 Sect. 2 ofour election in chrijl before all worlds. P. 6 z Sed. 3 ofthat great treaty in eternity betwiJft God and Chrift toJave fouls. p 65 Sed. 4 The projel'f, p 67 Sed. 5 The cotmcel. p 68 Sel-9:, 6 The foreknowledge, p 72 " Seer. 7

--~- -~--------------- The Contents. Sect. ·7 The pttrpo{e. p 76 Sect:. 8 The decree. p 68 · Sect:. 9 The covenant. . - p 8o Chap. 2 Seet; i~ ofknowing 'je(tu· .ts cttrryirtg 011 the gre11J work of , ofll' f1lvation in that eternity,, p 86 · .Sed. 2 ofcon(tdering fefus in that re/}ect, p 88 Sect, 3 ofdefiring after fefus in that ref}ecta. p IOZ· . Sect. 4 of hoping in fefus in·thttt re(Jrect. p IO) SeCt. 5 ofbeleeving in fefus in th:;tt r_.efPect. ·p I JQ, " Sect.-6 of loving fe[us in that r.e(P.ect. p II 5 Sect, 7 of joying in fe(us -in that rej]m.t. p II 8 Sett. 8 ofca/ting on fefus in tHat re{]rect, p 120 • ~(~Ct: .. 9 of conforming to ff[UI. fn ~hat refP~ct·.- ,\ · .l? ;t2I: BOOK Ill'. ' .. ~h~. 1 SeCl. :"of chrift R,romi(ed brJ.egr:es.~ . ·. · )':. :129: Sect, 2 . of th~ covenant ~f promtfe as mrt~tfe~ed to Aqam.· -r} 3 3 ~~cr. 3 ofthecovenant ofpromt(eas mttttife(fulto Abrahim. p 143 . . , Sect:. 4 ofthe.c()'l.lenant of promi(e annani(eftedto !1o[es. p I 55 SeCt. 5 ofthe_covenant ofpromi{e as mani{ejled'to Dl_vld: -p 172 Sect. 6 o(the covenant of promife as mttnifefled fo Ifrae-1 rt6'01tt the -·;;,time o{the captivity. . p I 8o Chap. 2 Sect:. 1 of knowing J eft~s as car~ymg on the great work ofour {ttlva.tion from the creation untilt his firft ~·oming•. p I97 S_ecr. 2· of con,(ldering J e[us in that reffect·. p I98 Sect. 3- o(&fi~ing Jerus inth4t reject. ) · 1 ·p21o Sed· .-"r of hoping inJe(us irJ. th.1t re-(f'eet. -p 2_ r 8. Sect: 5 of hefe ~ving in J efiH m that refPect; p l2 2 Sect 6 oflovi"~gJe{t~s in that refPect. p 230 Sea. 7 of; o-vt 'lg in J e {ttS in that re(Jmt . . p l3 5 SeCt, 8 of calling ort J e{us in that reJPect. · p 2 ~9 S~ct. C). 01CM+&rmirW tO Jerus in,that refPect~ p 242 - '1 'J' ,) J' . BOOK• . I

The Contents.

------- The Contents, Seer. 2. ofChriftJ· Sermons this yeare, p. 404 Sect. 3. of Chr~fts prophetic,zl offic·e. p. 406 Sect. 4. ofChrijls rniracles. p~ 41 r Ch:Jp. 3. Sect: I. of the thirdyeiweof Chrijls miniflry, andgeneralty ofhis actings that ye~r~~ . . p. 420 Sect. 2, ofChrifts ordination ofhis Apojlles-.. p~ ibid.. Sect, 3. ofChrifls reception of ji}mers:, p.4z6 Seer, 4. ofChrijls eajie Yoke, and light 6urthen, . p. 437 Chap. 4. Sect, I • . ofthe fourthyeare. of r;hrijlsminijlry; anagenerally· 'Ofhisactingsinthatyean:, · .' . · · p.452 Sec.r, 2. ofthe dijlif.c.tion~ or fe'l!.era! divifions ofChrijls righteoufnej[e". · t. · p. 45' 3 S~ct,J. ofthe holin~([e-ifchr~fts natttr~~ , ,, ~ p. 4H Se~t. 4· of the holinef[e of Chrifls life. . ' \ ) \\' . R· 4 56· Se~ 5. ofthe great c·ontrn.v~r{le whether we are.']ujlifieJ,6y the , · J.asjive:r_ighteoufne(Je of Ck~ift ~n/y-,·\ '!'ithout ~~J .• ~onflr!b:atiqp }ad • r. fo th~ rtghteoufnej[e of Chrij!, el!h~r. mherenf m. h,m, ~rperformed ~ h htm? · . \ <'. ,:, ·., ~ : , . . ~ 462 Chap. ). Sect. r. of knowing_]eJtts a.r·carryifig_; (If!, the · l;rea~ ·11Jork of · · our Jalvationin his_fife. · .l .· ·; '· ,I: · ' • .. P~467 Seer. 2, ofcon{idermg Iefas-rn that re(pect, p. 468" Sect. 3. o(defhng after]ef us in that refpm •. p~ 48 z. Sect. 4. ofhoping in I e[us in t~at l'.eJpect: · p.487 ~ecr. 5. of6eteeving in I efus in that refpect.. P'· 493' Sta. 6. o(hn:ing_ Iefu'S i~{/i~tre{~e~A · . ~ i\5"09 Se.Ct"7 o}JoytngmJe{usznthatr.eJject: · •· · .P·5I3 ., Sed-. 8. ()f calling on Iefus in that refpect~ ,_, , , \ :. p...;x 8: '_ S¢Cl.9•. ofconforming toJefus,_in thai r.efpec~~ . ·,,'. ',~ ~. }>~. 519 .. . ·\; ' . ' ' ' ' ' "'1.,c• BOOK. IV•. Part.~. ,. 1 • '>.'~ ~Chap .. r. Sect~ · r, ' 11n.d ~Hres .. of lhe. daJ of chrifls Juffi~ings de'tlided into p4rts . . . . p. 539' s'ecr. ~.

