----~--. ---- ~7& Book IV. Part.VI. Looking nmo :fefeu. Cbap.z.Seel:.3 Joh.l,4o1.,; Sam.Ruthtr• ford. ftrengtheni!}g-fupporting P.refence, if not his !hining; now this is the fruit o~Chritls bleffed interceffion;and this is the (ubjed:·mat· ter of Chrifts intercefsion, 0 mJ FAther, that the[e may be one in w; 1 in them, and thqu ilf me; 1 in them b] the jnfinence and po'Wer of m1 Spirit, and thou in me by the fn!nefs and power of the Godhead. And , is not this a moe\ ddirable thing. . . 4· In this communion lies the vilion an4 fruition of j efus Chrill: in glory, grace bringc; to glory; if communi3n here; we !hall have communion herafter:& this alfo is a part of Chrills prayer & intercefsion,f'13ther lwil,rhat they alfo whom thou haft given me be with me where I am' thllt they may !Iebold mr glory which thQU haft given 711t, Jefus Cbrift cannot be in heaven long without his Saints; indeed it is impoffible that Chrift Otould be in heaven, and that peeces and bits of Chrift myfiical !hould be in hell,or y~t long oh carth.Chrill: will draw in his legs and members on earth up nearer to the head ; . certainly Chrifi and you that are belcevers muO: be under one roof , ere long.Is no; he g?ne before to prepare a place, yea, many manft· tms for you? we thtnk them happy on earth that have their many ftately halls,and palaces, their fummer and their ~Jinter·houfes, 0 Chriftians ! how happy will you be..when you come to be lords and heires ofmany fiately msnfions in the ftreers of heaven ? but what fpeak I of manGons, now I am naming Chrifl? manfions. are nothing,many manGons.are but little,yea, mffny mffn(ions in Cbrifh FAthers hou[e are but crcate4 chips of happinefs, in comparifon of that communion which by vtrtue of Chrifls interceffion we £hall have with Chri!t. It is the faying of an eminently learned holy Divine,ljhould refu(e h~ave(raith he)i[Cbrifl wm not thm;tllkeChriji awa1 from heaven,tmrl i:' s but a poor, dark heartlefs dwelling; heaven without Chrifl .would lool(tU the direful/and of death. An~ therefore aftc:rChrifi had fpoke ofmany manfions, &of a place that he would prepare for his Saints, he adds further to increa fe their joy, 1 wilt come agAin (faith he) ttnd reuive you Hl!to mJ {elj,th>~t n:here I am, ther§ ;ye may b6 a/{o.Manfions are lmt as places of bryars and thorns Without Jefus Chrifi,and therefore I would have heaven forChrill,_ and 'not have Chri!l for heaven; 0 this communion with Chrift is above all defirable,& this is the fubje8-matcer ofCbrifis prayer, Father I w~uld have thcSAints to be fl;ith me where It~m,that they mar /;ehold my glory. Why,th!s is the communion which theSlints {hall have with Ch rifl, never will their eyes be off him, never will their ~houghcs wander after any other objects; Oh the intimacy that .... · will