Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

d .! j ERRATA. Ol\gc+.line u.rca4tempell:P·IJ.L 17.r.upon.p.14.l. u:r.of. p.t~. £-1.16. r.them. p. 4·.1. :r.~. r. rnwud. p. 4~ . I. 8. dele and 6mlher. I. 19. ad de, he is 411 ever] '1111JII of him defirable , he is not one fl#gle ftar, but aCQn[tell~tion; is in him " confluence.&-c. p. 6o.!. 9· a d ~e.fhould depend. p. 63. 1. 4· r. with. p. 70. I. pcr..uhim3. r. all. p. 17 J. l. 36. r. or. p. 199. i. u. r. ir· revocable. p. tOJ . l. 3J :r. dtfJicult. p. 11.4 . !. 1 , adde,lll rhat God requires of thee in this c4e is only to b:l ievr. p. 1H.l. 3. r. obninin~. p. ~69. 1. 4· r. were. p. 17J . I. 9. r. man . p.189.l. 17 . r. are. p. 196.!. 11. r.fomerendcr. 1. 2..5. r. Hwbandman. p. 197. I, 30.. r. \aft. p. f17 . l. 1.0, r. them. p. 499. 1. s3 . add~t, upon. p. 5 15 . I. 16. r. confide. p. 517 . !. u, r. medimion. p. q8, L 8. dele nor. p. HO. l. 30. r. Gx p. H+·l. J. r. afrer. p. ~47. I. penult: r. fibny. p. 701 . \. 8. ad1e, for fear ofhim. p. 11 1,!. ante penult , r.Sol.rcifmus.p. ?JO. I.-34· r. the Apojfles .fpBjilc. p. 7H·I. :r. . r. conj cl.'i urr. p. 7 3 ~· J. 14. r. daring. p. 719 I. 10. r. thlt p. 78 9.1. I 5. r. Lord. p. 948. I. 1 , . r.drowns .p. · 9 74.l.p.r .my .l .3 xo 5; . l.~.r.eyes . p. I 1 u .I. 17. r. impotience. Many other Errours m:ty be both in words, and pointings; but I defire the Reader to take fome pain~ therein, to correct them for himfelf. •. J. A.