\/ --..... ---.. ...... ..... _...._.... ___ .._...~ ....... ..... .. .,....., ..-----· -·- -.....- ---~-·- · .... -..... -~.-. ... ~-·-~--- The Contents. Sea. 2 of the brook over which Cht:ifl pajfed. p. 5 42 Sea. 3 ofthe garden into which chr~fl entred. p. 549 Sea. 4 ofthe prayer that Chrtfl :here made._ . _ p. 55 I . Sea. 5 ofthe do!ourcs and Momes that chrtfl there {rtjfer.ed. p~5 57 ' Sea. 6 ofjud_as tr.eafim, ch~~fls appre"henjian, binding and leading · unto Annas. p. 562 Sect, 7 of chrif!s examination, and C6ndemnation, with their ap- . pendices, _ p. 5 69 Chap, 2, Sect. I, ofchrifts inditement, and Judas fearfid end.p.590 , -Sect, 2 of chr~fls misfum to Herod,and the tra~factions there.p.5 95 Sect, 3 ofchrijl and B::trabbas compared; and of the q~teflton debatedbetwixt Pilate and the J ewes, p. 6oo Sect, 4 ofChrifl jlripped, whipped, cloathed with purple, and_croflJn- , e'{i withthornes. p. 6o) SeCt:, 5 ofchrijl brought forth andfentenced. p. 603 Sect, 6 ofchrifts crucifying withits appendices. p.6o8 Sect, 7 of the con(equents after Chrifls crucifying, p. 615 Chap. 3· Sect. I, of knowing Jeftu as carrying on the great work of our {al'Vation in his death, · p. 6I8 Sect 2 o_(con(idering Jeftts in that refpect, p. 619 Sea. 3 'ofdejirint; Je(us in that refpect. p. 629 . Sect. 4 ofhoping in Jefus in that refeect. p~ 636 •I -Sect. 5 ofb~leevinginJefus in·that refpect. ·p. 646 :; Se6t. 6 oflovingJefusirithatrefpect. · p.657 . Seer. 7 ofjoying in.Je(tJs in t}at re(l'ect, p. 661. ·_ Sect 8 ofcalling on J e{us in that re]pect. p. 667 : Sect. 9 ofconforming to Jefus in that refpect. p. 668 ----------~--------------------------~-- ,l . B00 K. IV; P.a.r:t. 4· Chap. I Sect. I o{the timeofchrijls re{urrection. Sect. 1 ofthe re4ons of chrifls refurrection. / l Sect, 3 ojthem11nner ofchri{fs refurre,tion., p.691 p.695 p.698 Sect,4

The Contents. Sect. 4· of the argttments of Chri(ls re{tmection. p. 706 Sett. 5. ofchrifts apparition to Mary M:~adalen. p. 7a Sect. 6, of chri(ls apparition to his ten Di'{ciples. . p. 731. SeCt:. 7· ofchri(ls apparition to all his Apojlles. p. 741. Seer. 8. of chri(ls a;pparition tofome of his Apoftlef at' the Jen of _- Tiberias. •r· p. 754 Chap. 2. Sect. I, of knowing J e[us as carrying on the great work of ourJalvation in his refurrection. . p. 7'i7 S.e&. z. ofconfidering Jefus in tbat.reffie'ct• . . , !: p, 758 Seer. 3. ofdeftring Jifusinthat refPect, -· p.769 Sect. 4· of.4oping in J eJtes in that refPect. '- p. 775 Sect. 5. of bcleeving in Je(us ~n that rej}ect, · f>. 786 Sed. 6, of loving J efus in that r~fiect. · ,·• 'f'·-194 · Sed.7.ofjoyinginJef!es~nthatreJPect. , .1 •. 'P·798 Sect. 8. ofcalling on J ejus ,i»_that re(}ect. , \·y c , . p. 8oz Se~. 9. ofconforming to Jcfus in that re!fect, ·· ' ,:p. 8o4 . . \ ') • I )t J ! ?, ·: · B 0 0 K. IV. : P~rt~ 'S. ' '.. · · .:.':. • . ·1 " ", :1 ' ~ I \ ; ) ~ • ) I/. Chap; 1. SeCt:. r. of chrifls afcenfiMJ,and ofthe milrmer how. p. 82 r II 0 _Sed.2. ofthepl.zce_whitherheafcended. : . .· p.82) li _- ,Se~r. 3. ofthereafonrwhy heafcended, _-, _.,. •i, ~ .'p.S26 .~ · ~~~t.4. ofGodsrighthan1,ttnaof_'chrifl~.(e({ionthe.f'e. ~ . p.:831 1 1 1 • Set~. 5. of the t1vo n~tswl's whttettr _~'fif !t; .a~~.~O~f,\Ytght hand. · II , , -- • ' .•. l " ·J .p.• 834 I·~ < seJt. 6. ofthe rea(om why' chri(l. dotk.~t at Gods rig/)( hntid; ·p_.836 ~ -See-r.-"1. of the-time.when3he bQly Gpo(l wa.r fent. p.84z Sect. 8. of the perfons to whom.the holy Gho(l was {ent, p_-844 Sect. 9. of the martifer how the toly IJ}Jofl Alas fent. p.846 , .Sect. 10. ofthemea{ttr~ofthe~oftGho(ln~rvgiven, p.8)Z " Sect. II. of t!;nenfo'1tSlvhJ the /]Qly ,Ghrift w~s jtntr. · ... : - .P'· 85 ~ Chap~ z. Seer. r. of ftnotvir)!J Jepe; ~s Cfrrymg o.n 'thttgrftilt·wdtk of .: or;r falvation in his a{ce>njid-'J,-fe!fo-'rt.'a.'J:}amisfion ~f-f»g ~piritq~ .. $70 '· Sect, z

The Contents. '- Sect. 2, ofcon(tdering Je(tJS in that rejfect. Sect. 3. ofdefiring after J efus in that refjmt, Sect. 4· of hoping in J efus in that r~fPect. Sect. 5. ofbeleeving in J efus in that refPect. Sect. G. oflov-ing Je[us in th,tt r~fPect. Sect. 7. ofjoying in J efus in thttt rejpect. · Sect. 8. ofcalling on Je(tu inthatreffect, · Se~tl. 9. of confotming to J efus in that refPect•. p. 871. p. 8J7· p. 88z. p. 89;. p. 906, p. 9II. p. 9I). p. 917• . -------~------------------~------~· --------- .B.OOK. IV. Part 6.- ·Chap. r.. Sect. r. what the intercesfion of chrijl is. . p. 929. · Sect. z, v!ccording.tqwhat nature chriftdoth interc.ede. p. 932. Sect. 3· To whom chrijls. interces(ton is directed. p. 933· Sect. 4. For whom this intcrcesfion is made, · p. 934· . Sect. 5. what agreement there is betwixt· chrifts interce~(tons and ' .theinterces(tons ofth'e high Priefrs ofold. - p. 936. Sect. 6. whatthedijference is betwixt chr~(ls intermfions and the intems(tons.ofthe high Prie(ls ofold. p. 939· · Sect. 7. what the properties ofthis interce~(ton of chrifl are. p. 942. ·• Sect. 8, wherein the intercesfton of chr~(l c·on{i(lf ~ p.944. Sect, 9, How powerfid and pre'Vailing chrifls intercdflons are wi h hisFather. . p.. 956. - . Sect. I o, of tiJe rell{ons of chrifls interces(ton. p. 963. Chap. 2. Sect, I. of knowing JefU.s as carrying on thegreatwork of our falvation in his interces(ton, p. 968 · Sect. 2, ofcon(tdering Jefus in thatre(pect. p. 969, Sect. '. of d~firing; after J efus in that refpect._ p. 975. Stet. 4· ofhopin§in ]efts inthatre{pcct. p. 979. Sect. 5. ofbeleeving ir} J e{tH in that re[pect.. p. 984. Sec t. 6, of lO'Ving J e{tu in that ref pect. p. 99 T. Seer, 7· Ofjo_yinginJe(u;.ipthatre[pect,, p.996. Sect, 8, of pr11ying to, andpraiflng 6f Jc[us in that refpect. p.Iooo. Sect, 9.

--.....--·""";" The Contents, Sect.9 ofconforming to Je{us ifi that re{pect, p,I002. BOOK V. Chap:r Sect. I ofchrijlspreparing fir judgemmt, p. IOI) , Sect. z. ofchriftscomingtojudgement, p. rozo Sed. 3. of chrifl Jummming the' elect to ccme under judgement, p,I026 Sect.4.0fchrifl and !'he Saints meeting at the judgement d'!Y·P· 1 o 36 Sect. 5. of .chrijls [entencing, or judging the Saints jor eternal ~~ . . ~~~~ Sect.6.ofchrift andth( Saints judging the reft ofthe world. p,1047 Sect. 7. ofChrijl and his S.1.ints going up into heaven, n'henjba!l he the end ofthis world. p. 1070 Sect: 8, ofchrijls(urrendering, and delivering up the I{ingdome to . Go4 even the .Father, . p.ro77 Sect.9. ofchrijls fubjection to the Father, thAtGodmayheall in .r/l, p, 1083 Seer. ro. of chrijls heing a/lin all to hi5 redeemed Saints to all eternity. . p. Io88 Chap. 2. Sect. I. ofknowing J e{us as carrying on mans Jalvation in his j'econd coming to judgement. p. I I03 Sect. 2. ofcon(tdering J e(us in that refpect, p. II 04 .Seer. 3. ofde(tring after J efus in that re(pect, _ p. I 1 I 3 Seer. 4· of hoping in J efus in that refpect, p.r II,9 Seer. 5. of heleeving in Jefus in that refpect, p. r qo Sect. 6, ofloving Je{us in thatrefpect. p. II4t Seer. 7· ofjoying·in Je(us inthatre(pect. . p. II46 Seer, 8. ofpraying to, andprai(tng of J ejrts in that refpect, p.r I 50 Seer, 9. ofconforming to J efus inthat re(pect, p. I I 5 I ' . FINIS .

(t) . LOOKING UNTO JESUS. THE . Firfr Book. · B

(:a) Pfa!me34. 5: Tbey loo~d to him andwere lightened; Ifaiah 45· 22. Look._1mto me, aucl be. ye Javed. Zachariah 12. 10.. . . 1hey foallloo"-.upon him whom they have pierced./ Ifaiah 6) . I,. Ifaid, behold me, behold me, unto a nation that were not called by my Name. Micha7. 7, Therefore I willloo"-.unto the Lord, I will wait for the God of my falvation. Numb.21.8.- John 3; 15. Everx om that u bitten , when he loo~tb upon it . jballlive.• ---1flhofoever beleeveth in him fhalf: not perijb, but have everlafting life. . Hebrewes 12. 2. Looking unto JiJ ru, the beginner, andfinijher of our faith. · , Philippians 3. zo; 1Jle loo~for the Saviour, the Lord IefTU ChrijE 2 Cor. 3. 18. But, w~ all with open fdce, beholding M_in a glafle the glory of the Lord..,

- ?MOT~ .... .. 1 . LOOKING UNTO JESUS. TheJirfl Bo_o"= CHAP. I. Hebrews Il. 2. Looking unto :Jefus) the beginner, and finifber of oHr Faith. The proeme, divi!ion, and opening of the words• • @!:E~~~ HE moft excellent fubjed: to difcourfe, or write of is [efm Chrifl.Au11ujfine having read Ci- D~lmnonjrmt, • , k 6d d h f h - I qura nomw :fe(tl aro s wor ·s commen e t em or t e1r e O· non eft in illis, qucnce,buthe paffed this fentence upon them, Aug. they are not fweet, becaufo t he n~me of J f{us is Si :crib:s! n~n not in them. And Bernards faytng is near the Capn n;1 ~1!' lll!i fi if h · .a · d h 1 - - ,_ legero 1h1Jefum l .r. d 'J .r. ham elf, t t ou_ wrstrJ', u ot mt re_ ijh wtt, me, Si diiplltes aut un e 1s I rea. 1 e; us t ere;1 t-hou di[putefl,or conferreff,tt doth notre- conferas non lifo well with me, un!e!f'e {efus found there.Indeed all we fay is but fapir mihi, niti 1.1nfavory, ifit be not feafoned with this fait . I det(rmined not to fonuerir ibi Je· B 2 k._now ft~m.Yiern.

·r Cor.:.z. Ephel.3 .t8, l'llil.j 8. Jt.Pet.r.u; ' Book. I. L1okingunto :Jefus. Chap. z.Sett. I; k._now any thing among you (faith p IIU!) [ave refu.r Chriflllnd him crucified: he refolved with himfelf before he preached among the Curinthians , that this iliould be the only point of knowledge that he would profeffe himfelf to have skill in, and that in the courfe of his Minifiry he would labour to bring them to : this he made the bredth, and lefi'gth, and depth, and height ofhi.r knowledge; yea doubtlejfe (faith he) and I count all things but loffe (or the excellency ofthe knowledge of Chrift [efus my Lord: In this knowledge ofChrift there is an excellency above all other knowledge in the world; there is :nothing more pleafing and comfortable, more animating and enlivening, more ravithing and foul-contenting; -Vnly Chrift is the fumme and center ofall divine revealed truths, wecan preach nothing elfe as the object ofour faith , as the neceft1ry element of our foules fa! vation ,. which doth not fome way or other either meet in Chrift, or referre to Chrift; only Chrift is the whole of mans happineffe; the Sun to illighten him, the Ph~fician to healehim, the Wall offire to defend him; the Friend ·tO comfort him, the Pearle to enrich him, the Arke to fupport hitn. the Rock to fufiain him under the heavieft preffures; As a~ hiding place from the wind, 11nd a covert from the Temple, .rs river.s if WMer.r in a.dry place, and as thefhadow of agreat rcckJn aweary land. Only Chrifi is that ladder betwixt' earth and heaven, the Media tour betwixt God and man, a myfiery which th.e Angels of hea-r: en defire to pry,and peep, and look)nto. Here's a bleffed fubje8: 1ndeed, who wou'd not . be glad to pry into it, to be acquainted with it? Thi'J i.r life e- .fernlt! to ~now God, and [efu.r Chrijf whom he hath fent: Come then, let us look_en this Sun of righteoufneffe; we cannot receive harme , but good by fuch a look.; indeed by luoklng long on the . natural Sun we may ban our eyes dazled, and our faces blackned; but by loo~ing unto fefu! Chrirt, we !hall have our eyes dearer, and our faces fairer; if the light ofthe eye rejoyce the heart, how much more wben we have fuch a bleffed object to look_upon? As Chrift is more~xcellent then all the world, fo this fight tranfcends all other fights; it is the Epitome ofa Chriftians happineffe, the quinteffeuce of evangelical' duties , Lookjng unto {efm. . In the text we have the act and objed:; the act in the Original is ~ery emphatical , «?~f~r7es tt'>; ~~e Engliili ~oth not fulty e.xpre~~-

Chap.z. Secr.x. Locking unto :}tfus. Book I. 5 expreffe it; 'it Ggnifies an averting, or drawing off the eye from one object to another; there are two expreffions., ~ and ,;f, the one Ggnifies a turning of the eyefrom all oth~r objects;. the other a fall: fi xing oftbe eye upon fuch an objett , and only upon fuch . ~o it is .both a off, and .z lu&k.fng on . On what? That IS the object, a toukng unto Jefus ; a mJe that denotes his mercy and bounty, 'liS Chrifl denotes his office and function. I iliall not be fo curious as to enquire why Jefus, and not Chrift is nominated; I fuppofe the perfon is aymed at which implies them both; only this may ' be obferved th&t {efus is the pureil Gofpel Name of all other names; { efus was not the dialect ot the Old Tell:ament ; the firll: place that ever we read of this title as given to Chrifr, it is in M atth. I . .l r. Thou /halt call his nam~ {efus.f•r hffha ll (a ve his people from their finnes. Some fl1lt.I.u, obferve that this Name [ efus was given him twice; once till death , M atth. I. 2 I. and afterwards for ever, Pbi!. 2. ro. the firll: was a note of his entring into Covenant with God to fulfil the Law for us, and to die for our fins ; the fecond w:~s a note of fo mer! r. or!o~1s a perfon, who.for his humility was more exalted then any perfon .ever hath been, or ilia I! be. Firft, [ efus was the humble name of his deferving grace; now { efus is the exalted name of his tranfcendent glory: at firft the Je~esdid crucifie Jefus, and hrs name; and the A poll:le did then dill:rull: whether [efuswasthetrueJ ef~t s; butnowGod hathraifed himfrom theLuk.z4 •2h dead, and bach-highly oqa!ted him, and given him,a name above Phil.• .9·1o. every name Y that at theN ame of Je[us ever-y k._nee fhould bow , of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. My meaning is not to inGft on thisName in contrac\iftin&ion to any other names ofChrift ; he i 5 often call.ed C hrift, and Lord , ~nd Mediatour, .and SonneofCjod, and Emmamul; Why Jefus ts all thefe ; [efus is'Chrift, as he is the annointed ofGod ·; and 'fefus is L ord, as he hath dominion over all the world ; and zefm isMediatour, as he is the reconciler of God and man . ·and [efus is the Sonne of God, as he was eternally begotten bef~re all worlds; and 'fef~ts is EmmAnuel, as he was incarnate and fo God with ~s. <?nly becaufe 'fefm lignifies Saviour, and this name · was g1ven htm upon that very account, For he fhall [ave his peepie from their finnes; I fball make this my deGgne to look at [e[H4 more e.fpecially, , as carrying on the greatwork. .ofour falB 3 vation. ·

Gcn.l9·I7 Ifai.IJ,J,8, vation from firft to ~he !aft. This indeed is the glad tidings, the Gofpel, the Gofpel-priviledge, and our Gofpel-duty, looking uu· toJefus. • CHAP. U. SECT.I. .The Duty of looking off all other things, ~onfrmed, and . cleared. . mU T firft we muft look, off all other things; the note is this: We mufl take offour mindefrom every · thing which might divert us in our Chrifli;~n race from looking unto {efus. 'A4lo~&v7:~,the firft word .. or firft piece of a word in_my Text fpeaks to us thus, hands ujf, or eyes off from any thing that .flanJs in the way of {efus Chrift. I remember 'twas writ over P l11tls door p.» Tl' ~ '}'».,'v-•7•r frla"f7(i}, there's none may come hither th11t is not a Geomrter;but on the door of my text is written clean contrary, p.» TH o -ynwp.EJ>~ MIT OJ; No earthly minded man muft mter here: not any thing in the world be it never fo excellent, ifit fiand in the way ofJefus Chrifi, is to be named the fame day; we muft not give a !o&k,, or fquint at any thing that may hinder this faire and lovely fight of Je· fm. ' Thus was the Lords charge to Lot , look, not behinae thee ; he was fo farre to renounce and detefi the lewdnelfe of S o• dom, as that he muft not vouchfafe a look towards it? At that dtty /hall a man look, towards his Ma/ztr, and hi>' eyes foa!l have refpefl to the holy one ofIfrael; and he foa/1 not look._ to the Altars, the wcrlzpfhis h1mds. .This was the fruit of Gods chafiifement on the Elect Ifrael, that he thould not give a look to the Altars, leafr they diverted, or drew his eyes from offhis Mtt'r ker, YVt

Chap.z. Sect. I. Looking unto :jtfus. 7 ' We look.. not at the things rvhi.;h are fern , but at the things which C . 4 :s are not feen, faith Paul. A Chrifiians aime is beyond vifible 1 ot, ' t'hings ., 0 when a foul comes to know what an eternal God is , and what an eternal Jefus is, and what an eternal Crown is; when it knowstbat great defi.gne ofChrift to fave poor foules, and to communicate himfelfeternally to fuch poor creatures, this takes off the edge ofits deGres as to viGblc temporal things, what are they in comparifon? . But what things are they ~e - muft lo.o~ off _in this refpeet ? I r. ~cjiiorr. anfwer. --1. Good thtngs 2..J:::.v1l thmgs. . 1. Good things. The Apofi:le tells .us of a cloud of witnef[es in the former verfe, which no quefl:ion in their feafon we are to loolvmto. But when this fecond objeCt com'es in fight, he featters the cloud quite, and fets up refru himfelf; now the Apollle willeth us clrpapi£y to turn our eyes from them, and to turn them hither to Jefus Chrift. q. d. Jfyou· will indeed fee -a fight once for all, look to him, the Saints though they be guides to us~ yet are they but followers to him ; he is the arch-guide, the leader of them, and ofus all, look__on him. There is a ttme when [ames .. may fay, t.Ik! my brethren the Prophets who have fpokjn in the )~~~51 V1~ Name of the L ord for an example; but when Jefuscomes forth, Zach. 2., 13 , that fai'd, I have given ycuan example, an example above all examples, then be jilent 0 all flefb before the Lord. Let a!! Saint$ and Seraphims then cover their j 11ces with their rrings, that we may look., on {efus, and let a!Lother fights go. ·, ~ r. In general. 2. Evil things, • 2 . In fpecial. · ..... ' I. In &eneral, we muft look off all thiogsthat 'are on this fide ' · Jcfus Chnfi, and fo, fo much the rather, ifthey be evil things; in · a word, we mufr look ofall fdf whether it be finful felf or natural felf, or religious felf, in this'cafe ive mufl: .draw our eyes off all thefe things. _ 2. In fpecial we muft look off all that i,- in the world· and that the Apofilecomprizeth under three heads; the l~tfts of the eyes,the • John z.16 btjfs ofthe f/.efb, ~tnd the pride cf life; ( r.) Pleafutes, Profits, and ~onours. LWe -·-

Book. I. Looking unto 'fefos, Chap. 2. Sett.r~ 1. We mu£1: look off this world in refped: of its finful plea. JuJexlr.'9· fures; l!'de telis us, (uh aJ are fenfual have not the fpirit : We cannot hxedly look on ple1fures, and look on [ ejuJ at once. 'fob Job,tl.n,q, tells us, that they that tak£ up the Tim/ml, and Harpe, and rejoyce , 14> 15• at the.feu,;d of the Organ, that /pend their dayes in mirth, are the fame that fay unto G'od, depart jrom m, for we dejire not the Jwowledge of thy wayet; what is the Almighty thatw~ fhouldferve him? mzdwhat pnfit fhouldwe haveifwepray m1to him? We have a lively example of this in A_uguftinu converGon; he would indeed have had Cbriff, and his pleafures too, but when he faw it would not be ! Oh what conflicts were within him ? In his Orchard ( as he ftories it in his book ot confefitons) all his plea- .,.... . . fures pail reprefented themfdves before his eyes, faying, Whlft v~~~ . . (ft amomento wtlt thoudep.:~;·t from >tJ(orever? a~~jhafl.w_ebe ne_more wuh thee ijlo non erimPA for eva· ? 0 Lord ( fazth Augufttne, wntmg thts confeffion) tccum·ultrain turne away my minde from thinkjng t h,rt which they objeEled to my arer~um? Aug, foul! What filth? What fhameful pleafures did they lay before my ~/:~:~:~'fe· eyeJ ? . At length a~ter t_his combate a lhowre of t-eares came ujque'luoltjuam from hm~ , and caftmg htmfelfon the ground under a Ftg-tree , diu, quam diu hecryes 1t ou~, 0 Lord, how lcng, how_lcng fhalllJay, to morrow, (!las? to morrow,? Why not to d"y Lerd, why not to dt~y? why fhould quarell~nm 1 odo? there not bean end of my ~/thy life evrn at thiJ houre? Immediquarc nm 7ac 1 fi I . h b d . . ·r· I db f b . l IJor•finiStft ateya tertlts e ear avo!Ce, ast tt 1a eeno a oyorgtre turpitudinis fingmg by, tak! ttp, t~nd reade; tak! up, and ;·eade; and th~reupme111.Aug. Ibid. on opening his Bible that lay by hzm at hand, he reade in Glencc Tolle(9'/egc, the tirft Chapter that offereQit fel f , wherein was written, l todllc 0'bl~gc, Let us wv.llzhoneft!J aJ in'the dffe. , not in rioting and drunk,ennef{e, Clll 1 I • . I !. · " ft "f" d . I. Rom. 1 3 . 1 J .q not m cnamoermg or wPrnton;qe e , not tn n e an eiii?Jymg , out · put ye en the Lord J cfttS, and mak! net provi(ion for the flefh to fulfil the iuftJ thereof Frmher th"cn this fentence /1vould not rc.1d (faith .Llugujline ) neither indeed was it needful, for prefcntly as if lighp had been po11red into my heart, all the darknrf{eofmy doubtfulnefr fled arvay. His eye was now taken off pis pleafures , and ~ore- "ver after it wasfet on refm. . 2. We mu£1:'thisworld inrefpect of its Gz;ful profits: a 1 Job. '5· look on this ke~ps offour locking unto Jefus. Wh..(oe1-•er loveth the world, the love of the Father 'fs not in Lim; juft fn much as the world prevailes in us, fo much is Gods love abated both in us , and towards us; y t~du!tmrJ, and ad11ltrtjfes (faith {amtJ) /ztiow

~----------------~------------------- Ch:1p.2.Secr. r. Looking unto :}efas. Book I. k_pow ye mt that the Fiend~ip of. the world is enmity with q od ? James 4• .;. Covetoufneffe in Chnihans 1s fpmtual adultery , when we have enough in God and Chrifi , and ye~ w~ defire _co make up. our happineffe in the creature, th1s 1s plame whoremg. Now there are degrees in this fpi ritual whoredome : as--- ' 'r . The minding of thisworld; ye know there may be adultery in affection, when the body is not defiled ; undeane glances are a degree of luft,fo the children ofGod may have fome worldly · glances, firagling thoughts; when · the temptation is firong , the world rnaybe greatned in their efteem and imagination. , · 2 . Thefettingof the heart upon the world; this is an high_er degree ofthis fpiritual adultery; our hearts are due and proper to Chrift now to fet them on the world, which,fhould be chaft:e and loyal to Jefus Chrift, what adultery is this { Ye can;:ot ferve Ma h 6 · God and lVfnmmon: that woman .that is not contented with one tt • • 14 husband, mufl: needs be an harlot. 3. The preferring of the world before Chrift himfelf. This is the height ofcovetoufneffe, and the height of this adultery; what, to mak_e the members of Chrift the members of an harlot ? Why worldlings ! thofe admiring thoughts are Chrifts , thofe paines are Chrifis, that love is Chrifts, that time, that care, that earneftneffe is Chrifts; they are all Chrifts, and will you give that which is Chrifts unto the world ? and preferre the world before Chrift with his own? What, live as profeffed proftitutes, that preferre every one before their husbands? how will this expofe you to the fcorne ofmen and Angels? at the lafi day they will Come pointing, andfay, This is the man that made not Na!mc p. 7 God his ftrength, but trufted in the abundance ofhis riches ; this is the Gadaren that loved his[wine more then Chrift {efus. Love not JJohn, z.IS the wor!d,faith 'John; Chrift is never precious in mans apprchen- ' . . . , fion, fo long as the world feems glorious to him. As we begin to C~t. cbrifttu zn• relijb fweetnefJ in Chrifl,(o the world begins to fe hitter to us: the ~:~::a~~ftc~~~~ more fweetnefs we tafte tn the one,the more b1tternefs we tafte in rcfcerc mund11m the other. , Bern, 3· We muft look_off the world in refpect of its !inful honours, - what is this honour but a certaine inordinate deiire to be well thought of, or well fpoken of, to be praifed, or glorified ofmen? , '- C As

; i IO Book. I. Chap. z.Sed. r. as if a man fhould run up and down ftreets after a feather flying in the aire, and to !fed hither and thither with the gull:s and blafts of infinite mens mouths; it is a queftion whether ever he get ir, but if he do, it is but a feather; fuch is this pride oflife, honour, vain-glory; itishard toobtaineit, but if obtained, it is but the breath of a few mens mouths, that alter upon every light occolion ; bur that which is worft of all , it hinders our fight of jdi1s Ch~· ill., >W liN n_Y lvife men after theflefh , not many 1 Cor. 1. 16. mighty, not man.1 r;nh:r • . .:. tied ; woridl·y honour keeps many back from Chrill: ; ~ .. u there(ore MofeJwhtn he was come to year>, Hrb 11 _14 , 16 ; refufed to bhe c~(lcihltifl?e {otme CJ • Phharahohs d 1ath~ghter, --efleeming the reproac es o 1 C rr greai'Pr rrc .eJ z en 4 t .e treafu1'eJ of Egypt . Jfthe bimde man in the way to 'ferico had depended on the breath, or liking, or approbation of the multitude, he had never rec-eived thebenefitofhis figh t,for they (faith the text) which Luko8. ~9- · 1 z.. b h l 'J h ·Jh went before mm~d him t .at e jh011 a · ola u pettcr · they diffwadcd him from· running and crying fo vehem~ntly after Chrill; experience tells us, how the(e things pull and draw us off. from Jefus (hrift~the tufts of the eyes, the tufts of the flefh, and p~idc oftife. . - ~eft· 2~ But why muft we /()() every thing that diverts our looking unto ]-'tfzu? r I. Becaufe we cannot look fixedly on Chrift, and fuch things. together, and at once ; the eye cannot look upwards and downwards, at once in - a direct line~ w..: cannot ferioufly.minde hea. Mat.6, 14 ven and earth in one thought; noman canferve two maflers,faith Chrill,efpecially fuch as jar,and who have contrary imployments. as Chrift.and Mammon have. 2. Becaufe whiles we look on thefe things we cannot fee the beauty that is in Chrift; fuppofe a fquint look on Cbrift, while 't we have a dired look on other things, al as Chrift will be ofno efteem that while ; this was the voice offinners concernB[~y B· , . ing <~ hrift, hehtttb no j&rme, nor comelineffc, and w!;rrJ we fee him-, there is no b~aaty that we fhould dejire him. Indeed be~uty is the attradive of the foule, the foul~ muft fee a neauty in that which it lets out it felfe to in deGring: but our wilhing~ looks on other, makes Chrift but mean and contemptible inour eyts. 3. Becaufe all othenhings, in comparJfon ofChrift, are not: · · worthy: .

Ch:tp.z.Seet, r. L'IJokingunto j.efas. Book I. II worthy a look . they are but as vile things, as under- things, as poor and low ~nd mean,and bafe things incomparifon ofChrift: . ]cou~utll thi~gs b utlof{e (faith Paul )for the excel!encyofthe phti. J. 8 kpowledge ofChrift 'fef uo my L ord. - - 1 count t?embut dung that 1 may win Christ . a-11.rl/3~M, fome tranflate It chaffe , others dogs-meat , others excrement.•, dung ; all a~ree, it is ~uc~ a thing as men ufuall}• call away from them With fome mdtgna tion. 4· Becaufe it is according to the very law ofmarriage, there- . Jere {hall a man forfa k!; f vtther, and mother, and cleave tohis wife; Gen. %. z-tthe Lotd Chrift marries himfelf to the fouls of his Saints, I wz'fl betroth thee unto mefor ever, I will betroth thee unto me in righte- Hof.a.19 oufneJTc, and inj udgement, and in loving kjndneffe, and in mercies . ar. d for this caufe the foul muft forfake all , and cleave unto' Chrift , as married wives ufe to do, we muft leave all for our husband the Lord Jefus; HearkfnO daughter, and conjider, ·P[alm fr .t o~ and encline thineear, forget a!fo thJ own people, and thy fathers houfe . · 5. Becaufe Chrift is a fealous Chrift ; n~w jealou!ie is a paffion in the foul , that will not endure any fuaring in the objed: beloved; the woman that hath a jealous husband muft leave all her old companions: if fhe caft any amorous looks or glances after them, the husband will be jealous, and jealoufie is crud Cam.8.6 as the gra_ve. Chrifti(\ns! our God is a jell/om God, our Chrift Exod.1o.5 is a jealous Chrift, he cannot_endure that we fuould look_ on any other things,fo as to luft after them. . 6. Becaufe all ·other things can never fatisfie the eye; all things ire full of labour (faith Solomon) man cannot utfer it, the Eccle[, r. 8 rxe is not [atufied with fe~ing ; it is but wearied with lo okin~ on divers obJects, and yet fttll defires new ones : but once admit it to behold that glorious fight ofChrift, and then it reH:s fully fatisfied : hence it is that the daughters of Z ion are called to come fort?; GoforthO yedau$ht~~sofZion, and behold K ing Solomonwzth the crown wherewtth hiS mother hath crowned him in Cam. 3· 11 the d,q of his e[p~ufals, and in the day ofthe gladneffe of his heart. Go forth 0 ye daughters of Zion, lay afide all private and earthly affections, and look upon chis glory of Chrift . As the daughters of Jerufalem fitting t>r remaining in their chambers dofets, houfes, cou~d not b~hold the glory ofKing Solomon paf.. ~ ~ - finG

I Book. I. Looking unto :jefus. · chap.z.secb~ fing by, and therefore they were willed co come forth of their doores: even fo , if we will behold the great King,Jefus Chrift , / in his moft excellent glory (a fight able to fatisfie the eye, and to ravi!h the heart) we mufl: come out of our doors, we muft come out ofour felves , otherwife we cannot fee his glory. we , are in onr felves !hut up in a dark dungeon , and therefor~ we are called upon to come forth into the clear light offaith, and with the eyes offaith to behold in daily meditation the glory of Chrifl: Jefus. --------------2._ SECT. II . .An Exhortation tg look offaU otbertbings. ONe word ofExhortation. ...(:hrifiians! I befeech you look_ off ~1l other things , efpeciaHy all evil things. I 'know 1 am pleading with you for an hard thing ; I had need of the Rhetorick ofan Angel to perfwade you to turn your eyes from off thefe things; nay, ifi had, all were too little ; it is Gud ~only muft perfwade {aphet ro dwell in the tents of Shrm ; and yet let me offer a few confiderations,venture at a perfwading of)(OU,artd leave the iffue with God: · r. Confider that a ll other evil things are in Gods1 account as very nothing; verily, every man at hi.· brft efl:ate u altotJthir vanity; not only man, but every man; nor every man in his worft condition , but every man at his beft rftnte; nor every mah at his heft dtate is littleworth, but every rnan at his beHetl:ate u v.t'.. nity, emptineffe, IJothil'l;'f. ; it may be f~ in part, nay, but in every part, he is wholly, totally , altogether vanity; would any man think, that a great, rich, honourable man , whom we look upon with fuchhigh ad !T) iring though ts , !hould be laid thus low in Gods efl: eeme? 0 wonder,wonder! and yet 'tis no fuch wonder, but one day you !hall finde the experience of this truth your fel ves . Richmen have jlept their fleeps , and none of the men of might hav e f ormd their hands, or asothers render it, they have found nothing in their hands; that is, rich men l1ave patTed over . · ' , this